Christine Namdar

Doctoral Researcher

About me

Christine Namdar is a Doctoral Researcher for the project “Growing up radical? The role of educational institutions in guiding young people’s worldview construction”, which is being carried out partially at University of Oxford department of education between 2018-2023 and funded by the Academy of Finland.

Christine is also a lecturer at the University of Helsinki in the education department and affiliated with the sociology department at Åbo Akademi. In the past she has worked as a researcher at the Warwick Business School, Center for small and medium-sized enterprises, where she investigated businesses’ sense of community responsibility. She has also conducted research at the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague looking at factors that influence initiatives to address social injustices in the context of international law.

Christine holds a BA and MA by research in sociology from The University of Warwick, as well as a BSc in education from Stockholm University. She has also studied at Lund university. Her Ph.D. research looks at the positive potential and capabilities of youth as transformative agents of change. She states, “Youth, in general, are seldom regarded in terms of their positive potentials, though the rhetoric is about them being our future”.

Her research interests include service-based learning, existential and spiritual questions in educational settings, as well as evaluating successful deradicalisation processes in society. She is also actively researching service-based projects in schools and communities promoting the role of youth as transformative agents of change.

In November 2022, the researchers of “Growing up radical? The role of educational institutions in guiding young people’s worldview construction” were invited to present and discuss with the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Eduard Heger and their Minister of Education, Ján Horecký, on the role of education in preventing radicalisation in society.

The Ministry of Interior of Finland and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) invited Christine in February 2023 to present and speak about the role of young people in society and the prevention of gang related crime.

The European Commission’s network countering radicalisation, Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN Stratcomms) invited Christine to Brussels in May 2023 to present and advise.

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