‘Pedagogy to engage and challenge all learners’ – Professor Janette Bobis

11th May 2021 : 10:00 - 11:30

Category: Seminar

Research Group: Subject Pedagogy

Speaker: Professor Janette Bobis

Location: Zoom

Convener: Karen Skilling

Audience: Public


Tasks considered challenging or cognitively demanding are often reserved for only those students perceived by their teachers to be the most capable. More recently, challenge and struggle have become recognised as important elements of instruction that promotes conceptual understanding and higher order learning of all students. In this presentation, I draw upon an intervention study designed to assist teachers of 5 to 8-year-old students implement and develop pedagogy intended to engage all students in learning challenging mathematics. After outlining key elements of the study, findings from teachers and students will be presented to highlight the impact of the intervention.

Professor Janette Bobis is a mathematics educator and researcher in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. She teaches in the areas of primary and early childhood mathematics education and curriculum studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her teaching, research and publications focus on two interrelated areas: (a)teacher learning in mathematics education, particularly knowledge, beliefs and practices of primary and middle years teachers; and (b)student learning, predominantly concerned with their motivation and engagement in mathematics and their understanding of estimation and mental computation strategies.