Learning to Write: From XOXO to Love you
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The acquisition of literacy skills is a fundamental goal of early schooling. Children need to learn the skills associated with reading and writing, and these skills are used later in the educational process both to transmit and to evaluate knowledge. Unlike a couple of decades ago, writing now features prominently in school-age standards in the U.S. The need to understand young children’s writing development is crucial because of increasing expectations for beginning writers. In this talk, Dr. Puranik will discuss her work on how children learn to write, what the measurement of emergent writing look like, and how to promote writing in young emergent writers.
About the Speaker
Cynthia Puranik, Ph.D./CCC-SLP, is a Professor in the department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the College of Education and Human Development at Georgia State University. In addition, Puranik is an affiliate faculty of the Research on the Challenges of Acquiring Language and Literacy initiative at Georgia State University and a certified speech-language pathologist.
Her research focuses on examining the developmental progression of early writing and factors that contribute to writing skills, assessment of emergent and early writing skills, exploring the concurrent relationship between children’s skills within literacy domains, understanding the relationship between oral and written language skills, assessing and facilitating writing in elementary school children, and examining the relationship between writing and aspects of cognitive functioning. She has simultaneously explored both basic theoretical and highly applied research pathways to address questions pertaining to children’s emergent and early conventional writing.