Anne Pinot de Moira

Honorary Norham Fellow

About me

Anne is a chartered statistician with over 25 years of experience working in the fields of assessment and education.

Between 1996 and 2014 she worked for AQA, England’s largest GCSE and A-level exam board, in the Centre for Educational Research and Practice (CERP). Latterly she took on the role of Head of Assessment Research. During her time at AQA, her research was used to influence policy decisions and to help in implementing changes to national assessments in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Since 2015 she has been working independently. She has worked closely with Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, Ofcom, UCAS and collaboratively with exam boards and universities. In her most recent post, she has been instrumental in devising a system of comparative judgement to deliver outcomes for the new National Professional Qualifications for teachers. She is also part of the University of Oxford-lead team engaged by Qualifications Wales to investigate standards in GCSEs in relation to norm- and criterion-referencing.



Anne’s key incentive is to provide high quality research to form an evidence base for operational decisions and the advancement of assessment practice. As such she has interests in the reliability of assessment, the design of question papers and mark schemes, comparative judgement and the setting of standards in examinations.



A large proportion of what she has written remains unpublished to a wider audience. It has been used to influence policy and practice within AQA and the wider assessment community. Many publications relating to improvements in assessment design and operational procedures, whilst uncontroversial, have remained confidential because of their sensitive commercial nature. Some papers, however, have been published and are listed below.



  • Pinot de Moira, A., Wheadon, C. & Christodoulou, D. (2022). The classification accuracy and consistency of comparative judgement of writing compared to rubric-based teacher assessment. Research in Education, 113(1), 25-40.
  • Pinot de Moira, A., Meadows, M., & Baird, J. A. (2020). The SES equity gap and the reform from modular to linear GCSE mathematics. British Educational Research Journal, 46(2), 241-436.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. & Kelly, K. (2017). Strictly statistics: How a reality TV dance contest can enhance public understanding of exam assessments.  Significance, February, 34-37.
  • Wheadon, C., & Pinot de Moira, A. (2013). Gains in marking reliability from item-level marking: is the sum of the parts better than the whole? Educational Research and Evaluation19(8), 665-679.
  • Daly, A. L., & Pinot de Moira, A. (2010). Students’ approaches to learning and their performance in the Extended Project pilot. Curriculum Journal21(2), 179-200.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. C., Massey, C., Baird, J. A., & Morrissy, M. (2002). Marking consistency over time. Research in Education67(1), 79-87.
  • Duffy, J. C., & Pinot De Moira, A. C. (1996). Changes in licensing law in England and Wales and indicators of alcohol-related problems. Addiction Research & Theory4(3), 245-271.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. C., & Duffy, J. C. (1995). Changes in licensing law in England and Wales and alcohol-related mortality. Addiction Research & Theory3(2), 151-164.



  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2013) Features of a levels-based mark scheme and their effect on marking reliability.Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2013). Seeds of doubt: Learning lessons from item level marking.Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2011). Effective discrimination in mark schemes.Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2011). Levels-based mark schemes and marking bias.Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2011). Why item mark?  The advantages and disadvantages of e-marking.Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2010). Identifying errant markers: Quality assurance systems in an e-marking environment. Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2003). Examiner background and the effect on marking reliability. Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy.



  • Baird, J., Ebner, K., & Pinot de Moira, A. (2003). Students’ choice of study in curriculum 2000. In IAEA Annual Conference, Hong Kong.



  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2003) An inter-awarding body comparability study.  The statistical analysis of results by board for: GCE A-level and AVCE Business, GCE A-level Chemistry, GCE A-level Geography, AVCE Health & Social Care.Organised by AQA on behalf of the Joint Forum for GCSE and GCE.
  • Adams, R. & Pinot de Moira, A. (2000) A comparability study in GCSE French: A study based on the Summer 1999 examinations. Review of question paper demand, cross-moderation study and statistical analysis of results. Organised by WJEC and AQA on behalf of the Joint Forum for the GCSE and GCE.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2000) A comparability study in GCSE English: Statistical analysis of results by board. Organised by AQA on behalf of the Joint Forum for GCSE and GCE.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (1999) A comparability study in GCSE Double Science: Statistical analysis of results by board.  Summer 1998 examination.Organised by AQA on behalf of the Joint Forum for GCSE and GCE.



  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2007). Commentary on chapter 10.  In P. N. Newton, J. Baird, H. Goldstein, H. Patrick, & P. Tymms (Eds.), Techniques for monitoring the comparability of examination standards.(pp. 427-433). London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.



  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2020) The impact of coursework on attainment dependent on student characteristics: A study based on GCSE and A level outcomes between 2004 and 2017. Ofqual/20/6629.
  • Pinot de Moira, A. (2020) Common centres: In the context of maintenance of standards for the GCSE.
  • Baird, J., Caro, D., Elliott, V., El Masri, Y., Ingram, J., Randhawa, A., Isaacs, T., Stobart, G., Meadows, M., Morin, C., Pinot de Moira, A., Taylor, R. (2019) Examination Reform: Impact of Linear and Modular Examinations at GCSE (Oxford, University of Oxford Department of Education). OUCEA/19/2.
  • Rhead, S., Black, B. & Pinot de Moira, A. (2016) Marking consistency metrics. Ofqual/16/6121.