Julie is Professor of Education and Adoption. She leads the Hadley programme of research within the Rees Centre.

The research focuses on improving the outcomes for children looked after by the state and those who leave care on permanence orders such as adoption and special guardianship orders. For example, research on understanding the best ways to train and support those who are parenting children who have been maltreated or are traumatised by past experiences. Her research is ‘close to practice’, ensuring strong partnerships with social care agencies and the third sector.

Julie was awarded a CBE for her work in 2015.

Julie has contributed expert evidence to NICE reviews and is an academic advisor to UK and international governments. She has appeared as an expert witness in contested adoption hearings in the Supreme Court in Australia and in family courts in England.


  • Ottaway, H., & Selwyn, J. (2016). ’No-one told us it was going to be like this’. University of Bristol.

  • Selwyn, J., Meakings, S., & Wijedasa, D. (2015). Beyond the Adoption Order: challenges, intervention and disruption. BAAF.

  • Saunders, H., & Selwyn, J. (2013). Best practice in placing sibling groups. BAAF.

  • Turney, D., Platt, D., Selwyn, J., & Farmer, E. (2012). Improving Child and Family Assessments: Turning research into practice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

  • Saunders, H., & Selwyn, J. (2011). Adopting Large Sibling Groups. BAAF.

  • Selwyn, J., Quinton, D., Harris, P., Wijedasa, D., Nawaz, S., & Wood, M. (2010). Pathways to permanence for black, Asian and mixed ethnicity children. BAAF.

  • Selwyn, J., Quinton, D., Harris, P., Wijedasa, D., Nawaz, S., & Wood, M. (2010). Pathways to Permanence for Black, Asian and Mixed Ethnicity Children. London: BAAF.

  • Selwyn, J., Sturgess, W., Quinton, D., & Baxter, C. (2006). Costs and outcomes of non-infant adoptions. British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF).

  • Boushel, M., Fawcett, M., & Selwyn, J. (2000). Focus on Early Childhood: Principles and Realities. Blackwell Scientific Publications.

  • Book chapters
  • Selwyn, J. (2015). The home study and assessment of applicants: research evidence. In J. Alper & D. Howe (Eds.), Assessing adoptive and foster parents (pp. 37-62). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

  • Selwyn, J., & Wijedasa, D. (2009). The placement of looked after minority ethic children. In S. G. & J. Simmonds (Eds.), The Child Placement Handbook (pp. 363-381). London: BAAF.

  • Quinton, D., & Selwyn, J. (2006). Adoption in the UK: outcomes, influences and support. In C. McAuley, P. Pecora, & W. Rose (Eds.), Effective Interventions for Children and Families (pp. 253-265). Jessica Kingsley.

  • Selwyn, J., Sturgess, W., Quinton, D., & Baxter, C. (2004). Costs of Adoption. In C. null & A. L.Netten (Eds.), Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2004 (pp. 11-17). Kent: PSSRU.

  • Selwyn, J. (2004). Placing Older Children in New Families:Changing Patterns of Contact. In E. Neil & D. Howe (Eds.), Contact in Adoption and Permanent Foster Care, Research Theory and Practice (pp. 144-164). London:BAAF Adoption and Fostering.

  • Selwyn, J. (2000). (i) Fetal development, (ii) Infancy and (iii) Technologies and environments: new freedoms, new constraints. In M. Boushel, M. Fawcett, & J. Selwyn (Eds.), Focus on early childhood: Principles and Realities (pp. 21-48). Blackwell Scientific Publications.

  • Selwyn, J. (1999). A for ever and ever family: siblings’ views as represented in reports for adoption hearings. In A. Mullender (Ed.), We Are Family: Sibling Relationships in Placement and Beyond (pp. 140-149). BAAF.

  • Selwyn, J. (1996). "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all?" Involuntary childlessness and identity. In I. Butler & I. Shaw (Eds.), A case of Neglect? Children’s experiences and the sociology of childhood (pp. 37-55). Avebury.

  • SELWYN, J. (n.d.). OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN ADOPTED FROM CARE IN THE UK. In C. Fenton-Glynn & N. Lowe (Eds.), Research Handbook on Adoption Law. Edward Elgar Publishers.

  • Journal articles
  • McGrane, J., Baker, C., & Selwyn, J. (2024). The development and psychometric validation of a survey to measure the subjective well-being of care leavers. Children and Youth Services Review, 158.

