Dr Ahmad Akkad holds a PhD in Education (University of Warwick, UK), an MA in Global Education and International Development (University of Warwick), an MA in Linguistics (University of Aleppo, Syria), and a BA in English Language and Literature (University of Aleppo).
His interdisciplinary research lies broadly within the field of International Higher Education and Development and within different areas of Education Studies. He is particularly interested in the interplay between higher education, conflict, and
Reconstruction in conflict settings, displacement and displaced populations, mobility and knowledge exchange, and the promotion of EDI and social justice in education contexts.
He has teaching experience across different themes of education and international development, with interest in qualitative research methods and diary research.
Akkad, A. & Henderson, E. F. (2023) “Just another email?: The role of supervisors in Pre-Application Doctoral Communications (PADC)” SupervisingPhDs
Akkad, A. (2023) “Academics in Exile: Networks, Knowledge Exchange, and New Forms of Internationalization” (Book Review), Journal of Refugee Studies
Akkad, A. & Henderson, F. E. (In progress) “Using diary method with busy professionals: Methodological insights from three diary studies with academics”
Akkad, A. (2022) “Displaced Syrian academics: Unheard voices in academia”, Forced Migration Review (70), Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford
Akkad, A. & Henderson, E. F. (2021) “Exploring the role of HE teachers as change agents in the reconstruction of post-conflict Syria”, Teaching in Higher Education DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2021.1965571
Akkad, A. & Abdulkader, A. (2015) “Gender-related differences in ‘hedges’ and ‘intensifiers’ as used by EFL learners at the Higher Institute of Languages, Aleppo University”, Research Journal of Aleppo University, Arts and Humanities Sciences, Series No. 100, pp. 100-115
Research Projects Publications
Henderson, E. F., Akkad, A., Kier-Byfield, S., Burford, J., and Dangeni (In review) “Seeking supervisability: The inclusivity implications of doctoral supervisors’ engagement with prospective applicants prior to formal admissions”
Hanley, N., Tyson, L., Zhe, W., Akkad, A., Kwak, J., Vari-Lavoisier, I., M., & Chankseliani, M. (In review) “The impact of international mobility programmes for professionals: A systematic literature review 1960-2022”
Burford, J., Henderson, E. F., Kier-Byfield, S., Dangeni, and Akkad, A., (2023). Pre-Application Doctoral Communications (PADC) Projects: Final Report. Coventry: Department of Education Studies, University of Warwick. Available at: https://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/178943/
Zhe, W., Hanley, N., Kwak, J., Vari-Lavoisier, I., Al Hussein, M., Tyson, L., Akkad, A., & Chankseliani, M. (In review) “How do international student returnees contribute to the development of their home countries? A systematic mapping and thematic synthesis”
Burford, J., Kier-Byfield, S., Dangeni, Henderson, F. E., Akkad, A. (In review) “Conceptualising pre-application doctoral communications: A missing dimension in research on doctoral admissions”
Burford, J., Henderson, E. F., Akkad, A., Dangeni, Kier-Byfield, S. (In progress). The Role of the Supervisor in Pre-Application Doctoral Communications: Final Project Report. Coventry: Department for Education Studies, University of Warwick
Burford, James, Henderson, Emily F., Akkad, A., Dangeni, and Kier-Byfield, S. (2022) Pre-admissions doctoral communications: professional development activity kit for working with PGR supervisors. Coventry: Department of Education Studies, University of Warwick. Available at: www.warwick.ac.uk/PADC
Burford, James, Henderson, Emily F., Akkad, A., Dangeni, and Kier-Byfield, S. (2022) The role of the institution in pre-application doctoral communications: project brief. Coventry: Department of Education Studies, University of Warwick. Available at: www.warwick.ac.uk/PADC
Burford, James, Henderson, Emily F., Akkad, A., Dangeni, and Kier-Byfield, S. (2022) The role of the supervisor in pre-application doctoral communications: project brief. Coventry: Department of Education Studies, University of Warwick. Available at: www.warwick.ac.uk/PADC