Exclusion and Mental health: exploring the role of improved provision in schools
10th February 2020 : 17:00 - 18:30
Category: Public Seminar
Research Group: Sociocultural and Activity Theory
Speaker: Mina Fazel, University of Oxford
Location: Department of Education, Seminar Room A
Convener: Harry Daniels
Convener: Ian Thompson
Audience: Public
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor of English Education & Director of PGCE).
The University of Oxford Department of Education’s Public Seminar Series are held on a termly basis throughout the academic year and are designed to engage wider audiences in topical research areas from across the department. Seminars are free to attend and held on most Mondays during term from 5pm. Each seminar is convened by a member of the department and speakers include academics from across the department, the wider University, as well as internationally recognised professionals from across the globe.
All public seminars led by the department are free to attend and open to all.
All upcoming seminars are publicised, in advance, on the department’s event pages and where possible recorded and made available on the University’s podcast site.
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Seminar Abstract
This talk will discuss the latest understanding of mental health needs in adolescent populations in the UK and the potential role that mental health services in schools can play. An example of current research alongside clinical service development will be discussed. The opportunities and challenges of mental health services working in schools will be explored, including how to navigate some of the ethical complexities of working in this areas as well as some of the main unanswered research questions that can be addressed through schools-research. A particular focus will be on how this relates to excluded children- what we know about their mental health needs and the role of services.
About the speaker
Mina Fazel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford and a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist in the Department of Children’s Psychological Medicine at Oxford University Hospitals. The focus of her work has been on finding ways to improve access to mental health services for children and young people, especially the most vulnerable populations. She has been working for over a decade developing mental health services for refugee children and is also interested in researching how mental health services can work within schools to reach and treat children who might not easily access services otherwise.