We were awarded an Athena SWAN bronze award in May 2020, recognising our commitment to gender equality. This is a sub-component of our overarching aims to ensure our department is an inclusive and equitable environment for all.
Our Athena SWAN submission (click here to open the PDF) includes a very detailed Action Plan for our work in this area for the coming years. This work is overseen by our Inclusion Committee. Recent achievements to date include:
- Revised Personal Development Review (PDR) available for all staff
- Revised Mentoring Scheme for all staff
- Development and implementation of a workload model aimed at equitable distribution of teaching and administrative work
- Student-led newsletter and events calendar to celebrate diversity (e.g., film nights, panel discussions, seminars)
- De-colonising the curriculum working group review
- Department-wide implicit bias training for all staff involved in admissions and recruitment panels
- Improving induction processes for new staff and students so all are, and feel, welcome and supported