Jo McIntyre is Associate Professor, in the School of Education, University of Nottingham.
Jo has worked on a range of funded research projects in the fields of teacher education and refugee education and is particularly interested in how, through the field of Education, we can understand and improve the lives of those who are marginalized or disadvantaged by society. Jo chairs the Russell Group’s Initial Teacher Education national network. She sits on the DfE’s Initial Teacher Training Advisory Group and is a member of UCET’s Executive Committee.
Jo has been involved in a range of research projects in the field of teacher education, in the areas of beginning teacher professional identity, mentoring, and teacher education policy and practice. Jo’s work in the field of refugee education includes a sustained collaboration with Lund University. She has worked on research projects which look at the barriers and opportunities schools face when working to support refugee children in Europe. This has included work with teacher educators in different international contexts to consider issues of global migration and initial teacher education.
- McIntyre, J and Neuhaus, S. 2021. ‘Theorizing Policy and Practice in Refugee Education: conceptualising ‘safety’, ‘belonging’, ‘success’ and ‘participatory parity’ in England and Sweden. British Educational Research Journal.
- McIntyre, J. and Abrams, F. 2021. Refugee Education: Theorising practice in schools. Abingdon: Routledge.
- 2020. Compounded exclusion: Education for disabled refugees in Sub-Saharan Africa Frontiers in Education.
- McIntyre, J., Youens, B. and Stevenson H. 2019. Silenced voices: the disappearance of the university and the student teacher in teacher education policy discourse in England Research Papers in Education, 34 (2), 153-168.
- Noyes, A., Geppert, C. and McIntyre, J. 2019. Teacher training bursaries in England An analysis of their impact on the quantity and quality of trainees. University of Nottingham
- McIntyre, J. & Hall, C. 2018 Barriers to the inclusion of refugee and asylum-seeking children in schools in England, Educational Review, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1544115.
- McIntyre, J., Neuhaus, S. & Blennow, K. 2018 Participatory parity in schooling and moves towards ordinariness: a comparison of refugee education policy and practice in England and Sweden, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2018.1515007.
- McIntyre, J. 2018. Restructuring teacher education in the UK: Insights into the future, In Simões, A, Lourenço, M. and Costa, N (Eds.) Teacher Education Policy and Practice in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future. Routledge.
- McIntyre, J. and Jones, S. 2017. Connecting community through film in ITE English. In David Stevens and Karen Lockney, (Eds.) Students, Places and Identities in the Arts. Routledge.
- McIntyre, J. and Knight, R. 2016. Revealing the community within: valuing the role of local community structures within evidence-based school intervention programmes, The Urban Review. 48 (5), 647–667.
- McIntyre, J. 2016. Riots and a Blank Canvas: young people creating texts, creating spaces. Literacy. 50 (3) 149157.
- McIntyre, J. and Thomson, P. 2015. Poverty, Schooling, and beginning teachers who make a difference: A case study from England. In J. Lampert and B. Burnett (Eds.) Teacher education for high-poverty schools 2. New York: Springer, p153-170.
- McIntyre, J. and Hobson, A.J., 2015. Supporting beginning teacher identity development: external mentors and the third space, in Research Papers in Education, 31 (2), 133-158.
- McIntyre, J. and Jones, S. 2014 Possibility in impossibility? Working with beginning teachers of English in times of change, in English in Education. 48 (1), 26-40.
- Hobson, A.J. and McIntyre, J., 2013. ‘I have to give the impression I know what I’m talking about’: how teacher fabrication impedes professional learning and development, and external mentoring offers an antidote, Oxford Review of Education. 39 (3), 345-365.
- Jones, S and McIntyre, J. 2013. Inclusive approaches to teaching literacy in the secondary school in Bearne, E (Ed.) UKLA CD Rom.
- Hobson, A.J., McIntyre, J., Ashby, P., Hayward, V., Stevans, A. and Malderez, A., 2012. The nature, impact and potential of external mentoring for teachers of physics and other subjects in England. London: Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
- McIntyre, J. and Green, A. ‘Planning the Curriculum’ in in Green, A. (Ed), 2011, Becoming a Reflective English Teacher. Open University Press. Green, A. and McIntyre, J. ‘What is English?’ in Green, A. (Ed), 2011, Becoming a Reflective English Teacher. Open University Press.
- McIntyre, J. 2010. Why they sat still: An examination of the ideas and values of long-serving teachers in urban schools in England, in Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 16, 5, 595-614.
- McIntyre, J. Ward, N. 2010. English Case Studies and Bright Ideas, in Integrating Global and Anti-Racist Perspectives within the Secondary Curriculum, Nottingham City Council.
- McIntyre, J., Hobson, A.J. & Mitchell, N. 2009. Continuity, support, togetherness and trust. Findings from an evaluation of a university-administered early professional development programme for teachers in England, Professional Development in Education, 35(3), 357-379.
- Hobson, A.J., Malderez, A., Tracey, L., Homer, M.S., Ashby, P., Mitchell, N., McIntyre, J., Cooper, D., Roper, T., Chambers, G.N. and Tomlinson, P.D. 2009. Becoming a Teacher: Teachers’ experiences of initial teacher training, Induction and early professional development (Final report). Nottingham: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF).
- Hobson, A.J., Malderez, A., Tracey, L., Homer, M.S., Ashby, P., Mitchell, N. & McIntyre, J. 2009. Becoming a Teacher: Teachers’ experiences of initial teacher training, Induction and early professional development. Nottingham: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). (Research Brief).
- Ashby, P., Hobson, A.J. & McIntyre, J. 2009. A review of the international evidence base on the nature and effectiveness of methods of teacher selection and recruitment: Interim, preliminary report to the OECD Directorate for Education.
- Mitchell, N., Hobson, A.J. & McIntyre, J. 2007. External Evaluation of the University of Cambridge Early Professional Development Programme: Final Report to the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (Gatsby Technical Education Projects).
- Raban B., Clark U., McIntyre J. 1994. Evaluation of the Implementation of English in the National Curriculum at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 (1991-1993). London: School Curriculum and Assessment Authority.