Decolonising Education: The Role of Translanguaging and Trans-knowledging
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This talk explores translanguaging and trans-knowledging as tools for decolonising education. Together, they challenge Eurocentric frameworks and recognise the importance of local languages and knowledge, particularly in multilingual contexts of the Global South. Drawing on existing literature on EMI policies and practices, this talk discusses translanguaging as both a pedagogical and ideological framework and explores its potential in a) disrupting the monolingual (English-only) ideology; b) facilitating trans-knowledging processes and intercultural competence; and c) reshaping communication and knowledge sharing in the times of AI.
Professor Lee Chi-Kin John is Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, and the UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning at The Education University of Hong Kong. He has also served as Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor, conferred by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.
His research interests focus on curriculum and instruction, geographical and environmental education, life and values education, and teacher development and school improvement. He was named among the top 2% most-cited scientists in the world in terms of career-long impact, in the latest list released by Stanford University.