Professor Arniika Kuusisto is a Honorary Research Fellow at the department. She works at Stockholm University as Professor in Child and Youth Studies specialising in Early Childhood Education.
Arniika’s research interests include children’s value learning trajectories, particularly the negotiations of values, identities and belongings in the intersection between individual agency and social contexts.
Arniika’s work at the department (e.g. Kuusisto & Gearon 2017a, 2017b; Gearon & Kuusisto 2018) focuses on life histories/ narratives and value changes along children’s, youth’s and teacher’s learning trajectories. Moreover, her work includes social justice (Kuusisto 2017) and human rights in education (Gearon, Kuusisto & Musaio 2018). Arniika is also the PI of the Academy of Finland funded research project ‘Growing up radical? The role of educational institutions in guiding young people’s worldview construction’ partially carried out at the department in 2018-2022
Journal articles
Gearon, L., & Kuusisto, A. (2018). Researching Religious Authority in Education: Political Theology, Elites’ Theory and the Double Nexus. Power and Education, Vol. 10(1) 3–24.
Stevanovic, M. & Kuusisto, A. (2018). Teacher Directives in Children’s Musical Instrument Instruction: Activity Context, Student Cooperation, and Institutional Priority, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2018.1476405.
Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2017). Finnish youths’ views on religious and worldview membership and belonging. Journal of Religious Education, Vol 64, No 2, 87–99. DOI: 10.1007/s40839-017-0032-x.
Kallioniemi, A., Schihalejev, O., Kuusisto, A. & Poulter, S. (2017). Estonian and Finnish Pupils’ Experiences of Religious Issues in School. Religion and Education. DOI: 10.1080/15507394.2017.1355176.
Kallioniemi, A., Schihalejev, O., Poulter, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2017). Virolaisten ja suomalaisten nuorten käsityksiä uskonnonopetuksesta koulussa [Estonian and Finnish youths’ views on RE at school]. Teologinen Aikakauskirja, 1/2017, 34–46.
Kuusisto, A. & Gearon, L. (2017). The Life Trajectory of the Finnish Religious Educator. Religion and Education. Vol. 44, No. 1, 39-53. DOI: 10.1080/15507394.2016.1272154.
Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Developing teachers’ interreligious and intercultural competences: Case study on a pilot course in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, Vol. 59, Oct 2016, 446–456. DOI:10.1016/j.tate.2016.07.018
Benjamin, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). ‘Identity is experience—my experience is where I’m from.’ Towards a wider understanding of worldview pluralism in educational settings. Journal of Religious Education, First Online: 19 May 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s40839-016-0019-z, 1-14.
Kuusisto, E., Kuusisto, A., Rissanen, I., Holm, K. & Tirri, K. (2016). Finnish teachers’ and students’ intercultural sensitivity. Journal of Religious Education. First Online: 16 March 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s40839-016-0018-0.
Kuusisto, A, Poulter, S. & Kallioniemi, A. (2016). Finnish Pupils’ Views on the Place of Religion in School. Religious Education, 1-18, published online 13 Jul 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00344087.2016.1085237.
Kuusisto, E., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi. A. (2016). How is interreligious sensitivity related to Finnish pupils’ religiousness profiles? British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 38, No. 1, 64-82.
Benjamin, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Analytical and methodological considerations for the use of social categories in identity research. International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, 13-27.
Poulter, S. & Riitaoja, A-L. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Thinking multicultural education ‘otherwise’ – From secularist construction towards plurality of epistemologies and worldviews. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 14:1, 68-86.
Kavonius, M., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2015). Religious Education and Tolerance in the Changing Finnish Society. Religious Education Journal of Australia, Vol. 31, No. 1, 18-24.
Kavonius, M., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2015). Pupils’ Perspectives on Worldview Diversity and Religious Education in Finnish Comprehensive School. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 36: 3, 320-337.
Niemi, P-M., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2014). Discussing school celebrations from an intercultural perspective: A study in the Finnish context. Intercultural Education, 25, 4, 255-268.
Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2014). Pupils’ views on Religious Education in pluralistic educational context. Journal of Beliefs & Values (ISSN: 1361-7672), Vol. 35, No. 2, 155–164.
Kuusisto, A., Kallioniemi, A. & Matilainen, M. (2014). Monikulttuurinen työyhteisö suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen kentällä [Multicultural working community in the Finnish Early Years Education]. Kasvatus, 45, 2, 113-126.
Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E., Holm, K. & Tirri, K. (2014). Gender Variance in Interreligious Sensitivity among Finnish Pupils. International Journal for Children’s Spirituality, 19, 1, 25-44.
Kuusisto, A. (2013). “Feet Sturdily on the ground but thoughts in Heaven”: Religious socialisation goals of parents in families affiliated with a religious minority. Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 61, No. 3, 30-42.
Kuusisto, A. & Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. (2012). Moral Foundation of the Kindergarten Teacher’s Educational Approach: Self-Reflection Facilitated Educator Response to Pluralism in Educational Context. Education Research International, Vol. 2012, Article ID 303565, 1-13.
Riitaoja, A-L. & Poulter, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2010). Worldviews and Multicultural Education in the Finnish Context: A Critical Philosophical Approach to Theory and Practices. Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration (FJEM) [currently the Nordic Journal of Migration Research], Vol. 5, No. 3, 87-95.
Kuusisto, A. (2010). Social networks and value negotiations of religious minority youth in diverse social contexts. Ethnic & Racial Studies, Vol. 33, No. 5, 779-796.
Kuusisto, A. (2009). Growing up within a Religious Community: A Case Study of Finnish Adventist Youth. Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 22, No. 1, 47-69.
Kuusisto, A. (2003). Transmitting Religious Values in Home Education. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 24 (3), 283-293.
Book Chapters (peer-reviewed)
Gearon, L., Kuusisto, A. & Musaio, M. (in press). The Origins and Ends of Human Rights Education: Enduring Problematics, 1948-2018. In L. Di Donato & E. Grimi (Eds.) Metaphysics of Human Rights 1948-2018. Vernon Press.
Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (forthcoming) Tutkimuseettisiä näkökulmia sensitiivisten uskontoihin, katsomuksiin ja arvoihin liittyvien kysymysten tarkasteluun lapsuuden ja nuoruuden tutkimuksessa [Research ethics in sensitive religions, worldviews and values related questions in research with children and youth]. In N. Rutanen & K. Vehkalahti (Eds.) Lasten ja nuorten tutkimuksen etiikka [Ethics in Research with Children and Youth]
Kuusisto, A., Straarup, J., Schihalejev, O., Kallioniemi, A. & Vikdahl, L. (2018). Theoretical and methodological perspectives to studying religious and cultural diversity in Finnish, Swedish and Estonian comprehensive schools. In M. Ubani (Ed.) New international studies on religions and dialogue in education, Münster: Waxmann, 31-46.
Kuusisto, A. & Poulter, S. (2017). Moniarvoinen varhaiskasvuympäristö lapsen katsomuksen peilinä [Pluralist ECE growing up environment as a mirror for child’s worldview]. In T Haapsalo, H Petäjä, P Vuorelma-Glad, M Sunden, H Pulkkinen, I Tahvanainen (Eds). Varhaiskasvatus katsomusten keskellä [Early Childhood Education in the midst of worldviews]. Helsinki: Lasten Keskus.
Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2017) Katsomustietoisuus varhaiskasvattajan ammatillisuuden ytimessä [Worldview awareness in the core of ECE teacher professionalism]. In T Haapsalo, H Petäjä, P Vuorelma-Glad, M Sunden, H Pulkkinen, I Tahvanainen (Eds). Varhaiskasvatus katsomusten keskellä [Early Childhood Education in the midst of worldviews]. Helsinki: Lasten Keskus.