  • Selwyn, J., & Lewis, S. (2023). Keeping in touch: looked after children and young people’s views on their contact arrangements. Adoption and Fostering.

  • Selwyn, J., & Lewis, S. (2023). Keeping in Touch: looked after children and young people’s views on their contact arrangements. Adoption and Fostering, 47(2), 120-137.

  • Suh, E., & Selwyn, J. (2022). Exploring local authority variation in looked after young people’s subjective well-being. British Journal of Social Work, 53(1), 177-197.

  • Selwyn, J., & Staines, J. (2020). “I wish someone would explain why I am in care”: The impact of children and young people’s lack of understanding of why they are in out-of-home care on their well-being and felt security. Child and Family Social Work, 25(S1), 97-106.

  • Zhang, M., & Selwyn, J. (2019). The subjective well-being of children and young people in out of home care: psychometric analyses of the “Your Life, Your Care” survey. Child Indicators Research, 13(5), 1549-1572.

  • Staines, J., Golding, K., & Selwyn, J. (2019). Nurturing attachments parenting program: The relationship between adopters’ parental reflective functioning and perception of their children’s difficulties. Developmental Child Welfare, 1(2), 143-158.

  • Palacios, J., Adroher, S., Brodzinsky, D., Grotevant, H., Johnson, D., Juffer, F., Martínez-Mora, L., Muhamedrahimov, R., Selwyn, J., Simmonds, J., & Tarren-Sweeney, M. (2019). Adoption in the service of child protection: an international interdisciplinary perspective. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 25(2), 57-72.

  • Wood, M., & Selwyn, J. (2019). Looked after children and young people’s views on what matters to their subjective well-being. Adoption and Fostering, 41(1), 20-34.

  • Palacios, J., Rolock, N., Selwyn, J., & Barbosa-Ducharne, M. (2018). Adoption breakdown: Concept, research, and implications. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(2), 130-142.

  • Selwyn, J. (2018). Sibling relationships in adoptive families that disrupted or were in crisis. Research on Social Work Practice.

  • Selwyn, J. (2017). The adoption of looked after maltreated children in England: Challenges, opportunities and outcomes. Developing Practice: The Child Youth and Family Work Journal.

  • Selwyn, J. (2017). The adoption of looked after maltreated children in England: challenges, opportunities and outcomes. Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal.

  • Wijedasa, D., & Selwyn, J. (2017). Examining rates and risk factors for post-order adoption disruption in England and Wales through survival analyses. Children and Youth Services Review, 83, 179-189.

  • Meakings, S., & Selwyn, J. (2016). ‘She was a foster mother who said she didn’t give cuddles’: The adverse early foster care experiences of children who later struggle with adoptive family life. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 21(4), 509-519.

  • Selwyn, J., Wood, M., & Newman, T. (2016). Looked after children and young people in England: Developing measures of subjective well-being. Child Indicators Research, 10(2), 363-380.

  • Selwyn, J., & Meakings, S. (2015). ‘She just didn’t smell right!’ Odour and adoptive family life. Adoption & Fostering, 39(4), 294-302.

  • Selwyn, J., & Meakings, S. (2015). Adolescent-to-parent violence in adoptive families. British Journal of Social Work, 46(5), 1224-1240.

  • SELWYN, J., & Masson, J. (2014). Adoption, special guardianship and residence orders: a comparison of disruption rates. Family Law Journal, 44, 1709-1714.

  • Selwyn, J., & Nandy, S. (2014). Kinship care in the UK: using census data to estimate the extent of formal and informal care by relatives. Child & Family Social Work, 19(1), 44-54.

  • Nandy, S., & Selwyn, J. (2013). Kinship Care and Poverty: Using Census Data to Examine the Extent and Nature of Kinship Care in the UK. The British Journal of Social Work, 43(8), 1649-1666.

  • Farmer, E., Selwyn, J., & Meakings, S. (2013). Children’s views of living in informal kinship care. Child & Family Social Work, 18(1), 25-34.

  • Farmer, E., Selwyn, J., & Meakings, S. (2013). ’Other children say you’re not normal because you don’t live with your parents’. Child and Family Social Work.

  • Selwyn, J., & Nandy, S. (2012). Sibling kinship carers in England: Evidence from the 2001 UK population census. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(1), 194-199.

  • Selwyn, J., & Wijedesa, D. (2011). Pathways to adoption for minority ethnic children in England – reasons for entry to care. Child & Family Social Work, 16(3), 276-286.

