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Department of Education

Oxford Review of Education

The Oxford Review of Education is one of the UK’s leading international education journals. It was founded in 1974 in the Department of Education, and published its first issue in 1975.

To mark the 50th anniversary of the ORE, the Editors selected 50 articles to represent the quality and breadth of publications in the journal over the decades. From January 2024 they are freely available for a limited period here.








Jo-Anne Baird, Velda Elliott, William Whyte, Steve Strand            Arathi Sriprakash seminar


We celebrated with a seminar on 10th June 2024 at the Department of Education. Arathi Sriprakash, Professor of Sociology and Education, gave a thought-provoking talk: ‘Sociodigital futures of education: reparations, sovereignty, care, and democratisation’. Her co-authored paper is available on the journal’s website. The abstract is below.

As EdTech industries grow in reach and power it is imperative to motivate conditions for ethical challenge and contestation. In this talk I explore how the lenses of reparations, sovereignty, care and democratisation offer vital resources for envisaging alternative sociodigital futures of education. These ideas can disrupt dominant EdTech modalities, urging new agendas for research, redesign and regulation in relation to EdTech, and surfacing different kinds of relationships and priorities for education/social justice.

Each year the Oxford Review of Education awards a prize to the PGCE student with the highest scoring Professional Development Programme assignment. We are delighted to announce that Kieran Lavis won the award in 2023 with his assignment entitled Preparing Students for a Digital World: A Critical Exploration of Digital Inclusion in Secondary Schools in England. Dr Velda Elliott presented the award at the PGCE end-of-year celebration party at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Congratulations to Kieran and we wish him every success in his next steps. He will be continuing his research on issues of digital inclusion next year when he commences the MSc in Learning and Teaching at Oxford University. This year’s winner will be announced in June 2024.

Velda Elliott and Kieran Lavis


The Oxford Review of Education aims to publish important new work on educational topics of general interest in a form that is accessible to a broad educational readership. The Editors welcome articles reporting significant new research as well as contributions of a more analytic or reflective kind, which may draw on the full range of disciplines relevant to education.

The journal normally produces two Special Issues each year. These enable the editors and guest editors to explore relevant themes in depth and to maintain a cross-disciplinary outlook which has characterised the journal since its beginnings. The Editors welcome proposals for future special issues. Please contact the Editorial Office ( for guidance on how to submit a proposal. The Editors are willing to provide feedback and support in developing a proposal; all proposals are discussed by the Editorial Board which has responsibility for planning Special Issues. Recently published Special Issues and Thematic Issues include:

The Editorial Board meets regularly. It is made up of members from the University of Oxford Department of Education and other relevant departments and from research fields relevant to education. It also has an International Advisory Board of members from different regions of the world and with various areas of expertise in the field of education or interdisciplinary research and practice.

Academic Editors: Jo-Anne Baird, Velda Elliott and Steve Strand
Managing Editor: Joanne Hazell
Editorial office: Email
Telephone: +44 (0)1865 284407
X (formerly Twitter): @OxfordRevEd

The Oxford Review of Education publishes six issues a year – please visit the journal homepage to see all the issues. Contents of Special Issues, Thematic Issues and links to articles are listed below.

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