Gearon, L. & Kuusisto, A. (2017). On Theory: Framing Value Learning in the Life Trajectory – Epistemology, Ethics, the Existential. In A. Kuusisto & L. Gearon (Eds.) Value Learning Trajectories: Theory, Method, Context. Münster: Waxmann, 11-30.
Kuusisto, A. & Gearon, L. (2017). On Method: Researching Value Learning and Life Trajectories – Dialogue, Diversity and Inter-Disciplinarity. In A. Kuusisto & L. Gearon (Eds.) Value Learning Trajectories: Theory, Method, Context. Münster: Waxmann, 99-115.
Gearon, L. & Kuusisto, A. (2017). On Context: Value Learning and Life Trajectories Research In Situ – Historical-Political Systems, Spectrums of Value, Biographical Positionings. In A. Kuusisto & L. Gearon (Eds.) Value Learning Trajectories: Theory, Method, Context. Münster: Waxmann, 161-177.
Benjamin, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2017) “It’s uh, fine to move, even if you’re the new girl all the time…” Internationality as a default setting in life. In S Benjamin, “People who don’t live what we live, don’t understand” – Youths’ experiences of hypermobility. Turku: Migration Institute of Finland, Attachment II, 1-18.
Luodeslampi, J. & Kuusisto, A. (2017). Socio-political value tensions in teachers’ career trajectories: Teaching Religious Education in the 1960s and 1970s Finland. In A. Kuusisto & L. Gearon (Eds.) Value Learning Trajectories: Theory, Method, Context. Münster: Waxmann, 239-255.
Kuusisto, A. (2017). Negotiating Perceptions on Worldview: Diversity in Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care. In A. Hellman & K. Lauritsen (Eds.) Diversity and Social Justice in Early Childhood Education: Nordic Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, s. 11-29.
Kallioniemi, A., Kuusisto, A. & Ubani, M. (2017). Koulun katsomusaineiden opetus ja didaktiikka [Worldview Education Instruction and Didactics at School]. In Iivonen, P. & V. Paulamo (eds). Uudistuva uskonnon opetus [The Renewing Religious Education Instruction]. Helsinki: Kirjapaja.
Rissanen, I, Kuusisto, E. & Kuusisto, A. (in press). Developing interreligious competence in teacher education. In E. Ropo & R. Jaatinen (Eds.) Kehittyvä aineenopettajuus – 40 vuotta tamperelaista aineenopettajankoulutusta / Developing subject teaching – 40 years of teacher training in Tampere.
Poulter, S., Kuusisto, A., Malama, M. & Kallioniemi, A. (2017) Examining Religious Education in Finland from Human Rights Perspective. In A. Sjöborg & H-G. Ziebertz (Eds.) Religion, Education and Human Rights: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Springer, 49-61.
Benjamin, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). “On se ihan OK muuttaa… vaikka sä oletkin aina se uusi tyttö” Kansainvälisyys oletusasetuksena elämässä [Internationalism as a default setting in life]. In M. Peltola, A. Kivijärvi & K. Vehkalahti (eds.) Lapset ja nuoret muuttoliikkeessä. Nuorten elinolot -vuosikirja. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network, 79-90.
Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2016). Pupils’ views on Religious Education in pluralistic educational context. In A. Kuusisto & T. Lovat (Eds.) Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education, SISB, Routledge.
Niemi, P.-M. & Kuusisto, A. (2015). Koulun juhlat oppimistilanteina: Esimerkkinä videoaineisto joulunäytelmän harjoitusprosessista. In M. Böök, A-V. Kärjä, M. Mustola & J. Mykkänen (Eds.) Visuaaliset menetelmät lapsuuden- ja nuorisotutkimuksessa.
Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E., Rissanen, I. & Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. (2015). Finnish perspectives on supporting interreligious and intercultural sensitivities in kindergarten teacher education. In F. Schweitzer & A. Biesinger (Eds.) Kulturell und religiös sensibel? Interreligiöse und Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Ausbildung für den Elementarbereich, Interreligiöse und Interkulturelle Bildung im Kindesalter, 5, Münster: Waxmann, 143-162.
Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2015). Päiväkodin johtaja katsomussensitiivistä varhaiskasvatusyhteisöä rakentamassa [ECE director constructing worldview sensitive Early Childhood Education community]. In Ubani, M., Poulter, S. & Kallioniemi, A. (Eds.) Uskonto lapsuuden kulttuureissa [Religion in Childhood Cultures]. Helsinki: Lasten Keskus, 127-176.
Poulter, S., Riitaoja, A-L. & Kuusisto, A. (2015). ’Toisin silmin’: Lapsi ja monikatsomuksellisen kasvatuskulttuurin rakentuminen varhaiskasvatuksessa [Through other eyes: Child and multi-worldview educational culture in Early Childhood Education]. In Ubani, M., Poulter, S. & Kallioniemi, A. (Eds.) Uskonto lapsuuden kulttuureissa [Religion in Childhood Cultures]. Helsinki: Lasten keskus, 95-126.
Rantala, T. & Kuusisto, A. (2013) Examining Researcher’s Position through its Interaction with Methodological and Ethical Particularities of Religion and Gender. In K. Tirri & E. Kuusisto (Eds.). Interaction in Educational Domains. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 63–74.
Kuusisto, A. (2011). Worldviews in a Multi-Faith Day Care Context: Remarks Based on Empirical Research in Finland. In Schweitzer, F., Edelbrock, A. & Biesinger, A. (Eds.). Interreligiöse und Interkulturelle Bildung in der Kita. Interreligiöse und Interkulturelle Bildung im Kindesalter, 3. Münster: Waxmann, 110-124. (ISBN 978-3-8309-2580-4)
Kuusisto, A. (2010). Social networks and identity negotiations of religious minority youth in diverse social contexts. In T. Reynolds (Ed.) Young People, Social Capital and Ethnic Identity. London: Routledge. (ISBN 978-0-415-55211-0)
Kuusisto, A. & Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. (2010). Moniuskontoinen päiväkoti – ongelma vai voimavara? [Multi-faith Kindergarten: Problem or an Asset?] In K. Jääskeläinen (Ed.) Väkivallalla et tahdo hallita. Puheenvuoroja lapsiin kohdistuvasta väkivallasta uskontonäkökulmasta. [You don’t want to rule with violence. Perspectives to violence against children from the viewpoint of religion]. Suomen evl. kirkon kirkkohallituksen julkaisuja 2010: 9, Helsinki: Kirkkohallitus, 99–118. (ISBN 978-951-789-346-6)
Kuusisto, A. & Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. (2010). Katsomusten kohtaaminen päiväkodissa – Kohti uskontosensitiivistä kasvatusotetta. [Encountering worldviews in kindergarten: Towards religiously sensitive educational approach]. In M. Ubani , A. Kallioniemi & J. Luodeslampi (Eds.) Kokonaisvaltainen kasvatus, lapsi ja uskonto [Holistic Education, child and religion]. Helsinki: Lasten Keskus, 132–153. (ISBN 9789516278417)
Kuusisto, A. (2007). Religious identity based social networks as facilitators of teenagers’ social capital. In H. Helve & J. Bynner (Eds.) Youth & Social Capital. London: Tufnell Press, 87-102. (ISBN 978-1-872767-77-2)
Kuusisto, A. (2006). Young people’s religious minority identity and commitment: Case study among Adventist youth in Finland. In Tirri, K. (Ed.) Nordic perspectives on religion, spirituality and identity. University of Helsinki, 131-145. (ISBN: 952-10-3301-0)
Kuusisto, A. (2006). Adventist schools in the Finnish educational system. In Kiefer, S., Michalak, J. Sabanci, A. & Winter, K. (Eds.) Analysis of educational policies in a comparative educational perspective. Schriften der Pädagogischen Akademie des Bundes in Oberösterreich, 36. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, 130-137. (ISBN: 978-3-85499-022-2)
Helve, H., Honkasalo, V., Kuusisto, A., Louhivuori, L. & Kokkonen, J. (2005). Nuoret ja sosiaalinen pääoma: Käsitteiden monimerkityksellisyys. [Youth and Social Capital: On multiplicity of the concepts]. In Jokivuori, P. (Ed.) Sosiaalisen pääoman kentät [Fields of social capital]. Jyväskylä: Minerva, 196–211. (ISBN: 952-5591-28-X)
Kuusisto, A. (2005). Methodological issues and challenges in studying young people’s religious identity. In Helve H. (Ed.). Mixed Methods in Youth Research. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network/Society, 197–212.
