This project aims to explore and develop system-thinking approaches in policy-making, to foster coherence, collaboration, and synergies within the tertiary education system in England.
Investigates how diverse contributions are conceptualised, recognised, credited and supported in educational research.
Scenario-based learning (SBL) presents participants with different ways of managing commonly experienced teaching challenges.
What do 16 to 18-year-olds really care about when it comes to selecting their future career? Do they see the teaching profession as a viable choice?
Developing reliable and predictive situational judgment tests (SJTs) to identify high-quality candidates for teaching.
Realistic Job Previews offer a 'try before you buy' insight into a profession, allowing users to experience aspects of daily life before commiting to training.
How can we harness AI chatbot capabilities to offer meaningful 'just in time support'?
What makes early career teachers stay in the profession and what are the pushes that send them to pastures new?
TeachQuest is a cutting-edge, scalable and effective 'persuasive game' aimed at recruiting more undergraduates into the teaching profession.
This project researches the impact of studying a text by an author of colour, utilising access granted by the Edexcel Lit in Colour Pioneers Pilot.
This project will work with three secondary special schools to collect peer network data to better understand positive and negative interactions between special school pupils.
This project will work with eight special schools to conduct a feasibility randomised controlled trial of anti-bullying programme KiVa-SEND.