Elena Tsvetkova is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Education conducting research in the field of higher education under the supervision of Professor Alis Oancea and Professor Simon Marginson. Before starting her DPhil at Oxford, she received a Specialist degree in Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (Hons) from Moscow State Linguistic University and an MA in Educational Leadership (Distinction) from the University of Manchester.
Elena’s research interests lie in the realm of comparative higher education and higher education policy and practice, in particular university governance and excellence initiatives, internationalisation and research enhancement, academic staff capacity building and postgraduate education.
Anay Nangalia works on two research projects at the Department of Education.
The first is a Delphi study aimed at establishing a consensus amongst a collection of Russell Group universities on the key elements that form the foundation of high-quality initial teacher education in England. The second project takes a ’state of the discipline’ approach to create new opportunities for developing teacher education research capacity within the Department. Taken together, the key foci of his work are teacher education and education policy.
Before completing his DPhil in Education at the University of Oxford, Anay was a schoolteacher. He taught English, History, and Economics in the rural Himalayan regions of north India. His key research interests include investigating the meaning and purpose of quality education, and what this means for preparing teachers and designing education policies. In all, Anay is passionate about the transformative potential of high-quality teaching and teachers.
Title of Thesis
How do teacher educators engage with Indian education policies?
Anne joined the Department in 2005 having held Chairs at the Universities of Leeds and Birmingham. She was Director of the Department for three years (January 2010 to December 2012) and when not in that post, she was its Director of Research. She became Professor Emerita in October 2014.
Anne is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and of the Learned Society of Wales and is a former President of the British Educational Research Association. She is a Fellow of St Hilda’s College and was a Visiting Professor at the University of Oslo from 2007 to 2016 and has been awarded Doctorates honoris causa by the Universities of Helsinki and Oslo and in 2022 she received a lifetime’s achievement award from the American Educational Research Association’s Cultural-Historical SIG.
She was a member of the ESRC’s Research Grants Board between 2003 and 2007 and a member of the Education sub-panel in the 2008 UK Research Assessment Exercise. She is co-founder of OSAT (the Oxford Centre for Sociocultural and Activity Theory Research), is a founding editor of Learning Culture and Social Interaction. She is a member of the UK Cabinet Office’s Research Evidence Impact Panel (REIP), sits on several research advisory boards internationally, undertakes research evaluations for research councils worldwide and continues to be involved in institutional reviews.
Anne’s research draws on cultural-historical approaches to learning. She focuses on professional learning and, in particular, the relational turn in expertise with the concepts of relational expertise, common knowledge and relational agency. These ideas are discussed in her 2010 book with Springer. In her later edited book Working relationally in and across practices (Cambridge University Press, 2017) researchers, who work with her ideas, have tested and refined these concepts in a range of different settings. Her research on practice, relational expertise and inter-professional work with vulnerable children and families also informs her interest in user engagement with research and its implications for the design of educational research. User engagement was discussed in her 2011 book with Mark Rickinson and Judy Sebba, in an exploration of knowledge exchange in the social sciences based in Oxford, and in study of school-university research relationships through the work of school-based research champions.
Her current research, informed by cultural-historical theory, is based at the University of Oslo. The research team has recently completed a Norwegian Research Council study of how elementary school teachers work successfully with shy and withdrawn children. The team has been awarded a further four years’ funding to examine shy children’s experiences of transitions between lessons in high school. She is currently co-authoring a book with Mariane Hedegaard for Cambridge University Press, where the two authors revisit their own research studies to make a case for a relational pedagogy, based in Vygotskian approaches to emotion, development and learning. She is also co-editing, with Helen Bound and Karen Evans and Arthur Chia, a collection for Taylor and Francis on current approaches to workplace learning. Her contribution, with Dorothy Sutherland Olsen, draws on a study of the transitions that arise through the introduction of new technologies into existing workplaces.
