Atsushi Kanayama is a doctoral student at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. His research focuses on the influence of teacher autonomy support on psychological needs satisfaction and self-regulated learning among Japanese elementary school students.



Kanayama, A., Siraj, I., Moeyaert, M., Steiner, K., Yu, E. C., Ereky-Stevens, K., Iwasa, K., Ishikawa, M., Kahlon, M., Warnatsch, R., Dascalu, A., He, R., Mehta, P. P., Robinson, N., & Shi, Y. (2024). PROTOCOL: Key characteristics of effective preschool-based interventions to promote self-regulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20(2), e1383.



Iram Siraj

Katharina Ereky-Stevens