Trust and Climate Change: Information for Teaching in a Digital Age

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This interactive workshop, funded by the Nuffield Strategic Fund, will be criticially discussing issues around climate change, trust, and the sources of information teachers access.

One aim of the day is to shape a larger research project that will improve our understandings of the sources of information used for teaching climate change and create opportunities for collaborations between climate researchers and school geography teachers.

The outline for the day is below, and we hope that you will be able to participate in all of this. However, please do also feel free to drop in and out for particular sessions as your availability allows. The structure has particularly been designed so that teaching colleagues who are unable to come earlier will still be able to join for the 4.30pm keynote and Teach Meet.

9.30 – 10.00: Welcome & coffee

10.00 – 10.15: Introduction to the workshop & intentions for the future project

10.15 – 11.00: Professor Myles Allen keynote: Climate Change and Education, Q&A

11.00-11.30: (All) Introductions & 2 min ‘what I might be interested in at this point’

11.30 – 12.30: Critical discussion of key papers on Climate Change Education (to be circulated beforehand)

12.30 – 1.15: Lunch

1.15 – 2.45: Critical review of selected climate change teaching resources in geography (If you have any specific teaching resources – primary or secondary – that you would like to propose for these discussions please do email them for consideration)

2.45 – 3.00: Tea & Coffee

3.00 – 4.00: Generating research questions and initial design ideas for suture project

4.00 – 4.30: Refreshments (plus papers/questions/images for comment)

4.30 – 5.00: Climate change keynote: ‘Climate Change Education in Schools’

5.00 – 6.00: Teach meet – sharing teaching resources/strategies/plans on climate change teaching, and beginning with an introduction to the Oxford Deanery (to propose a 5 minute slot please email a title; proposals welcomed across primary and secondary geography)

6.00 – 6.30: Drinks and close

To confirm your attendance please email including details of any dietary requirements.

This event is being run by the Department for Education and the Environmental Change Institute (


Event Details

Tuesday 3 March 2020
9:30 - 18:30
Department of Education, Seminar Room A