  • Selwyn, J., & Sempik, J. (2011). Recruiting Adoptive Families: The Costs of Family Finding and the Failure of the Inter-Agency Fee. The British Journal of Social Work, 41(3), 415-431.

  • Staines, J., Farmer, E., & Selwyn, J. (2011). Implementing a Therapeutic Team Parenting Approach to Fostering: The Experiences of One Independent Foster-Care Agency. The British Journal of Social Work, 41(2), 314-332.

  • Selwyn, J. (2010). The Challenges in Planning for Permanency. Adoption & Fostering, 34(3), 32-37.

  • Selwyn, J., Saunders, H., & Farmer, E. (2010). The Views of Children and Young People on Being Cared For by an Independent Foster-Care Provider. The British Journal of Social Work, 40(3), 696-713.

  • Quinton, D., & Selwyn, J. (2009). Adoption as a solution to intractable parenting problems: Evidence from two English studies. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(10), 1119-1126.

  • Rees, C., & Selwyn, J. (2009). Non-infant adoption from care: lessons for safeguarding children. Child: Care, Health and Development, 35(4), 561-567.

  • Selwyn, J., del Tufo, S., & Frazer, L. (2009). It’s a Piece of Cake?: An evaluation of an Adopter Training Programme. Adoption & Fostering, 33(1), 30-43.

  • Saunders, H., & Selwyn, J. (2008). Supporting Informal Kinship Care. Adoption & Fostering, 32(2), 31-42.

  • Sturgess, W., & Selwyn, J. (2007). Supporting the placements of children adopted out of care. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 12(1), 13-28.

  • Quinton, D., & Selwyn, J. (2006). Adoption: research, policy and practice. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 18 (4), 459-477.

  • Selwyn, J., Frazer, L., & Wrighton, P. (2006). More Than Just a Letter: Service User Perspectives on One Local Authority’s Adoption postbox service. Adoption & Fostering, 30(2), 6-17.

  • Selwyn, J., Frazer, L., & Quinton, D. (2006). Paved with Good Intentions: The Pathway to Adoption and the Costs of Delay. The British Journal of Social Work, 36(4), 561-576.

  • Selwyn, J. (2006). Understanding Pathways to Permanence: Adoption and minority ethnic children. ChildRIGHT (The Childrens Legal Centre), cR223, 14-17.

  • Selwyn, J. (2006). More than just a letter. Adoption and Fostering, 30, 6-17.

  • Frazer, L., & Selwyn, J. (2005). Why are we waiting? The demography of adoption for children of black, Asian and black mixed parentage in England. Child & Family Social Work, 10(2), 135-147.

  • Selwyn, J., & Quinton, D. (2004). Stability, Permanence, Outcomes and Support: Foster Care and Adoption Compared. Adoption & Fostering, 28(4), 6-15.

  • Selwyn, J., & Sturgess, W. (2002). Achieving Permanency through Adoption: Following in US Footsteps?. Adoption & Fostering, 26(3), 40-49.

  • Rose, S., & Selwyn, J. (2000). Child neglect. International Social Work, 43(2), 179-192.

  • Quinton, D., Selwyn, J., Rushton, A., & Dance, C. (1999). Contact between children placed away from home and their birth parents: Ryburn’s ’reanalysis’ analysed. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 4(4), 519-531.

  • Quinton, D., Selwyn, J., Rushton, A., & Dance, C. (1999). Contact between children placed away from home and their birth parents. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 4, 519-532.

  • Quinton, D., Selwyn, J., Rushton, A., & Dance, C. (1998). Contact with birth parents in adoption: a response to Ryburn. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 10, 349-361.

  • Selwyn, J. (1996). Ascertaining Children’s Wishes and Feelings in Relation to Adoption. Adoption & Fostering, 20(3), 14-20.

  • Selwyn, J. (1994). Spies, Informers and double agents:Adoption assessments and role ambiguity. Adoption and Fostering, 18.4.

  • Reports
  • SELWYN, J., & Lewis, S. (2021). The views and experiences of approved adopters in 5 regional adoption agencies. Department for Education.

  • SELWYN, J., & Lewis, S. (2021). Supporting adoptive families: the views of adoptive parents in 4 regional adoption agencies. Department for Education.

  • Briheim, L., Michelmore, O., Baker, C., Oluwanifemi, O., Taylor, S., & SELWYN, J. (2020). Bright Spots report (2020) What makes life good? Care leavers’ views on their wellbeing. Coram Voice.

