Jenni Ingram is Professor of Mathematics Education at the Department and Fellow of Linacre College.

Jenni is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the Royal Statistical Society. She is a member of the Mathematics Expert Group for the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and is Chair of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME) Language and Mathematics working group.

Her research focuses on mathematics education with a particular interest in classroom interaction and language, and mathematics assessment both internationally and within classrooms. Her current research projects focus on language- responsive mathematics teaching in secondary schools including an intervention study in classrooms in England and an international study of mathematics teacher expertise in teaching linguistically disadvantaged students in seven countries. Jenni is also the research lead for PISA 2022 in England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Jenni is Editor for the international journal Research in Mathematics Education and is also on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Mathematical Behaviour and the Journal for Mathematics Teacher Education.

Funded Research Projects:

PISA National Centre for England (Department for Education)

Developing Language-Responsive Mathematics Classrooms (Nuffield Foundation)

Establishing a Collaborative Relationship for Research on School Mathematics Teaching with Linguistically Disadvantaged Learners (John Fell Fund)

Global Teaching InSights TALIS Video Study (Department for Education)


  • Puttick, S., Elliott, V., & Ingram, J. (2024). Knowledge: Keywords in Teacher Education (pp. 1-150).

  • Ingram, J. (2021). Patterns in mathematics classroom interaction a conversation analytic approach. Oxford University Press.

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse.

  • Book chapters
  • Ingram, J., & Coles, A. (2022). Researching teacher learning through self-video. In R. Tierney, F. Rizv, & K. Ercikan (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition) (pp. 120-126). Elsevier.

  • Ingram, J. (2022). Conversation analysis. In Perspectives in Contemporary STEM Education Research (pp. 101-109). Taylor & Francis.

  • Andrews, N., Ingram, J., & Dasgupta, L. (2022). THE USE OF VISUAL MODELS TO SUPPORT PRACTICAL THEORISING IN MATHEMATICS. In Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 129-142).

  • Ingram, J. (2021). List of Extracts. In Patterns in Mathematics Classroom Interaction (p. ix - xii). Oxford University Press (OUP).

  • Ingram, J., & Coles, A. (2021). Teacher learning through self-video. In International Encyclopedia of Education. Elsevier.

  • Ingram, J., Burn, K., Fiddaman, J., Penfold, C., & Tope, C. (2021). The Influence of and Interactions Between Different Contexts in the Learning and Development of Mathematics Teacher Educators. In LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICS TEACHER EDUCATORS (pp. 263-280).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Data Collection. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 175-188).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Conversation Analysis and Discursive Psychology. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 11-26).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Transcription Decisions. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 189-202).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Written Texts. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 139-154).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction to Part One. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 8-9).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Ethics. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 159-174).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Conclusion. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 203-204).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Researching Multilingual Classrooms. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 109-122).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Corpus Linguistics and Other Quantitative Approaches. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 73-88).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Knowledge and Knowing. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 123-138).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Positioning Theory and Figured Worlds. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 27-42).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Critical Discourse Analysis. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 43-55).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction to Part Three. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 156-157).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction to Part Two. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 90-91).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Sociolinguistics. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 57-72).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Researching Identity through Classroom Discourse. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 93-107).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 1-5).

  • Ingram, J. (2020). Wait Time. In Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (pp. 905-908). Springer Nature.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., Thompson, I., Ingram, J., McNicholl, J., & Firth, R. (2019). The impact of adopting a research orientation towards use of the Pupil Premium Grant in preparing beginning teachers in England to understand and work effectively with young people living in poverty. In Poverty Discourses in Teacher Education (pp. 61-77). Taylor & Francis.

  • Ingram, J. (2018). Wait Time. In Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (pp. 1-4). Springer Nature.

  • Elliott, V., & Ingram, J. (2016). Using silence in classroom discussion. In M. Giovanelli & D. Clayton (Eds.), Knowing about Language: Linguistics and the Secondary English Classroom. Routledge.

  • Elliott, V., & Ingram, J. (2016). Using silence: Discourse analysis and teachers’ knowledge about classroom discussion. In Knowing About Language: Linguistics and the secondary English classroom (pp. 151-161).

  • INGRAM, J. (2013). Discussion and communication. In C. Lee, S. Johnston-Wilder, & R. Ward-Penny (Eds.), A Practical Guide to Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School. Routledge.

  • INGRAM, J. (2012). Gender in education. In V. Brooks, I. Abbott, & P. Huddleston (Eds.), Preparing To Teach In Secondary Schools: A Student Teacher’s Guide To Professional Issues In Secondary Education. Open University Press.

