The Oxford Education Deanery logo: blue and green circle
Your one-stop shop at Oxford for professional development in education. 

We offer training top-ups, a range of short courses, and events for professionals and educators looking to engage with Oxford’s world-leading research, and each other. 

The mission of the University of Oxford Education Deanery is to empower educators worldwide to understand, use, and co-produce high-quality research evidence in education. 

Re-established in 2022, the Oxford Education Deanery aims to facilitate a two-way conduit between the wealth of expertise in Oxford’s world-leading Department of Education and education practitioners. In so doing, it offers a mechanism to support learning among professionals and educators. It also aims to build a professional network, weaving together researcher and teacher communities to facilitate co-creation of research that responds to the substantive interests of practitioners and informs the direction of new research. 

We offer a range of training and support for educators and professionals towards their professional development goals and promote an exciting knowledge exchange between researchers at the University of Oxford and teaching professionals across a range of settings. 

Join us for one of our upcoming events, workshops, or range of in-person and online short courses. For tailor-made courses, or bespoke inquiries, contact us at