Teacher Judgment Seminar (Jun 2011)
Teacher judgments within systems of summative assessment
Invited research seminar at OUCEA
20th – 22nd June 2011
St Anne’s College, Oxford
OUCEA hosted an invited seminar on the use of teachers’ judgments within systems of summative assessment. Leading researchers and assessment experts from seven countries contributed. Seminar papers report on research findings from the US, Australia, England, Scotland and Wales and refer to experience in vocational education and higher education as well as to the schools sector. The seminar focused on what can be learned about the effectiveness of strategies for ensuring consistency in the measurement of student attainments in large-scale systems that rely on teacher judgment.
The programme is available at: Teacher judgment seminar PROGRAMME and the list of participants at: Teacher Judgment Seminar PARTICIPANTS.
Five background papers were circulated to participants:
Baird, J. et.al. (2011) The reliability programme. Final report of the Technical Advisory Group. London: Ofqual.
Black, P. et.al. (2011, in press) ‘Can teachers’ summative assessments produce dependable results and also enhance classroom learning?’ Assessment in Education. [This paper is due to be published in a forthcoming issue of Assessment in Education.]
Daugherty, R. (2010) ‘Summative assessment by teachers’ in Peterson, P., Baker, E. & McGaw, B. (eds.) International Encyclopaedia of Education, Volume 3. 384-391. Oxford: Elsevier.
Stanley, G. et al (2009) Review of teacher assessment: evidence of what works best and issues for development. London: QCA.
Wilmut, J. & Tuson, J. (2004) Statistical moderation of teacher assessments. A report to the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. London: QCA.
The papers presented at the seminar and a report on the proceedings are available here.