Jason is a Teaching Fellow and Tutor on the PGCE in Mathematics and on the MSc in Learning and Teaching.
Jason is also a secondary school mathematics teacher with over 20 years’ experience in state schools. He was an invited member of the National DfE Working Party for the One-to-One Tuition initiative in England (Westminster, London) and was co-developer of the interactive software suite Simply Maths.
- Bentley, J, Stylianides, G (2017) Drawing inferences from learners’ examples and questions to inform task design and develop learners’ spatial knowledge, The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2017.06.001
Cited IN (Books)
- Stylianides, GJ, Childs, A (Eds.) (2018) Classroom-based interventions across subject areas: Research to understand what works in education. Abingdon, England: Routledge.
- Bentley, J (2020) Learners’ attention to structure across proof variation tasks. OxBridge Mathematics Education Seminar, 18 June 2020.
- Bentley, J (2015) Drawing inferences from learners’ examples and questions to inform task design and develop learners’ spatial knowledge. BERA National Conference, Belfast: 16 Sept. 2015.