Ghazala Bhatti is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Education.

Ghazala has a long-standing interest in the education of children and young people from minority ethnic backgrounds and the relationship of schools with their families.

She has been involved in Inclusive Education involving young people from marginalised communities. Ghazala is a founder member and convenor of the Social Justice and Intercultural Education network at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research) which looks at the intersection of race, gender and social class. Ghazala has undertaken collaborative work with colleagues in the US (College of William and Mary in Williamsburg) on the education of bilingual children and those who are learning English as an additional language. She has also worked on the EU funded project- EDIC (Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship). This joint initiative meant working with academics and post-graduate students from six European Universities (University of Helsinki, Charles University Prague, University of Barcelona, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Tallinn University, Estonia and the University of Humanistics in Utrecht). Since 2023, Ghazala has been involved in a Nordic research project ‘Migrant youth, Education, Culture and Identity’ with colleagues in the departments of education in the universities of Gothenburg, Iceland, Inland Norway University of Applied Science and Aarhus University, Denmark.  

Ghazala Bhatti has taught in universities in England, including Reading and Southampton. She participated in the ESRC funded seminar series DTDL (Diverse teachers for diverse learners). She has been a visiting academic at the College of William and Mary in US, the universities of Turin and Padua in Italy and the University of Debrecen in Hungary. Ghazala has been on the executive board of BJES and on the editorial boards of Gender and Education, British Journal of Educational Studies, Race, Ethnicity and Education and Intercultural Education.  

Ghazala’s post-doctoral research concerning the educational achievement and aspirations of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds in secondary schools in the city of Oxford was funded by the Department of Education, University of Oxford. Prior to that Ghazala taught English in secondary schools. 



Bhatti, G. Gaine, C. Gobbo, F. and Leeman, Y. (eds) (2007) Social Justice and Intercultural Education: an open ended dialogue, Stoke on Trent, Trentham 

Bhatti, G. (1999) Asian Children at Home and at School: an ethnographic study, London, Routledge 

Book chapters

Bhatti, G., Levinson, M. and Simmons, B. (2024) Doubly-Disadvantaged or Even Hidden Away: the situation of migrant and refugee children with special educational needs and disabilities. In Hammaren, N., Biorn, I. & Stretmo, L. (eds) Migrant Youth, Schooling and Identity: perspectives and experiences from Northern Europe, Switzerland, Springer

Bhatti, G. (2021) Ethnographic Research. In Coe, R., Waring, M., Hedges, L.V. and Ashley L.D. (eds) Research Methods and Methodologies in Education, London Sage   

Bhatti, G. (2019) Social and Educational experiences in schools and their communities. In Veugelers, W. Education for Democratic, Intercultural Citizenship, Leiden. Brill   

Bhatti, G.  (2019) Student experiences in EDIC+ Intensive Programmes. In Veugelers, W. Education for Democratic, Intercultural Citizenship, Leiden. Brill    

Bhatti, G. & McEachron, G. (2017) ‘If I could not make a difference, why would I be a teacher? Teaching English as an Additional Language and the quest for Social Justice.  In Peters, M.A., Cowie, B & Menter, I. Companion to Research in Teacher Education, Springer, Singapore  

Bhatti, G. (2012) Total Institutions and Qualitative Research. In Delamont, S. (ed) Handbook on Qualitative Research in Education, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 

Bhatti, G. (2012) Ethnographic and Representational Styles. In Arthur, J. Waring, M. Coe, R and Larry, V. (eds) Research Methods and Methodologies in Education, London, Sage  

Bhatti, G. (2012) Working with Diversity. In Banks, J. (ed) International Encyclopaedia of Diversity, Thousand Oaks, California, Sage   

Bhatti, G.  (2007) The irresistible attraction of ICT: experiences of trainee teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds. In Bhatti, G. Gaine, C. Gobbo, F. and Leeman, Y. (eds) Social Justice and Intercultural Education: an open-ended dialogue, Stoke on Trent, Trentham 

Bhatti. G. (2004) ‘ Good, Bad and Normal Teachers’. In Gillborn, D and Laddis-Billings, G. (eds) The Routledge-Falmer Reader in Multicultural Education, London, Routledge 

Bhatti, G. (2004) Teachers’ Roles and Learners’ Styles: from Learning by Rote to teaching for meaning’ in Mansoor, S. Meraj, S. and Tahir, A. (eds) Language Policy Planning and Practice, Karachi, Aga Khan University and Oxford University Press 

Bhatti, G. (2003) Social Justice and Non-traditional Participants in Higher Education: a tale of border-crossing, instrumentalism and drift. In Vincent, C. (ed.) Social Justice and Identity, London, Routledge-Falmer  

Bhatti, G. (2003) A reply to Mo’s essay on Empowerment’, So, are you the reader, empowered? In Griffiths, M. (ed) Action for Social Justice in Education, Buckingham, Open University Press 

Bhatti, G. (2003) ‘Ritornado sul ‘campo’:si possono avverare I sogni? Analisi preliminare dei risultati di un prosieguo di ricerca’. In Gobbo, F. Etnografia dell’ educazione in Europa, Milano, Unicopli Edizioni 

Bhatti, G. (2002) On the doctoral endeavour. In Walford, G. (ed) Doing a Doctorate in Educational Ethnography, Oxford, Elsevier 

Bhatti, G. (2000) Teaching all students in multi-ethic, multilingual Britain. In Benton, P. and O’Brien, T. (eds) Special Needs and the Beginning Teacher, London, Continuum 

McIntyre, D. Bhatti, G. and Fuller, M. (1997) ‘ Educational experiences of ethnic minority students in Oxford’ in Cosin, B. and Hale, M (eds) Families, Education and Social Difference, London, Routledge in association with the Open University 

Bhatti, G. (1995) A journey into the unknown: ethnographic study of Asian children. In Griffiths, M. and Troyna, B. (eds) Antiracism, Culture and Social Justice, Stoke on Trent, Trentham 

McIntyre, D. Bhatti, G and Fuller, M. (1993) Educational Experiences of Ethnic Minority Students in the City of Oxford, An Oxford Paper in Education, Oxford University Department of Educational Studies  

(Monograph contribution: principal researcher) 


Journal articles

McEachron, G and Bhatti, G.(2015) Teaching English as an Additional Language. In The Global Classroom: A Transnational Study in The United States and United Kingdom Global Education Review, 2(2). 59-83  

Rhamie, J. Bhopal, K and Bhatti, G. (2012) Stick to your own kind: pupils’ experiences of identity and diversity in secondary schools, British Journal Educational Studies, 60 (2) 171-191 

Bhatti, G. and Leeman, Y. (2011) Convening a network within the European Conference on Educational Research European Educational Research Journal  (10) 219-142  

Bhatti, G. (2011) Outsiders or Insiders?  Identity, Educational Success and Muslim young men  Ethnography and Education – Special Issue on Race 6 (1) 81-96 

Bhatti, G. (2010) Learning behind bars: education in prisons Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1, 31-36 

Bhatti, G. (2006) Ogbu and the debate on educational achievement: an exploration of the links between education, migration, identity and belonging: Intercultural Education, 17 (2) 133-147  

Bhatti, G & McEachron, G.  (2005) Language Support for Immigrant Children:  A Study of State Schools in the UK and US in Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol 18 (2) 164-180  

Bhatti, G. (2001) ‘Social Justice, Education and Inclusion’ in The School Field, Vol. XII number 3/4, 143-157.  

Bhatti, G. and McPake, J. (2000) ‘Education and Poverty in Western Europe’ in Prospects, Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, Volume XXIX no. 4, 551-559