1st International Yidan Prize Doctoral Conference

27th May 2021 : 09:00 - 14:30

Category: Conference

Speaker: TBC

Location: TBC

Audience: Public

Yidan Prize Text, in English and Chinese


Call for papers – now extended!
All proposals should be submitted by 5th March, 2021 . Proposals should be no more than 500 words. Accepted proposals will be notified by the end of March 2021.

This virtual conference is hosted by the Yidan Prize Foundation in partnership with the Department of Education, University of Oxford. It forms part of the Yidan Prize Conference Series. It aims to be forward-looking in its emphasis, focusing on what education will/can look like in the future. The conference themes are:

  • How will education be delivered in the future?
  • What are the skills young people need [in order] to pursue challenges they have?

The conference themes are intentionally broad to focus on the changing knowledge and skills needed for rapidly shifting global structures and how best education can deliver these for young people. Attention will also focus on how ideas and innovations could be used to support young people as part of the response to the global pandemic.

Five students with the strongest papers will be invited to join our Yidan Prize Summit and awards ceremony in Hong Kong this December, including flights and accommodation. They will also be invited to an exclusive meeting with the 2021 Yidan Prize laureates (to be announced in September).

Selected conference papers will be printed in an inaugural volume of a series of annual proceedings from the Yidan Prize Doctoral Conference.


Enquiries and Submissions: yidan2021@education.ox.ac.uk

Please ensure that your proposals are submitted to the e-mail above by the 5th March, 2021.

Please note that times are in BST.