Publications since 2009
- Edwards, A., Daniels, H., Gallagher, T., Leadbetter, J. & Warmington, P. (2009) Improving Inter-professional Collaborations: multi-agency working for children’s wellbeing. London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Engeström, Y. & Ludvigsen, S. (Eds.) (2009) Activity Theory in Practice: promoting learning across boundaries and agencies. London: Routledge.
- Ellis, V., Edwards, A. & Smagorinsky, P. (Eds.) (2009) Learning Teaching: cultural historical perspectives on teacher education and development. London: Routledge.
- Edwards, A. (2010) Being an Expert Professional Practitioner: the relational turn in expertise. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Rickinson, M., Sebba, J. & Edwards, A. (2011) Improving User-engagement in Educational Research. London: Routledge.
- Hedegaard, M., Edwards, A. & Fleer, M. (Eds.) (2012) Motives, Emotions and Values in the Development of Children and Young People.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wells, G. & Edwards, A. (Eds.) (2013) Pedagogy in Higher Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Edwards, A. (Ed.) (2017) Working Relationally In and Across Practices: cultural-historical approaches to collaboration. New York: Cambridge.
- Hedegaard, M.& Edwards, A. (Eds.) (2019) Supporting Difficult Transitions: children, young people and their carers. London: Bloomsbury.
- Edwards, A., Fleer, M. & Bøttcher, L. (Eds.) (2019) Cultural-historical Approaches to Studying Learning and Development: social, institutional and personal perspectives. Singapore: Springer.
- Bound, H., Edwards, A. & Evans, K. (Eds.) (forthcoming) Workplace Learning for Changing Circumstances. London: Taylor and Francis.
- Hedegaard, M. & Edwards, A. (forthcoming) Taking Children Seriously: a relational approach to Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chapters in Books
- Edwards, A. (2009) Becoming a Teacher, in H. Daniels, J. Porter & H. Lauder (Eds.) Educational Theories, Cultures and Learning: vol 1. London: Routledge, pp. 153-164.
- Edwards, A. (2009) Agency and Activity Theory: from the systemic to the relational, in A Sannino, H Daniels & K. Guttierez (Eds.) Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 197-211.
- Edwards, A. & Kinti I. (2009) Working Relationally at Organisational Boundaries: negotiating expertise and identity, in H. Daniels, A. Edwards, Y. Engeström & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.) Activity Theory in Practice: promoting learning across boundaries and agencies. London: Routledge, pp. 126-139.
- Edwards, A. (2010) How can CHAT help us to understand and develop teacher education?, in V. Ellis, A. Edwards & P. Smagorinsky (Eds.) Learning Teaching: cultural historical perspectives on teacher education and development. London: Routledge, pp. 63-77.
- Edwards, A. (2010) Learning How to Know Who: professional learning for expansive practice between organisations, in S Ludvigsen, A. Lund, I. Rasmussen & R. Saljo (Eds.) Learning Across Sites. London: Routledge, pp. 17-32.
- Edwards, A. (2010) Qualitative Designs and Analysis, in G. MacNaughton, S. Rolfe & I. Siraj-Blatchford (Eds.) Doing Early Childhood Research: Theory and Process: an international perspective 2nd Edition. Melbourne: Allen and Unwin, pp.155-175.
- Edwards, A. (2012) Expertise in the Children’s Workforce: knowledge and motivation in engagement with children, in M. Hedegaard, A. Edwards & M. Fleer (Eds.) (2012) Motives, Emotions and Values in the Development of Children and Young People, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 173-190.
- Edwards, A. & Ellis, V. (2012) The Professional Development of Teachers: European perspectives, in C. Day (Ed.) International Handbook on Teacher and School Development. London: Routledge.
- Edwards, A. (2012) User Engagement and the Processes of Educational Research, in L. Farrell & T. Fenwick (Eds.) Knowledge Mobilization and Educational Research: politics, languages and responsibilities. London: Routledge
- Daniels, H. & Edwards, A. (2012) Integrating Children’s Services, in G. Head (Ed.) Professionals, Children and the Community: working together, London: Pearson.
