Measurement Invariance Testing Via the Alignment Method: Intersectional Grouping and Multiple Cohorts
6th June 2022 : 12:45 - 14:00
Category: Seminar
Research Group: Qualitative Methods Hub | Quantitative Methods Hub
Speaker: Dr Gregory Palardy, Graduate School of Education, University of California at Riverside
Location: Online & in-person - Seminar Room D, Department of Education, or via Zoom
Convener: Ariel Lindorff
Audience: Public
Traditional invariance testing via multiple group CFA is of limited utility when the number of groups is not small. Alignment optimization was recently developed to address this practical issue when the number of groups is not small (see Muthen & Asparouhov, 2013, 2014). This talk introduces alignment optimization and its utility in educational measurement invariance testing. A comparison with the traditional approach and examples of applications from recently published research are provided. Finally, a new measurement invariance study of intersectional groupings (ethnicity, gender, SES) and two longitudinally cohorts of several self-efficacy scales is presented, including discussions of the substantive findings, technical issues, and future directions.
All welcome to join in person.
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