Kuusisto, A. (2005). Arvojen välittyminen uskonnollisessa kotikasvatuksessa: Kokemuksia kodin uskonnollisesta sosialisaatiosta [Value transmission in religious home education: Experiences on religious socialization in the home]. In Hilska, P., Kallioniemi, A. & Luodeslampi, J. (Eds.) Uskontokasvatus monikulttuurisessa maailmassa [Religious Education in the Multicultural World]. Helsinki: Kirjapaja, 125-138. (ISBN: 951-607-233-X)
Kuusisto, A. (2005). How does school social context affect religious minority identity? Exploratory study on Adventist young people in Finland. In Kiefer, S. & Peterseil, T. (Eds.) Analysis of Educational Policies in a Comparative Perspective. Schriften der Pädagogischen Akademie des Bundes in Oberösterreich, 30. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, 73-87. (ISBN 3-85487-933-4)
Scientific Monographs
Kuusisto, A. (2011). Growing up in Affiliation with a Religious Community: A Case Study of Finnish Adventist Youth. Research on Religious and Spiritual Education, 3. Münster: Waxmann. (ISBN 978-3-8309-2498-2)
Edited books or journal special issues
Kuusisto, A. & Gearon, L. (Eds.) (2017). Value Learning Trajectories: Theory, Method, Context. Münster: Waxmann.
Lovat, T., Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E., Riegel, U. & von Brömssen, K. (Eds.) (2016). Special Issue: Identities, Cultures and Worldviews, Journal of Religious Education, Springer, Volume 64, No 2, July 2016.
Lovat, T., Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E., Riegel, U. & von Brömssen, K. (Eds.) (2016). Special Issue II, Journal of Religious Education, Springer, Volume 64, No 1, April 2016.
Lovat, T., Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E., Riegel, U. & von Brömssen, K. (Eds.) (2015). Special Issue: Identities, Worldviews and Religious Education: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Journal of Religious Education, Vol 63, No 2-3, October 2015.
Kuusisto, A. & Lovat, T. (Eds.) (2016). Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education. Routledge. (978-1-138-18500-5). [First published as Journal of Beliefs and Values special issue].
Kuusisto, A. & Lovat, T. (Eds.) (2014). Special Issue: Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education, Journal of Beliefs and Values.
Other publications
Poulter, S., Lamminmäki-Vartia, S., & Kuusisto, A. (2017). Katsomuskasvatus kuuluu päiväkodissa kaikille [Everyone is entitled to worldview education in Early Childhood Education]. Helsingin Sanomat (newspaper article), 2017(23.10.2017), B 13.
Poulter, S., Kuusisto, A., & Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. (2017). Katsomuskasvatus on myös päiväkodin tehtävä [Worldview education is also a task of Early Childhood Education]. Aamulehti (newspaper article), 2017(17.10.2017).
Goldburg, P., Lovat, T., Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E, von Brömssen, K. & Riegel, U. (2017) Editorial – Identities, worldviews and religious education: theoretical and empirical perspectives. Journal of Religious Education, Vol 64, No 2, 73-74, doi:10.1007/s40839-017-0038-4.
Kallioniemi, A., Honkasalo, V. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Opettajan yhteiskunnallinen rooli moninaistuvassa koulussa [Teacher’s societal role in increasingly pluralistic school]. In H. Cantell & A. Kallioniemi (Eds.) Kansankynttilä keinulaudalla: Miten tulevaisuudessa opitaan ja opetetaan? [Teacher in the see-saw: Learning and teaching in the future]. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus, 109-125.