  • Baldry, F., INGRAM, J., & Pitt, A. (2012). Numeracy across the curriculum. In V. Brooks, I. Abbott, & P. Huddleston (Eds.), Preparing To Teach In Secondary Schools: A Student Teacher’s Guide To Professional Issues In Secondary Education. Open University Press.

  • INGRAM, J. (n.d.). Discussion and Communication. In C. Lee & R. Ward-Penny (Eds.), A practical guide to teaching mathematics in the secondary school. Routledge.

  • ANDREWS, N., Dasgupta, L., & INGRAM, J. (n.d.). The pursuit of mathematical vocabulary. In N. Planas, C. Morgan, & M. Schuette (Eds.), Classroom research on mathematics and language. Routledge.

  • Journal articles
  • Porter, J., McDermott, T., Daniels, H., & Ingram, J. (2024). Feeling Part of the School and Feeling Safe: Further Development of a Tool for Investigating School Belonging. Educational Studies, 50(3), 382-398.

  • Ingram, J., Abbott, A., Smith, K., Planas, N., & Erath, K. (2024). Experienced teachers talking about their mathematics teaching with linguistically disadvantaged learners. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.

  • Ingram, J., Bokhove, C., & Hunter, J. (2024). Editorial for Volume 26. Research in Mathematics Education, 26(1), 1-2.

  • Ingram, J., Clivaz, S., Maher, C., & Wilkinson, L. (2023). Learners building conceptual understandings of mathematics: conditions for promoting growth in understanding – a global perspective from ICME-14. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 72.

  • Bokhove, C., Hunter, J., & Ingram, J. (2023). Editorial. Research in Mathematics Education, 25(1), 1-2.

  • Burn, K., Ingram, J., Molway, L., & Mutton, T. (2022). Beyond reactive responses to enduring growth: the transformation of principles and practices within initial teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 48, 441-458.

  • Ingram, J. (2022). Randomness and probability: exploring student teachers’ conceptions. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 26(1), 1-19.

  • Ingram, J., Bokhove, C., Hunter, J., & Coles, A. (2022). EDITORIAL. RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, 24(1), 1-2.

  • Porter, J., & Ingram, J. (2021). Changing the exclusionary practices of mainstream secondary schools: the experience of girls with SEND. ‘I have some quirky bits about me that I mostly hide from the world’. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 26(1), 60-77.

  • Erath, K., Ingram, J., Moschkovich, J., & Prediger, S. (2021). Designing and enacting instruction that enhances language for mathematics learning - a review of the state of development and research. ZDM, 53(2021), 245-262.

  • Coles, A., Bokhove, C., Hunter, J., & Ingram, J. (2021). Editorial. RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, 23(2), 111-112.

  • McDermott, T., Porter, J., Ingram, J., & Daniels, H. (2020). The development of a tool for investigating the barriers and supports to participation in school life and feelings of belonging: part 1. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(5), 787-802.

  • Ingram, J. (2020). Epistemic management in mathematics classroom interactions: student claims of not knowing or not understanding. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 58.

  • Ingram, J., & Riser, P. (2019). Experiences of problem solving in whole class interactions. Avances De Investigación En Educación Matemática, 16, 5-21.

  • Ingram, J., Andrews, N., & Pitt, A. (2019). When students offer explanations without the teacher explicitly asking them to. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 101(1), 51-66.

  • Ingram, J., Elliott, V., Morin, C., Randhawa, A., & Brown, C. (2018). Playing the system: incentives to ‘game’ and educational ethics in school examination entry policies in England. Oxford Review of Education, 44(5), 545-562.

  • Ingram, J., & Watson, A. (2018). But are students communicating mathematically?. For the Learning of Mathematics, 38(2), 19-21.

  • Ingram, J. (2018). Moving forward with ethnomethodological approaches to analysing mathematics classroom interactions. ZDM, 50(6), 1065-1075.

  • Alam, K., Andrews, N., Ingram, J., Pitt, A., Archer, R., Bamber, S., de la Fuente, A., Rowland, T., Deulofeu, J., Ergene, Ö, Delice, A., Hacıömeroğlu, G., Delice, A., Sür, B., Ingram, J., Andrews, N., Pitt, A., Kenna, A., Kosyvas, G., McCullouch, J., Naik, M., Nikolakopoulou, V., Palmer, P., Hough, S., Kennedy, J., Pope, S., Palmer, P., Lister, S., Povey, H., Adams, G., Jackson, C., Şay, R., Akkoç, H., & Webb, C. (2016). Day conference abstracts. Research in Mathematics Education, 18(3), 321-329.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., Thompson, I., Ingram, J., McNicholl, J., & Firth, R. (2016). The impact of adopting a research orientation towards use of the Pupil Premium Grant in preparing beginning teachers in England to understand and work effectively with young people living in poverty. Journal of Education for Teaching, 42(4), 434-450.

