Katharina is a member of the Child Development and Learning research group and the Rees centre at the Department of Education. Katharina has expertise child development and wellbeing in the early years, including age zero to three.

Her main areas of research are the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and parent support. She has a particular interest in supporting the development of children facing disadvantage, and has done research with families in poverty, children with refugee backgrounds, and culturally and linguistically diverse families. Katharina’s work focuses on practice as well as policy, and she has worked on national and international projects. She has experience with quantitative and qualitative research designs and methods (including RCT-, longitudinal-, case study-, survey-, design-based-, and ethnographic research). Her work on previous research projects addressed research questions related to ECEC access, -quality-, and curriculum, and the impact of ECEC environments and adult-child interactions on early child development, including language development.

She has recently completed LangQuest-EY, a study developing an assessment tool to measure confidence and skill in early years practitioners, with a focus on language and communication support in early years classrooms and settings.

She currently works on the research project ‘Data and Voice to Improve Children’s Lives’, led by Leon Feinstein and funded by the Nuffield Foundation. The project is an innovative collaboration between local authorities and universities to transform how information about and from children and families is gathered, interpreted, and used in child and family social policy at both local and national level.


Book chapters
  • Mathers, S., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (2017). Quality of Early Childhood Education and Care for Children under Three: Sound Foundations. In L. Miller, C. Cameron, C. Dalli, & N. Barbour (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Policy. SAGE Publications.

  • Datler, W., Funder, A., Hover-Reisner, N., Fürstaller, M., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (2012). Eingewöhnung von Krippenkindern: Forschungsmethoden zu Verhalten, Interaktion und Beziehung [Infants‘ and toddlers‘ adaptation to day care: Research tools to assess behaviour, interaction, and relationships]. In S. Viernickel, D. Edelmann, H. Hoffmann, & A. König (Eds.), Krippenforschung. Methoden,Konzepte, Beispiele. (pp. 59-73). Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.

  • Ereky-Stevens, K., Datler, W., & Fürstaller, M. (2011). Der Übergang in die außerfamiliäre Betreuung: Der Beitrag der Kleinkinder zum Verlauf von Eingewöhnungsprozessen. In R. Kißgen & N. Heinen (Eds.), Familiäre Belastungen in früher Kindheit: Früherkennung, Verlauf, Begleitung, Intervention. (pp. 205-228). Klett-Cotta.

  • Datler, W., Trunkenpolz, K., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (2010). Vater, Mutter, Kind. Infant Observation als eine ethnographische Methode zur Erforschung von dyadischen und triadischen Beziehungserfahrungen im ersten Lebensjahr. In G. Schäfer & R. Staege (Eds.), Frühkindliche Lernprozesse verstehen. Ethnographische und phänomenologische Beiträge zur Bildungsforschung. (pp. 157-180). Beltz Juventa Verlag.

  • Datler, W., Steinhardt, K., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (2002). Vater geht zur Arbeit ... Über triadische Beziehungserfahrungen und die Ausbildung triadischer Repräsentanzen im ersten Lebensjahr. In K. Steihardt, W. Datler, & J. Gstach (Eds.), Die Bedeutung des Vaters in der frühen Kindheit. (pp. 122-141). Psychosozial-Verlag.

  • Datler, W., Ereky-Stevens, K., & Strobel, K. (2001). Alleine unter Fremden. Zur Bedeutung des Trennungserlebens von Kleinkindern in Kinderkrippen. In W. Datler, A. Eggert-Schmid Noerr, & L. Winterhager-Schmid (Eds.), Das selbständige Kind (Jahrbuch für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik 12) (pp. 53-77). Psychosozial-Verlag.

  • Ereky-Stevens, K. (2001). Präödipale Triangulierung. Zur psychoanalytischen Diskussion um die Frage des Entstehens der frühen familiären Dreiecksbeziehung. In W. Datler, A. Eggert-Schmid Noerr, & L. Winterhager-Schmid (Eds.), Das selbständige Kind (Jahrbuch für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik 12) (pp. 151-177). Psychosozial-Verlag.

  • Ereky-Stevens, K., & Richtarz, J. (2000). Über aktuelle Publikationen zu verschiedenen Fragestellungen Psychoanalytischer Pädagogik. In C. Büttner, H. Krebs, & L. und Winterhager-Schmid (Eds.), Gestalten der Familie - Beziehungen im Wandel. Psychosozial-Verlag.

  • Journal articles
  • Kanayama, A., Siraj, I., Moeyaert, M., Steiner, K., Yu, E., Ereky-Stevens, K., Iwasa, K., Ishikawa, M., Kahlon, M., Warnatsch, R., Dascalu, A., He, R., Mehta, P., Robinson, N., & Shi, Y. (2024). PROTOCOL: key characteristics of effective preschool-based interventions to promote self-regulation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20(2).

