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Department of Education

Rees Centre

About the Centre

The Rees Centre produces research evidence to improve policy and practice in the areas of children’s social care and education. We aim to improve the life chances and particularly the educational outcomes of those who are, or have been supported by children’s social care services, with a focus on children in need (including those in care), adoptive and special guardianship families and care experienced adults. The primary audiences for the Centre’s work are children’s social care practitioners and managers, foster carers, adopters, guardians, schools, virtual schools, health, the judiciary, therapeutic services, policymakers and other researchers. We often work in partnership with others and have well-established relationships with both statutory and third sector organisations as well as the care experienced community.

Contact Us


Director: Professor Leon Feinstein

Professor of Education and Adoption: Julie Selwyn


General queries:

Tel: 01865 274050

Write to us:

Rees Centre, Department of Education,
University of Oxford, 15 Norham Gardens OX2 6PY

All People: Staff and students at the Rees Centre




Rees Centre Mailing List



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Children's Social Care Data User Group

A network of academics, local authority data managers, analysts, charities and funders with a shared vision that administrative data from children’s social care and other relevant agencies in England can be analysed and fed back into policy and practice to improve the way that children’s social care services respond to children, young people and their families.

Set up in 2017 by the Rees Centre, University of Oxford and Thomas Coram Research Unit, UCL, the group focuses on data submitted to and analysed by the Department for Education (namely the SSDA 903 children looked after data and the Children in Need Census data).

Membership is open to any individual or organisation who is using, or plans to use, children’s social care data collated by the Department for Education (Child in Need data, Looked After Children data or Section 251 social care expenditure data in relation to children’s services).

To join the group’s mailing list: email

International Network on Infants, Toddlers and Child Protection

The first meeting of this group was held in September 2019, led jointly by the Rees Centre, University of Oxford (Professor Harriet Ward), the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford (Professor Jane Barlow) and Chapin Hall, University of Chicago (Dr Fred Wulczyn).

Contact Harriet Ward

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