- Edwards, A. & Thompson, M. (2013) Resourceful Leadership: revealing the creativity of organizational leaders, in A. Sannino & V. Ellis (Eds.) Learning and Collective Creativity: Activity-Theoretical and Sociocultural Studies. London: Routledge. pp. 49-64.
- Childs, A., Edwards, A. & McNicholl, J. (2013) Developing a Multi-layered System of Distributed Expertise: What does cultural historical theory bring to understandings of workplace learning in school university partnerships?, in O. McNamara et al. (Eds.) Teacher Learning in the Workplace: widening perspectives on practice and policy. Dordecht: Springer. pp. 29-45.
- Lundsteen, N. & Edwards, A. (2013) Internship: navigating the practices of an investment bank, in G. Wells & Edwards (Eds.) Pedagogy in Higher Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.pp.155-168.
- Edwards, A. (2014) Learning from Experience in teaching; a cultural historical critique, in V. Ellis & J. Orchard (Eds.) Learning Teaching from Experience: Multiple Perspectives, International Contexts. London: Bloomsbury.pp.47-61.
- Edwards, A. (2014) Designing Tasks which Engage Learners with Knowledge, in I. Thompson (Ed.) Task Design,Subject Pedagogy and Student Engagement. London: Routledge. pp. 13-27.
- Edwards, A. (2016) A Cultural-historical Approach to Practice: working within and across practices, in J. Lynch et al. (Eds.) Practice Theory: Diffractive readings in professional practice and education. London: Routledge.127-140.
- Edwards, A. (2017) Cultural-historical Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: teaching to support student agency, in B. Leibowitz, V. Bozalek & P. Kahn (Eds.) Theorising Learning to Teach in Higher Education. London: Taylor and Francis. pp.124-138.
- Edwards, A. (2017) Introductory chapter, final chapter and a joint chapter on knowledge exchange in the social sciences with E. Stamou, in A. Edwards (Ed.), Working Relationally In and Across Practices: cultural-historical approaches to collaboration. New York: Cambridge.
- Edwards, A. (2017) Cultural Historical Theory and Pedagogy: the influence of Vygotsky on the field, in R. MacLean (Ed.) Handbook on Life in Schools and Classrooms: Past, present and future visions. Dordrecht, Springer. pp. 153-166.
- Edwards, A. (2017) Relational Expertise: a cultural-historical approach to teacher education, in Peters, B. Cowie & I Menter (Eds.) A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 555-567.
- Edwards, A. & Montecinos, C. (2017) Working Relationally on Complex Problems: building the capacity for joint agency in new forms of work, in M. Goller & S. Paloniemi (Eds.) Agency at Work. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 229-247.
- Edwards, A. (2017) The Dialectic of Person and Practice: how cultural-historical accounts of agency can inform teacher education, in J. Clandinin & J. Husu (Eds.) The Sage Handbook on Research on Teacher Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. pp.269-285.
- Edwards, A. & Hedegaard, M. (2019) Rethinking Professional Support for Challenging Transitions: enabling the agency of children, young people and their families, in M. Hedegaard & A. Edwards (Eds.) Supporting Difficult Transitions: children, young people and their carers. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 1-18.
- Edwards, A. & Evangelou, M. (2019) Easing Transitions into School for Children from Socially Excluded ‘Hard to Reach’ Families: from risk and resilience to agency and demand, in M.Hedegaard & A. Edwards (Eds.) Supporting Difficult Transitions: children, young people and their carers. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 115-130.
- Edwards, A. & Fay, Y. (2019) Supporting the Transitions to Work of Autistic Young People: building and using common knowledge, in M. Hedegaard & A. Edwards (Eds.) Supporting Difficult Transitions: children, young people and their carers. London: Bloomsbury. pp 262-278.
- Edwards, A., Fleer, M. & Bøttcher, L. (2019) Cultural-historical Approaches to Studying Learning and Development: social, institutional and personal perspectives, in A. Edwards et al. (Eds.) Cultural-historical Approaches to Studying Learning and Development: social, institutional and personal perspectives. Singapore: Springer. pp. 1-20.