  • Selwyn, J. (2017). Post-adoption support and interventions for adoptive families: Best practice approaches. German Research Center on Adoption (EFZA).

  • Selwyn, J., & Briheim-Crookall, L. (2017). Our Lives, Our Care. School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol.

  • Ottaway, H., & Selwyn, J. (2016). "No-one told us it was going to be like this". Fostering Attachments Ltd.

  • Selwyn, J., Golding, K., Joanne, A., Gurney Smith, B., & Hewitt, O. (2016). A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the Nurturing Attachments Group Programme. Adoptionplus.

  • Selwyn, J., & Meakings, S. (2015). Beyond the adoption order (Wales): Discord and disruption in adoptive families. Welsh Assembly Government.

  • Selwyn, J., & Wood, M. (2015). Measuring Well-Being. University of Bristol.

  • Wood, M., & Selwyn, J. (2015). Children and Young People’s views of being in care. University of Bristol.

  • Selwyn, J., Wijedasa, D., & Meakings, S. (2014). Beyond the adoption order: challenges, intervention, disruption . Department for Education.

  • Selwyn, J., Farmer, E., Meakings, S., & Vaisey, P. (2013). The Poor Relations? Children and Informal Kinship Carers Speak Out. School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol.

  • Turney, D., Platt, D., Selwyn, J., & Farmer, E. (2011). Social Work Assessment of Children in Need: What do we know? Messages from research. Department for Education.

  • Wijedasa, D., & Selwyn, J. (2011). Transition to adulthood for adopted young people:Secondary analyses of data from the longitudinal study of young people in England (LSYPE). Hadley Trust.

  • Selwyn, J., Sempik, J., Wijedasa, D., & Thurston, P. (2010). Adoption and the inter-agency fee Research Report DCSF-RR149. DCSF.

  • Jenkins, S., Chindoroy, R., Selwyn, J., & Saunders, H. (2009). Foster Carer Payments Schedule and Fees Framework. Welsh Assembly Government.

  • Selwyn, J., Sempik, J., Wijedasa, D., & Thurston, P. (2009). Adoption and the inter-agency fee. DCSF.

  • Saunders, H., Selwyn, J., & Wales, L. (2009). Foster Carer Payments Schedule and Fees Framework. Welsh Assembly Government.

  • Hutchinson, B., & Selwyn, J. (2009). Independent assessment process in relation to the Sexual Orientation regulations and their impact on faith based adoption and fostering agencies. Prime Minister’s Office and Government Equalities Office.

  • Selwyn, J., & Wijedasa, D. (2009). An evaluation of a new model for providing adoption services. DCSF.

  • Selwyn, J., Harris, P., Quinton, D., Wijedasa, D., Nawaz, S., & Wood, M. (2008). Pathways to Permanence for Black, Asian and Mixed Ethnicity Children: Dilemmas, Decision Making and Outcomes - Research Brief. The Department for Children, Schools and Families.

  • Saunders, H., Wijedasa, D., & Selwyn, J. (2008). Educational Support Services provided by Independent Foster Care Providers (IFPs). DCSF.

  • Selwyn, J., & Misca, G. (2006). Could it be you? A national survey of Barnardo’s adopters, foster carers and short break carers. Barnardo’s.

  • Selwyn, J., Frazer, L., & Fitzgerald, A. (2004). Finding Adoptive Families for Black, Asian and Black Mixed Parentage Children: Agency Policy and Practice. Bristol: NCH and Hadley Centre for Adoption and Foster Care Studies.

  • Other
  • Selwyn, J., & Wijedasa, D. (2010). Pathways to permanence for Black and Minority Ethnic Children.

  • Selwyn, J. (2010). Kinship care: Expert Paper. NICE/SCIE ’Guidance on improving the physical health and emotional health and well-being of looked after children and young people’.

  • Selwyn, J. (2010). Pathways to permanence for minority ethnic children: expert paper. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Social Care Institute for Excellence ’Guidance on improving the physical health and emotional health and well-being of looked after children and young people.

  • Selwyn, J., & Sturgess, W. (2001). International Overview of Adoption: Policy and Practice. School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol.

  • Funded Research Projects

    • Bright Spots: understanding the subjective well-being of children in care and care experienced adults. A partnership with Coram Voice (a children’s rights charity).
      Start date: 2013
    • Family Routes: growing up in adoptive and Special Guardianship families
    • Rethink: the shaping of mental health and the mechanisms leading to (un) successful transitions for care experienced young people