Sølvi Lillejord has been professor and HoD at the University of Bergen, Norway and the University of Oslo, Norway. At the University of Bergen she was the leader of a research school, funded by the Norwegian research council. From 2013 to 2018, she was Director for the Norwegian Knowledge Centre. In 2011 Lillejord was international member of a panel reviewing the Department of Education at the University of Oxford. In 2015 she was appointed by the Dutch Research Council as member of the international evaluation committee of TIER (Top Institute for Evidence Based Education Research)
From 1998 to 2011 she was leading the project Productive Learning Cultures in the Southern African region, supervising students, and building research capacity. Lillejord acts as reviewer for Assessment in Education – Principles, policy & practice; Oxford Review of Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of Professional Development in Education; Journal of Education and Work.
1. Lillejord, S. (2023). A more intelligent accountability – future directions. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 13. Elsevier. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.09068-0.
2. Lillejord, S. (2023). Educating the teaching profession. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 5. Elsevier, pp. 368–374. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630- 5.04049-5.
3. Børte, K., Nesje, K., & Lillejord, S. (2020). Barriers to Student Active Learning in Higher Education. Teaching in Higher Education. 1-19
4. Lillejord, S. (2020). From “unintelligent” to intelligent accountability. Journal of Educational Change, 21 (1) 1-18.
5. Lillejord, S. & Børte, K. (2020). Middle leaders and the teaching profession: Building intelligent accountability from within. Journal of Educational Change 21 (1) 83-107 7
6. Lillejord, S. & Børte, K. (2020). Trapped between accountability and professional learning? School leaders and teacher evaluation, Professional Development in Education 46:2, 274-291.
7. Lillejord, S., Elstad, E., & Kavli, H. (2018): Teacher evaluation as a wicked policy problem. Assessment in Education – Principles, Policy & Practice. 25(3), 291-309. 23
8. Lillejord, S. & Børte, K. (2016). Partnership in teacher education – a research mapping. European Journal of Teacher Education. 39(5), 550-563. Selected as one of 14 articles published 2006-2016 for a special issue (open access) to celebrate the journal’s 40th anniversary in 2017.