- Edwards, A., Chan, J. & Tan, D. (2019) Motive Orientation and the Exercise of Agency: responding to recurrent demands in practices, in A. Edwards et al. (Eds.) Cultural-historical Approaches to Studying Learning and Development: social, institutional and personal perspectives. Singapore: Springer. pp.201-214.
- Edwards, A. (in press) Learning for a High Skills Economy: what a cultural-historical approach can offer, in H. Bound, A. Chia, J. Tan & R. Lim Wei Ying (Eds.) Flipping the Lens from Teaching to Learning. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Edwards, A. & Sutherland Olsen, D. (forthcoming) Cultural-historical Understandings of Transitions in Changing Workplaces, in H. Bound, A. Edwards, K. Evans, A. Chia (Eds.) Workplace Learning for Changing Circumstances. London: Taylor & Francis.
- Edwards, A. (forthcoming) A Relational View of a Future-oriented Pedagogy: sustaining the agency of learners and teachers, in N. Hopwood & A. Sannino (Eds.) Agency and Transformation: Motives, mediation and motion. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Refereed Articles
- Edwards, A. (2009) Understanding Boundaries in Inter-professional Work, The Scottish Educational Review, 41, 1, 5-21.
- Edwards, A. (2009) Relational Agency in Collaborations for the Wellbeing of Children and Young People, Journal of Children’s Services, 4, 1, 33-43.
- Shaw, I., Morris, K &. Edwards, A. (2009) Technology, Social Services and Organizational Innovation or How Great Expectations in London and Cardiff are Dashed in Lowestoft and Cymtyrch, Journal of Social Work Practice, 23, 4, 383 – 400.
- Edwards, A., Lunt, I. & Stamou, E. (2010) Inter-professional Work and Expertise: new roles at the boundaries of schools, British Educational Research Journal, 36, 1, 27-45.
- Edwards, A. (2011) Building Common Knowledge at Boundaries between Professional Practices, International Journal of Educational Research 50, 1, 33-39.
- Edwards, A & Daniels, H. (2012) The knowledge that matters in professional practices Journal of Education and Work 25, 1, 33-39.
- Edwards, A. (2012) The role of common knowledge in achieving collaboration across practices Learning Culture and Social Interaction 1, 1, 22-32.
- Edwards, A. (2015) A Tool for Public Services Research and Development, International Journal of Public Management. 11,1, 21-33.
- Edwards, A. (2015) Discussant’s Comments: Recognising and Realising Teachers’ Professional Agency, Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice. 21, 6, 779-784.
- Fancourt, N., Edwards, A. & Menter, I. (2015) Reimagining a School – University Partnership: the development of the Oxford Education Deanery narrative, Education Inquiry, 6, 3, 353-373. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/edui.v6.27724
- Hopwood, N., Day, C. & Edwards, A. (2016) Partnership Practice as Collaborative Knowledge Work: overcoming common dilemmas through an augmented view of professional expertise, Journal of Children’s Services. 11, 2, 111-123.
- Engeness, I. & Edwards, A. (2016) The Complexity of Learning: Exploring the Interplay of Different Mediational Means in Group Learning with Digital Tools, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 61, 1, 650-667. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00313831.2016.1173093
- Hopwood, N. & Edwards, A. (2017) How common knowledge is constructed and why it matters in collaboration between professionals and clients, International Journal of Educational Research, 83, 107–119.