Kuusisto, A. & Lovat, T. (2016). Introduction. In A Kuusisto & T Lovat (eds.) Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education. Routledge. (978-1-138-18500-5).
Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Dialogiopetus lasten ja nuorten kanssa: Katsomusdialogin tasot päiväkodissa ja koulussa. In E. Ikonen & S. Vainio (eds.) Dialogitaitaja. Järvenpää: Agricola -opintokeskus/ Kirkkopalvelut ry. ISBN-978-952-449-386-4, 14-16.
Lamminmäki-Vartia, S. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Katsomusdialogin kysymyksiä varhaiskasvatuksessa. In E. Ikonen & S. Vainio (eds.) Dialogitaitaja. Järvenpää: Agricola -opintokeskus/ Kirkkopalvelut ry. ISBN-978-952-449-386-4, 14-16.
Poulter, S., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2015). Religion education in Scandinavian countries and Finland – Perspectives to present situation. Religionspädagogische Beiträge RpB, 73/2015. (ISSN: 0173-0339.)
Lovat, T., Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E, von Brömssen, K. & Riegel, U. (2015) Editorial Notes. Journal of Religious Education. 63:49–50, DOI 10.1007/s40839-016-0030-4.
Kuusisto, A. & Lovat, T. (2014). Editorial. Special Issue on Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education, Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 35, No. 2, 155–164.
Kuusisto, A. & Ketonen, E. (Eds.) (2012). Kasvatus & vuorovaikutus / Pedagogik & interaktion / Education & interaction. Abstraktit / Abstrakt / Abstracts. FERA Conference on Education 2012. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. (ISBN 978-952-10-8525-3).
Kuusisto, A. (2011). Monikulttuurisuus varhaiskasvatuksessa [Multiculturalism in Early Years Education]. Kliininen [Clinical], No. 2, 2011, 11–15.
Kuusisto, A. (2011). Yhteisöllisyyden ja yksilöllisyyden moniuloitteisesta suhteesta uskonnollisen vähemmistön ja laajemman yhteiskunnan kontaktipinnoilla [Multidimensional relationship between communality and individuality in the contact surfaces of minority and wider society]. Didacta Varia, Vol. 16, No. 2, 58-62.
Kuusisto, A. (2003). Transmitting Religious Values in Home Education. In J. Lasonen & L. Lestinen (Eds.) Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understading, Human Rights and a Culture of Peace. UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education. Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto.
Kuusisto, A. (2003). Arvojen välittyminen uskonnollisessa kotikasvatuksessa. In H. Sinevaara-Niskanen & R. Rajala (Eds.) Kasvatuksen yhteisöt – uupumusta, häirintää vai yhteisöllistä kasvua? Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopiston kasvatustieteellisiä julkaisuja 3, 2003/2006, 341–347. (ISBN 951-634-867-X).
Kuusisto, A. & Tirri, K. (2012). Editorial. Kasvatus & vuorovaikutus / Pedagogik & interaktion / Education & interaction. Abstraktit / Abstrakt / Abstracts. FERA Conference on Education 2012. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
Kuusisto, A. Editorials in European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Special Interest Group 19: Religious and Spiritual Education Newsletter issues; e.g. Summer 2008 (7.7.2008); Autumn 2010 (30.9.2010)
Kuusisto, A. (2010). Kulttuurinen, kielellinen ja katsomuksellinen monimuotoisuus päiväkodissa: haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia [Diversity of Cultures, Languages and Worldviews in the Kindergarten: Challenges and Opportunities]. Helsingin kaupungin sosiaalivirasto, Tutkimuksia 2010:3. (Print ISBN 978-952-223-679-1; Online ISBN 978-952-223-680-7)
Kuusisto, A. (2009). Homma hanskassa! Päiväkodin monimuotoisuus rikkautena. [Handling it! Diversity as an Asset in the Kindergarten]. Helsingin kaupungin sosiaalivirasto. Oppaita ja työkirjoja 2009: 3. [Guidebook disseminating research findings among the Early Years’ Education and Care practitioners]. Helsinki: Kopio Niini. (Print ISBN 978-952-223-585-5, Online ISBN 978-952-223-586-2, ISSN 1796-5470).
