Cancelled: Short STORIES Symposium 2020
Please note that this event has been cancelled
After careful consideration, and in deep concern for the health and welfare of the Department community, the STORIES Symposium Committee has decided to cancel the STORIES Symposium 2020 scheduled to take place on 12 June. If there is any further update on research share-out events, it will be announced here on the website and on our social media.
Short STORIES 2020 is an inaugural symposium held at the University of Oxford Department of Education that provides students with an opportunity to get feedback on their research ideas, whether dissertation-related or pertaining to completed projects. As such, research at all stages will be accepted.
This internal event will take place in light of the external STORIES conference being on hiatus this year. Graduate students across all courses of the Department of Education and at all stages of research are invited to attend or present at the Short STORIES Symposium.
We welcome submissions for oral presentations, posters and panel discussions that reflect on a wide-range of issues in education and educational research. The conference will consist of parallel sessions of 15 min. student presentations + 5 min. Q&A. Posters will be presented throughout the day of symposium. The symposium will also include panel discussions that will take the form of a dialogic debate/conversation between presenters on related issues.
The call for abstracts is now open here.
The deadline for abstract submission is 28th of March, 2020. When submitting your abstract, please indicate whether the preferred format of the presentation is an oral presentation, poster presentation, or panel discussion by including “ORAL”, “POSTER”, or “PANEL” in the title of your submission. If you are interested in presenting your research in an engaging alternative setting, please let us know by indicating materials required in your abstract.
Key Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 28th of March 2020
Notification of acceptance: 8th of April 2020
Symposium dates: 12th of June 2020
Stay in touch with Short STORIES 2020 on Social Media:
Contact: Short STORIES Committee