Intraindividual variation in students’ motivation and emotion – Methodological approaches for analysing experience sampling datasets

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Intraindividual variation in students’ motivation and emotion – Methodological approaches for analysing experience sampling datasets

Elina Ketonen, University of Helsinki, Finland

Experience Sampling Method (ESM) enables to capture students’ emotional and motivational experiences in real-life settings, as they occur and repeatedly, reducing bias in recall and often covering variety of academic and non-academic situations. This presentation provides an overview of using experience sampling method in educational research. First, an example of ESM-data collection and intrapersonal research design shall be introduced. Second, different statistical methods suitable for use with hierarchical (multilevel) datasets are presented, including both variable- and person-oriented approaches. Statistical models as well as empirical findings are demonstrated with examples from existing and forthcoming publications by the speaker. Finally, new research openings shall be shortly introduced, namely, studying the biophysiological correlates of students’ self-reported experiences.–

Dr. Elina Ketonen is postdoctoral researcher in Educational psychology at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. She defended her thesis ‘The role of motivation and academic emotions in university studies – The short- and long-term effects on situational experiences and academic achievement’ with distinction in December 2017. She has used both cross-sectional, longitudinal and experience sampling datasets in her research and several statistical methods, such as variable- and person-oriented approaches, multilevel modelling and most recently, intraindividual analyses. Currently Elina Ketonen is a Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Education, University of Oxford.

About the Department of Education

In 2019, the University of Oxford’s Department of Education celebrates the 100th year since the passing of a statute creating what was known in 1919 as the University Department for the Training of Teachers. To celebrate our centenary a year-long series of activities will be delivered to address some of the department’s top initiatives for 2019, answer some of the big questions facing education today and to reveal the advancements the department has made to the study of and research in the field of education. Join us as we mark our 100th year and discover more about our anniversary here.

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Event Details

Monday 4 March 2019
12:45 - 14:00
Seminar Room D, Department of Education

Event Speakers

Elina Ketonen, (University of Helsinki, Finland)