Holly’s research focuses on exploring how unconscious cognitive processes support language acquisition and processing.
She has previously used a range of novel behavioural paradigms to investigate how these processes change across development in individuals with and without language difficulties. Holly is currently working with Dr Liz Wonnacott on a project funded by the Leverhulme Trust to determine the relevance of discriminative learning models for understanding human language.
Jenkins, H., Leung, P., Smith, F., Riches, N. G., & Wilson, B. (2023). Assessing Processing-Based Measures of Implicit Statistical Learning. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/baupz
Wilson, B., Jenkins, H.,E. (2022). Implicit Learning in Primates: Insights from Comparative Research in Reber, A. S., Allen, R. (Eds.). The Cognitive Unconscious: The First Half-Century. NY: Oxford University Press.
Innovating Measures of Cognitive Function in Childhood. Centre for Transformative Neuroscience Launch Event, 2nd December 2020
Artificial Grammar Learning Deficits in Dyslexia. Institute of Neuroscience Welcome Event, 5th December 2018
Jenkins, H. E., Smith, F., Riches, N. G., Petkov, C. I., Wilson, B. (2019). Artificial Grammar Learning Tasks using Speech Stimuli Reveal Intact, but Slower, Sequence Processing in Dyslexia. Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning Conference, 2019, San Sebastian, Spain.
Jenkins, H. E., Smith, F., Riches, N. G., Petkov, C. I., Wilson, B. (2020). A Visual Recall Paradigm to Assess Implicit Statistical Learning. CogSci, 2020, Toronto, Canada.