Care in mathematics education: tending the fire

1st October 2020 : 16:30 - 18:00

Category: Webinar

Research Group: Researcher | Subject Pedagogy

Speaker: Emeritus Professor Anne Watson

Location: Online - Details TBC

Convener: Karen Skilling

Audience: Public

Professor Anne Watson will present an outline of a forthcoming theoretical book on mathematics education in the Palgrave Macmillan series, ‘Studies in Alternative Education’. The book examines the practice of teaching mathematics in a wide range of educational spaces, locating ‘care’ as a universal theme in their work.

Professor Anne Watson is retired from University of Oxford Department of Education, having been a teacher in secondary schools before establishing an international reputation for research and practice in the field of mathematics education. Her work is noted for its respect for teachers and teaching, the realities of classroom life, and the embedded issues of social justice.

This presentation will be accessed through Teams. Please email Karen Skilling ( for details and the Teams invitation.