Bernard holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Nottingham and a DBA from the University of Newcastle.
His research to date explores the leadership in HE. Prior to coming to Oxford, he worked in various HEIs and served as the supervisor of a secondary school.
Lee, B., Tsui, A. & Yau, O.H.M. (2019), Higher-order Goals, Trust-in-leader, and Self-efficacy as Moderators of Transformational Leadership Performance: The Case of Multi-level Marketing Organizations in China, Journal of Euromarketing, Vol.28 (3-4), 76-97. (2011 RG Impact factor: 0.83).
Lee, B. (2020), “Self-formation for the Underprivileged,” 2020 International Online Symposium, Toward a New Paradigm of Economics,organized by Macau Ricci Institute, The University of Saint Joseph, 15 & 16 October. (Online Conference Platform Presentation).