  • Ingram, J., Pitt, A., & Baldry, F. (2015). Handling errors as they arise in whole-class interactions. Research in Mathematics Education, 17(3), 183-197.

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2015). A critical analysis of the role of wait time in classroom interactions and the effects on student and teacher interactional behaviours. Cambridge Journal of Education, 46(1), 37-53.

  • Ingram, J. (2014). Shifting attention. For the Learning of Mathematics, 34(3), 19-24.

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2014). Turn taking and ’wait time’ in classroom interactions. JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS, 62, 1-12.

  • Ingram, J. (2014). Supporting student teachers in developing and applying professional knowledge with videoed events. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(1), 51-62.

  • Hammond, M., Reynolds, L., & Ingram, J. (2011). How and why do student teachers use ICT?. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(3), 191-203.

  • Hammond, M., Fragkouli, E., Suandi, I., Crosson, S., Ingram, J., Johnston‐Wilder, P., Johnston‐Wilder, S., Kingston, Y., Pope, M., & Wray, D. (2009). What happens as student teachers who made very good use of ICT during pre‐service training enter their first year of teaching?. Teacher Development, 13(2), 93-106.

  • Hammond, M., Crosson, S., Fragkouli, E., Ingram, J., Johnston‐Wilder, P., Johnston‐Wilder, S., Kingston, Y., Pope, M., & Wray, D. (2009). Why do some student teachers make very good use of ICT? An exploratory case study. Technology Pedagogy and Education, 18(1), 59-73.

  • Ingram, J. (n.d.). Negotiating knowledge through mathematical activities in classroom interactions. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik.

  • Hammond, M., Reynolds, L., INGRAM, J., & Pope, M. (n.d.). How and why do trainee teachers use ICT?. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(3), 191-203.

  • Internet publication
  • INGRAM, J., SAMMONS, P., & LINDORFF, A. (2018). Observing effective mathematics teaching: a review of the literature. Education Development Trust.

  • INGRAM, J. (2016). Talk in Maths.

  • Reports
  • Ingram, J., Stiff, J., Cadwallader, S., Lee, G., & Kayton, H. (2023). PISA 2022: National report for England. Department for Education.

  • Ingram, J., Stiff, J., Cadwallader, S., Lee, G., & Kayton, H. (2023). PISA 2022: National report for Northern Ireland. Department of Education.

  • Ingram, J., Stiff, J., Cadwallader, S., Lee, G., & Kayton, H. (2023). PISA 2022: National report for Wales. Welsh Government.

  • Ingram, J., Sammons, P., Lindorff, A., Mitchell, P., McDermott, T., Smith, K., & Voss, M. (2020). TALIS Video Study national report. Department for Education.

  • Elliott, V., Randhawa, A., Ingram, J., Nelson-Addy, L., Griffin, C., & Baird, J.-A. (2020). Feedback in action: A review of practice in English schools. Educational Endowment Foundation.

  • BAIRD, J.-A., Caro, D., ELLIOTT, V., EL MASRI, Y., INGRAM, J., RANDHAWA, A., Isaacs, T., Stobart, G., Meadows, M., Morin, C., Pinot de Moira, A., & Taylor, R. (2019). Examination reform: Impact of linear and modular examinations at GCSE.

  • Elliott, V., BAIRD, J., Hopfenbeck, T., Ingram, J., Thompson, I., Usher, N., Zantout, M., Richardson, J., & Coleman, R. (2016). A marked improvement? A review of the evidence on written marking. Education Endowment Foundation.

  • Hammond, M., Pope, M., Reynolds, L., & INGRAM, J. (2009). Engagement and ICT: A study supported by a small grant from Becta.

  • Funded Research Projects

    • TALIS Video Study (PI)
    • Mindsets and Diversity: understanding and addressing attainment gaps amongst Oxford undergraduates in highly mathematical subjects (CI)
    • Pedagogic and organisational mediation of experience in schools (PI)
    • Developing Teacher-Student talk in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom (PI)
    • The linearization of GCSE examinations. A collaborative project between Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment and Ofqual
    • A Review of the Evidence on Written Marking (CI)
    • Evaluation of the impact of Mathletics software on attainment in mathematics in primary schools in England (PI)