OUCEA wins PIRLS 2016
OUCEA and Pearson, working in partnership, will form the National Centre for the Progress in International Reading Study (PIRLS) 2016 for England.
PIRLS, coordinated by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), provides internationally comparative data about how well children from different countries read after four years of primary schooling. PIRLS also gathers information about how children’s home and school environments support learning to read. Fifty-five countries participated in PIRLS 2011. The National Centre is funded through a contract with the Department for Education.
The PIRLS 2016 National Report will be published in 2017. The study is part of the evidence base that allows comparison of England’s performance against other countries, identifying and analysing the factors that impact on pupil attainment. Therese Hopfenbeck’s previous research on reading assessment and Daniel Caro’s work on inequalities in assessment outcomes will inform the construction of the National Report, ensuring that it is well integrated with current research in the field of international testing.
For more information on PIRLS please go to the IEA website.