Protecting children in need and supporting carers 

The Rees Centre have been leading research on the factors that contribute to poorer academic outcomes in children in care and children in need in England. The research carried out in the Centre analysed national datasets and undertook interviews with young people, teachers, social workers, foster carers, parents and virtual school heads who are responsible for promoting the education of children in care in each local authority. The studies concluded that being in care is a protective factor in education. However, placement disruptions, changing schools, provision other than foster care, absences, exclusions and lack of educational support all contributed to poorer outcomes. Drawing on these findings the national data collection was revised and many local authorities changed their policies of moving children’s schools when placement disruptions occurred. Foster care and placement in highperforming mainstream schools were adopted as the practices of preference in many local authorities and in both Australia and Japan. Foster care services also developed new guidelines drawing on the evidence.

REF Case Study CLA Changing Policy Illustration

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