Twlight (After School) Workshop: Doing Brilliant Biology and Ecology Fieldwork in your School Grounds

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Join us for a free in-person twilight (after school) workshop on Tuesday 29 April 2025, 4:30-6:30pm @ the Cherwell School for practitioners and educators engaged or interested in organising biology field trips, making use of their own school grounds.

There are so many good reasons to take your students outside – gaining a different perspective on the subject, building their enthusiasm for it, improving manual dexterity, developing practical problem solving skills, supporting their mental health and wellbeing, and enhancing your relationship with them. But biology field trips can be expensive, and time consuming. So what if you could gain some of the same benefits in your own school grounds – however “grey” they might seem?

This in-person workshop at The Cherwell School in Oxford, led by nature education practitioner and researcher Dr Kim Polgreen, and colleagues from Oxford University and local schools, will discuss biology field trips to your own school grounds. We will look at opportunities, risks, techniques, and equipment. It will give biology teachers the opportunity to learn some new skills, share their own tips and techniques with others, and have a fun couple of hours in Cherwell’s new ecology garden with a cup of tea and biscuits.

Event Details

Tuesday 29 April 2025
16:30 - 18:30
The Cherwell School (Marston Ferry Road, Oxford OX2 7EE)

Event Speakers

Dr Kim Polgreen