‘Self-efficacy in mathematics education: Addressing issues revolving around the concept and its treatment, by utilising two different methodological approaches’
25th May 2021 : 15:30 - 17:00
Category: Public Seminar
Research Group: Subject Pedagogy
Speaker: Gosia Marschall, University of Cambridge & Dr Karin Sørlie Street, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Location: Zoom
Convener: Gabriel Stylianides
Audience: Public
Zoom Meeting ID: 994 8163 8335, Password: 958790
Self-efficacy, an individual’s confidence in their ability to effectively execute a desired task, has long been recognised as one of the most important factors in human functioning, making it an attractive concept from the perspective of education. Questions such as: How does self-efficacy develop? or What are the factors contributing to self-efficacy development? have been the object of (mathematics) education research for several decades.
In this seminar, Karin and Gosia will present their most recent works in the field of self-efficacy, in which they focused on answering questions related to self-efficacy appraisal and development, while addressing issues revolving around the meaning, measurement and operationalisation of the concept. Karin will discuss how she used factor analyses to investigate the structural validity of Norwegian students’ level, strength, and facet-specific mathematics self-efficacy, and structural equation models to investigate changes in self-efficacy over time. Gosia will explain how, utilising an abductive interpretative phenomenological analysis, she engaged with ‘English’ pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ meaning-making in the narrative process of their teacher self-efficacy appraisal.
This seminar will provide an opportunity to gain insight into the current state of the field of self-efficacy in mathematics education and engage in a wider discussion about different methodologies employed in search for answers to longstanding questions.