Kuusisto, A. (2000) Hengellinen karkkipäivä? [Spiritual Candy Day?] Nuori Usko 10/00, 4-6.
Graduating as a geographer, John Gay undertook theological training and a doctorate in the geography of religion at Oxford.
From teaching and parish work in Paddington he went into teacher training first at Culham College of Education and then here in the Department of Education where he was responsible for the RE PGCE course and the organisational theory component of the MSc course.
For many years John represented the Church of England on the Oxfordshire Education Committee and was on the County’s Standing Advisory Council for RE from 1980 – 2003. At the national level he was Treasurer and Company Secretary of the RE Council of England and Wales (2000 – 2009) and chair of its PR committee until 2013. From 2002 – 09 he was also the Church of England’s national spokesman on RE.
From 1980 – 2011 he was Director of the Culham Institute, a small research and development organization working in the areas of Church schools, Church colleges and universities and school-based Religious Education. The Institute moved into the Department in 2002 and John worked closely with the Department to enable RE to be re-established and sustained as a PGCE and research subject and has been heavily involved in creating and working with the Religion Philosophy and Education Research Forum.
Retiring from the Culham directorship in autumn 2011, John’s research and development programme includes:
- Writing the history of the thirty years life and work of the Culham and St Gabriel’s educational trusts.
- Helping the Department build up its research profile in RE.
- Going back through the results and current implications of some of Culham’s earlier work. In recent years a significant amount of ‘market research’ for various projects was undertaken which will repay further analysis.
- Researching the current position of the Church universities. This is a logical next step from work undertaken in the 1980s through the Church Colleges Research Project and in the 1990s through the Engaging the Curriculum Project and the feasibility work on plans for a federal Christian University of the North.
- Undertaking empirical work at the University of Winchester (where he is a visiting professor) in relation to its role as an Anglican university
- Examining the role of the Churches in higher education both in the UK and internationally.
Professor Richard Pring, PhL (Gregorian, Rome), BA (UCL), PhD (London). Honours: Bene Merente Medal (Pope Pius XII, 1959), Hon. D.Litt (University of Kent, 1984), Aga Khan Award of Distinction, 2008), Hon.D.Litt, (University of London: Inst. of Education, 2015).
Retired after 14 years as Director of the Department of Educational Studies at Oxford University in May 2003. Since 2003, he was Lead Director of the Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education and Training. This was a £1,000,000 six year project, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.
Since retiring Professor Pring has completed the following research projects in addition to the Nuffield Review: the evaluation of the Oxford Bursary Scheme with John Fox, a £125,000 project funded from Atlantic Philanthropies, and an evaluation of quality assurance in 11 Arab Universities, with a grant funding of £12,000 from the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).
Research interests
- Philosophy of Education
- Review of Education and Training 14-19 (Nuffield Foundation funded)
- Faith based schools (arising from the Leverhulme Fellowship, 2003/4, and from work with the Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations)
Books (authored)
Since retirement in 2003
2020 Challenges for Religious Education: is there a disconnect between faith and reason?, Routledge, March 2020.
2019 Philosophy of Education: Collected papers of Richard Pring London: Bloomsbury
2018 The Future of Publicly Funded Faith Schools: a critical perspective, London: Routledge.
2018 Moral Education in the United Arab Emirates, Oxford Review of Education.
2018 Thinking Philosophically about Education, Routledge
2015 Philosophy of Educational Research, (3nd edition) London: Bloomsbury
2013 The Life and Death of Secondary Education for All, London: Routledge
2012 Life and Death of Secondary Education for All, London: Routledge
2009 (with Hayward, G. et al) Education for All: the Future of Education and Training for 14-19 Year Olds, London: Routledge.
