Andrea Laczik has a first degree in business administration from Budapest, Hungary. She studied for an M.Sc. in Educational Research methodology and completed an ESRC funded D.Phil in Comparative and International Education.

Both her post-graduate studies were at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. She also completed a Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at the Learning Institute, University of Oxford.

Since 1996 she has worked on several EU funded Tempus Projects and collaborated with colleagues from Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia and the Ukraine. Most projects were concerned with teacher training and areas covered e.g. inclusive education, health education and social work in schools.

After finishing her D.Phil in 2005 Andrea worked at the Department of Education, University of Oxford as Research Officer/Project Manager on research projects concerning enterprise education, National Qualifications Framework and the 14-19 new Diploma qualification.

Andrea has been teaching at postgraduate level for many years. She has been a tutor for Foundation Research Methodology at Oxford, UK and taught at Debrecen, Hungary, and Perm, Russia. She has been giving seminars on the education systems of Hungary and Russia and their developments, and on Post-Communist countries in Transition. She also has been supervising post-graduate students.

Andrea is a Director and Honorary Secretary for the Developing Services for Teaching in Europe, the Oxford based charity.

At present Andrea works as a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, Centre for Education and Industry.


Andrea is currently working on:

  • The Evaluation of the Enterprise Network – funded by the SSAT.
  • Hungarian Migrants in the Labour Market. A pilot project on their former education and under-utilisation of their skills in the UK – with SKOPE.
  • European Policies and Practices in Designing and Delivering Outcome Oriented Curricula in Vocational Education and Training – funded by Cedefop.

Andrea’s recent research included work on the 14-19 Diploma qualifications, new government agenda of raising the participation age (RPA), employer engagement in education, enterprise education.

Andrea has worked on many EU funded projects with a focus on Russia: on inclusive education, health education and social work in schools. Both her postgraduate research studies were comparative: one on school choice and the other on parental involvement in education in Russia and Hungary. She has done extensive work on countries in transition in the former Eastern bloc countries. This has been a long-standing interest.


  • Laczik, A. (2010), ‘How Meaningful is the Policy of Free School Choice in the Modernisation of Education in Russia’ In Johnson, D. (ed) Politics, Modernisation and Educational Reform in Russia from past to present. In Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Series. Symposium Books, pp. 137-151.
  • Maguire, S., Newton, B., Laczik, A., White, C. (May 2010). Raising the Participation Age: Sub-regional trial. Identifying and supporting young people in jobs without training (JWT) back into learning (Bury, Salford and Wigan). Warwick: University of Warwick, Centre for Education and Industry, The Institute for Employment Studies (unpublished)
  • Laczik, A. & White, C. (2009), ‘Employer Engagement and the 14-19 Diplomas’. Research in Post-compulsory Education. Vol. 14, No.4. pp. 399-413.
  • Stagg, P., Wahlberg, M., Laczik, A., Huddleston, P. (February, 2009). The Uptake of Plant Sciences in the UK. A Research Project for The Gatsby Charitable Foundation. Warwick: University of Warwick, Centre for Education and Industry.
  • Erlt, H., Stanley, J., Huddleston, P., Stasz, C., Laczik, A., Hayward, G. (January 2009). Reviewing Diploma Development. An Evaluation of the Design of the Diploma Qualifications. funded by the DCSF
  • Laczik, A. (2006), ‘Comparing Hungary and Russia. Methodological implications of a qualitative research project’. Research in Comparative and International Education (e-journal). Vol. 1, No. 2.
  • Laczik, A (2002), ‘Aspects of Home-School Relationships in a Russian School’. In Sayer, J (ed.) Opening Windows to Change. A case study of sustained international development. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education. Oxford: Symposium Books, pp.103-120.
  • Laczik, A. (2002), Book review on Rosalind Edwards: Children, Home and School. Regulation, autonomy or connection? Routledge/Falmer, London, 2002. Education Vol.4. 2002
  • Laczik, A. (2001), ‘Home-School Relationships in one Russian School’. In Smit, F. van der Wolf, K. and Sleegers, P. (eds.) A bridge to the Future. Collaboration between Parents, Schools and Communities. Nijmegen: Stichting Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen, pp.109-116.