Webinar Lunchtime Series: The Virtual School for Care Experienced Learners – A View from Scotland

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Virtual Schools have been a feature of the landscape in Scotland since 2019 and England since 2014 yet a series of recent publications have pointed towards a poor understanding of the valuable work they carry out- “few people outside of children’s services even know these services exist, let alone what they do.“ An opportunity for researchers, practitioners and policy makers to consider recent evidence and understand how the model is evolving in the Scottish context.


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Michael Bettencourt is an Education Consultant at CELCIS. He was a Virtual School Head in two local authorities in England. He was Teaching Fellow at UCL leading on a programme (PALAC) which supported schools to implement evidence-based practice. He is currently supporting the roll out of Virtual School Head Teachers in Scotland. He supports a Network of nineteen local authorities who are testing out the virtual school model. He has co-authored research which compares the role of virtual school heads in Scotland and England.

Event Details

Tuesday 17 December 2024
12:30 - 13:30
Rees Centre and on Teams

Event Speakers

Michael Bettencourt