- Edwards, A. (2020) Agency, Common Knowledge and Motive Orientation: working with insights from Hedegaard in research on provision for vulnerable children and young people, Learning Culture and Social Interaction. 26, 100224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lcsi.2018.04.004
- Mjelve, L.H., Nyborg, G., Edwards, A.& Crozier, R. (2019) Teachers’ Understandings of Shyness: psychosocial differentiation for student inclusion, British Educational Research Journal. 45(6), 1295- doi:10.1002/berj.3563
- Nyborg, G., Mjelve, H., Edwards, A. & Crozier, R. (2020 ) Teachers’ Strategies for Enhancing Shy Children’s Engagement in Oral Activities: necessary but insufficient? International Journal of Inclusive Education. 1-16. doi:10.1080/13603116.2020.1711538
- Solberg, S., Edwards, A. & Nyborg, G. (2020) Leading for School Inclusion: how school leadership teams support shy students, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 1-14. doi:10.1080/00313831.2020.1788156
- Solberg, S., Edward, A., Mjelve, L.H., & Nyborg, G. (in press). Working relationally with networks of support within schools: Supporting teachers in their work with shy students. Journal of Education for Children Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 1-23. doi.org/10.1080/10824669.2020.1854760
- Solberg, S., Edwards, A., & Nyborg, G. (2020). Leading for school inclusion and prevention? How school leadership teams support shy students and their teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-14. doi.org/10.1080/00313831.2020.1788156
- Burn, K. Conway, R., Edwards, A. & Harries, E. (2021) The Role of School-based Research Champions in a School-University Partnership. British Educational Research Journal, 47(3). 616-633. doi.org/10.1002/berj.3675
- Rickinson, M. & Edwards, A. (2021) The Relational Features of Evidence Use, Cambridge Journal of Education, 51(4), 509-526. doi.org/10.1080/0305764X.2020.1865877
- Nyborg, G., Mjelve, L.H., Edwards, A., Crozier, R. & Coplan, R. (2022) Working relationally with shy students: pedagogical insights from teachers and students. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S2210-6561(22)00011-3
- Edwards, A. & Stamou, E. (2009) The Development of Preventative Practices in England: implications for the children’s workforce. DCSF: Children’s Workforce Development Council
- Hannan, S., Canwell, A. Longfils, H. & Edwards, A. (2011) The Resourceful Leader, Nottingham: National College
- Daniels, H. & Edwards, A. (2012) Leading the Learning: how the intelligent leader builds capacity. Nottingham: National College.
- Edwards, A. & Downes, P. (2013) Alliances for Inclusion: cross-sector policy synergies and inter-professional collaboration in and around schools. NESET for the European Commission.
- Alexander, P., Edwards, A., Fancourt, N. & Menter, I. (2014) Raising and Sustaining Aspiration in City Schools. Oxford University: CitiFoundation.
- Edwards, A. (2015) Inter-professional Working in and around Schools, in C. McLaughlin (Ed.) The Connected School: a design for wellbeing. London: Pearson / NCB.
Velda Elliott is Associate Professor of English and Literacy Education. She is a curriculum tutor for the English PGCE and MSc in Learning and Teaching.
She is also Director of Doctoral Research, in which role she leads doctoral training in the department. She is co-convenor of the Qualitative Methods Hub.
Velda was an English teacher in state schools in Yorkshire before undertaking doctoral research in OUCEA, gaining her doctorate in 2011. She has previously led the PGCE in English with Drama at the University of Warwick and been a Lecturer in English in Education at the University of York.
Velda researches in the fields of English in Education and Educational Assessment. Within the field of English, her work considers both what it means to be ‘good’ at English and what English, media and drama education are ‘good for’. Some of her work considers the ways in which English education relates to political priorities and desires. She is particularly interested in what knowledge looks like in the subject of English.
She contributes regularly to professional publications such as NATE’s Teaching English magazine. Velda also researches at the intersection of English literature and education, looking in particular at Shakespeare and ways in which his work is refigured in educational contexts. She works on the ways in which literary criticism is available to and used by teachers and students in secondary schools; she created the Twitter hashtag #LitCritForTeachers and regularly blogs about research articles on A level texts, making critical material available to schools who do not have access to academic journals. In assessment Velda is particularly interested in the way in which markers, especially examiners, make decisions, and the values and identities they espouse in doing so. She led the EEF review of the literature on written marking A Marked Improvement?
Velda was awarded the National Association for the Teaching of English Research Award in 2017 for her contribution to the field of English in Education.