2007 John Dewey: Philosopher of Education for the 21st Century, London: Continuum
2004 Philosophy of Education: Aims, Theory, Common Sense and Research, London: Continuum (15 published papers 1972-2004 with introd)
2004 Philosophy of Educational Research, (2nd edition) London: Continuu Whilst Director of Department of Educational Studies
2000 Philosophy of Educational Research, London: Continuum.
1995 (with Crombie-White and Brockington) 14-19: Education and Training – Implementing a Unified Curriculum, London: RSA, pp. 64.
1995 Closing the Gap: Liberal Education and Vocational Preparation, London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Prior to appointment at Oxford DES
1989 The New Curriculum, London: Cassell.
1984 Personal and Social Education in the Curriculum, London: Hodder and Stoughton.
1976 Knowledge and Schooling, Shepton Mallet: Open Books, pp 12
Books in honour of Richard Pring
2016 Education, Ethics and Experience, edited by Michael Hand and Richard Davies, London: Routledge.
2008 Common School and the Comprehensive Ideal: a defence by Richard Pring with Complementary Essays, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Books (edited)
2016 (with Martin Roberts) A Generation of Radical Educational Change: stories from the field, London: Routledge.
2012 (with Arther, J. and Davison, J) Education Matters: sixty years of the British Journal of Educational Studies, London Routledge
2008 (with Carr, D. and Halstead, M.) Liberalism, Education and Schooling,Essays, by T.H.McLoughlin, Exeter: Imprint Academic.
2007 (with Marin Roberts) A Generation of Radical Educational Change: Stories from the field, London: Routledge.
2004 (with Gary Thomas) Evidence based Practice in Education, Maidenhead: Open University Press
2004 (with Hewlett, M. and Tulloch, M.) Comprehensive Education: Evolution, Achievement and New Directions, University of Northampton Press.
1997 (with G. Walford) Affirming the Comprehensive Ideal, Falmer Press.
1987 (with Thacker, J. and Evans, D.) Personal and Social and Moral Education in a Changing World, Windsor: NFER-Nelson
1975 (with John Elliott) Social Education and Social Understanding, London: University of London Press
Suggested possible titles for collection, edited by Richard Smith, put into specific themes
2000 ‘The ‘false dualisms’ of educational research’, JoPE 34(2)
2001 ‘The virtues and vices of an educational researcher’, JoPE Special Issue The Ethics of Educational Research. Reprinted in McNamee, M. and Bridges, D. (eds) The Ethics of Educational Research, Oxford: Blackwells, and in Sikes, P., Nixon, J., Carr, W. (eds) The Moral Foundations of Educational Research, Maidenhead: Open University Press).
2007 ‘Reclaiming philosophy for educational research’, Educational Review
Concept of education
2001 ‘Education as a moral practice’, Journal of Moral Education, Annual Lawrence Kohlberg Lecture, 30 (2) pp101-112
2012 ‘Putting persons back into education’, Oxford Review of Education, 38(6), Special Issue on John Macmurray
Educational organisation / Faith schools
2007 ‘The common school’, Journal of Philosophy and Education, 41 (4) (A defence by Richard Pring with complementary essays)
Educational thinkers
2013 ‘John Dewey: Saviour of American Education or Worse than Hitler?’, in Brooke and Frazer, L. (eds) ?????, refereed (by Alan Ryan, no less) for Oxford Review of Education, Special Issue on ‘educational thinkers’, but put together in a book instead
James Robson is Director of the Centre for Skills, Knowledge, and Organisational Performance (SKOPE) and Associate Professor of Tertiary Education Systems.
He also leads the MSc in Higher Education, and sits on the Research Management Committee and is CI of the Centre for Global Higher Education.
James’ research focuses on the political economy of Tertiary Education systems, bringing together key interests in the nexus of education and employment, the critical study of skills supply and demand, research eco-systems, access, social justice and sustainability. He has received major funding from the ESRC, the AHRC, the GCRF, the Edge Foundation, the Royal Society, the British Academy, the Office for Students and Research England.