Professor in Developmental Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.

  • Studying children in their everyday life across different institutions.  The focus is children’s activities across different institutional practices, home, school and after school activities, and to follow how children’s activities in families influences their activities in school and after school and vice versa.
  • Formulating a cultural-historical methodology for studying children’s development in everyday settings  drawing on the cultural-historical approach of L.S. Vygotsky and the phenomenology approach of Alfred Schutz, where both institutional practice and children’s motives and engagement is in-cooperated.
  • Daniels, H. & Hedegaard, M. (Eds.) (2011).Vygotsky and Special Needs Education – Rethinking Support for Children and Schools. Bloomsbury
  • Hedegaard, M. Edwards, A. & Fleer, M. (Eds.) (2012).Motives in Children’s Development: Cultural-Historical Approaches. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hedegaard, M. & Fleer, M. (2013). Learning, play and children’s development. Everyday Life in Families and Transition to School. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hedegaard, M. Aronsson, K. Højholt C. & Ulvik. O. (Eds.), (2nd edition, 2017). Children, Childhood and everyday life. New Information Age.
  • Hedegaard, M. & Fleer, M. (Eds.), (2019). Children’s transition in everyday life. London. Bloomsbury
  • Hedegaard, M. & Edwards, A. (Eds.), (2019) Supporting difficult transition. London. Bloomsbury.
Articles and chapter publications
  • Hedegaard, M. (2007). The development of children’s conceptual relation to the world, with focus on concept formation in preschool children’s activity. In H. Daniels, M. Cole & J. Wertsch (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky. Cambridge University Press.
  • Chaiklin, S. & Hedegaard, M. (2008). Subject-matter learning and identity development: a radical-local perspective. In B. van Oers. (Eds.) A book in celebration of Wim Wardekker.
  • Hedegaard, M. & Fleer, M. (2009).Family practices and how children are positioned as active agents. In M. Fleer, M. Hedegaard & J. Tudge (Eds.), Constructing childhood: global–local policies and practices. World Yearbook 2009, Education and Policy. New York. Routledge. Taylor and Francis.
  • Chaiklin, S. & Hedegaard, M. (2009). Radical-local teaching and learning: A cultural-historical perspective on education and children’s development. In M. Fleer, M. Hedegaard & J. Tudge (Eds.), (2009). Constructing childhood: global–local policies and practices. World Yearbook 2009, Education and Policy. New York. Routledge. Taylor and Francis.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2009). The double move in teaching. In Daniels, H, Lauder & Porter, J. (Eds.), The Routledge companion to Education. Knowledge , values and educational policy. London: Routledge
  • Hedegaard, M. (2011) Minority children’s development of multiple cultural identities. A Cultural-Historical approach (pp 117-136). In M. Kontopodis, C.Wulff, & B. Fichtner (Eds.), Emerging educational challenges. Cultural psychological and historical-anthropological approaches to children and childhood. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hedegaard, M. & Daniels, H. (2011). Introduction (pp. 1-8). In M. Hedegaard & H. Daniels (red), Vygotsky and special needs education: Rethinking support for children and schools. London: Continuum International Publishing Group, Ltd.
  • Hedegaard, M & Chaiklin, S. (2011) Supporting children and school: a developmental and practice-centered approach for professional practice and research (pp. 86-107). In M. Hedegaard & H. Daniels (red), Vygotsky and special needs education: Rethinking support for children and schools. London: Continuum International Publishing Group, Ltd
  • Hedegaard, M. (2012). Analyzing children’s learning and development in everyday settings from a cultural-historical wholeness approach. Mind Culture and Activity, 19, 127-138.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2012). A cultural-historical theory of children’s development (pp. 193-201). In L. Miller, R. Drury & C. Cable. Extending professional practice in the early years. London: The Open University Press, Sage.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2012). The dynamic aspects in children’s learning and development (pp. 9-27). In M. Hedegaard, A. Edwards & M. Fleer (Eds.), Motives in children’s development. Cultural-historical approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2012) Children’s creative modeling of conflict resolutions in everyday life as central in their learning and development in families (pp. 55-74). In M. Hedegaard, K. Aronsson, C. Højholt & O. S. Ulvik (Eds.), Children, childhood and everyday life. Children’s perspectives. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2013). Børns udvikling gennem deltagelse i familiens hverdagsliv. Psykologisk Tidskrift, NTNU, 17 (1), 41-45.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2012). Principper for tolkning af børns udvikling gennem observation: Den interaktionsbaserede metode (pp. 159-174). I M. Pedersen, J. Klitmøller & K. Nielsen (red.), Deltagerobservation. København: Hans Reitzels forlag.
  • Chaiklin, S. & Hedegaard, M. (2013). Cultural-historical theory and educational practice: Some radical-local considerations. NUANCES: Estudos sobre Educação, 25(1), 30-44.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2014). The significance of demands and motives across practices in children’s learning and development: An analysis of learning in home and school. Learning, Social Interaction and Culture, 3, 188-194.
  • Hedegaard, M. & Edwards, Anne (2014). Special Issue Transitions and Children’s Learning. Learning, Social Interaction and Culture,3, 185-187.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2014). Exploring tension and contradiction in youth activity of painting graffiti. Culture and Psychology. 20(3), 387-403.
  • Hedegaard, M. , Munk, K. Sørensen, K. & Hülsen, J. (2015). Livsduelighed, leg og læring – Værdidiskussion knyttet til børns overgang fra børnehave til skole. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 52, 80-94.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2016). Imagination and emotion in children’s play: A cultural-historical approach. International Research in Early Childhood Education, 7 (2), 57-72.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2017). Children’ cultural learning in everyday family life exemplified at the dinner setting (pp. 1525-1540). In M. Fleer & B. van Oers (Eds.), Springer International Handbook of education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Hedegaard, M. (2017). When day care professionals’ values for transition to school do not align with the educational demands from society and school. A practice developing research project for daycare professionals support to children’s transition to school. In A. Edwards (Ed.), working relationally in and across practices. A cultural-historical approach to collaboration (pp. 247-264). Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press.
  • M. Hedegaard (2019). Children’s perspective and institutional practice as keys in a wholeness approach to children social situation of development (pp. 23-42). In A. Edwards, M. Fleer & L. Bøttcher. Cultural-historical approaches to studying learning and development. Societal, institutional and personal perspectives. Singapore: Springer