  • Ereky-Stevens, K., Melhuish, E., Gardiner, J., & Barnes, J. (2023). Individual, family and neighbourhood factors related to life satisfaction and perceived discrimination among low-income, non-immigrant mothers in seven European countries. Journal of Family Studies, 30(3), 397-414.

  • Ereky-Stevens, K., Siraj, I., & Kong, K. (2023). A critical review of the research evidence on early childhood education and care in refugee contexts in low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 17(1).

  • Ereky-Stevens, K., Pastori, G., Sidiropulu-Janku, K., Sarcinelli, A., Schuenke, J., Trauernicht, M., Pagani, V., & Mangiatordi, A. (2022). Implementation of ICT-facilitated parent- and family-focused interventions in culturally and linguistically diverse contexts. Frühe Bildung, 11(1), 29-36.

  • Wolf, K., Broekhuizen, M., Moser, T., Ereky-Stevens, K., & Anders, Y. (2020). Determinants of early attendance of ECEC for families with a Turkish migration background in four European countries. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(1), 77-89.

  • Ereky-Stevens, K., Funder, A., Katschnig, T., Malmberg, L.-E., & Datler, W. (2017). Relationship building between toddlers and new caregivers in out-of-home childcare: Attachment security and caregiver sensitivity. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 42, 270-279.

  • Mathers, S., Sylva, K., Eisenstadt, N., Soukakou, E., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (2014). Supporting early learning for children under three: research and practice. Journal of Children’s Services, 9(2), 177-187.

  • Datler, W., Ereky-Stevens, K., Hover-Reisner, N., & Malmberg, L.-E. (2012). Toddlers’ transition to out-of-home day care: settling into a new care environment. Infant Behavior & Development, 35(3), 439-451.

  • Sylva, K., Scott, S., Totsika, V., Ereky-Stevens, K., & Crook, C. (2008). Training parents to help their children read: a randomized control trial. The British Journal of Educational Psychology, 78(Pt 3), 435-455.

  • Kong, K., Siraj, I., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (n.d.). Digital learning in pandemic times: assessing academic readiness among refugee children in Malaysia. Early Child Development and Care, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-17.

  • Reports
  • SIRAJ, I., Kong, K., & EREKY-STEVENS, K. (2023). Building an inclusive and equitable early childhood education for refugee children: Framework for action (Final Report).

  • EREKY-STEVENS, K., SIRAJ, I., & Kong, K. (2022). Review of the Research Evidence on Early Childhood Education and Care in Refugee Contexts in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.

  • Lindorff, A., Sylva, K., Ereky-Stevens, K., & Joseph, A. (2022). Coaching Early Conversation, Interaction and Language (CECIL) Impact evaluation. Sutton Trust.

  • Anders, Y., Cadima, J., EREKY-STEVENS, K., Cohen, F., Trauernicht, M., & Schünke, J. (2019). Integrative Report on parent and family-focused support to increase educational equality. Report for the European Commission.

  • Resa, E., Ereky-Stevens, K., Wieduwilt, N., Penderi, E., Anders, Y., Petrogiannis, K., & Melhuish, E. (2016). Overview of quality monitoring systems and results of moderator analysis. In Curriculum Quality Analysis and Impact Review of European Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) (pp. 1-148). ECEC.

  • Sylva, K., Pastori, G., Lerkkanen, M., Slot, P., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (2016). Integrative report on a culture-sensitive quality & curriculum framework. CARE Curriculum Quality Analysis and Impact Review of European ECEC, WP2, D2.4.

  • Melhuish, E., Ereky-Stevens, K., Petrogiannis, K., Ariescu, A., Penderi, E., Rentzou, K., Tawell, A., Slot, P., Broekhuizen, M., & Leserman, P. (2015). A review of research on the effects of early childhood education and care (ECEC) on child development. In Curriculum Quality Analysis and Impact Review of European Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). CARE - European Early Childhood Education and Care.

  • Sylva, K., Ereky-Stevens, K., & Aricescu, A. (2014). Overview of European ECEC curricula and curriculum template. CARE Curriculum quality analysis and impact review of European ECEC, WP2, D2.1.

  • Mathers, S., Eisenstadt, N., Sylva, K., Soukakou, E., & Ereky-Stevens, K. (2014). Sound Foundations: A review of the research evidence on quality for early childhood education and care for children under three. Implications for policy and practice.

  • EREKY-STEVENS, K., Trauernicht, M., Schünke, J., Sarcinelli, A., & Janků, K. (n.d.). ICT-facilitated parent interventions to support families with young children in linguistically diverse contexts. Design and implementation, using the ISOTIS virtual learning environment. ISOTIS Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequality in Society, WP3, D3.4. Report for the European Commission.

  • Cohen, F., Cadima, J., Nata, G., EREKY-STEVENS, K., Broekhuizen, M., Francot, R., & Anders, Y. (n.d.). Case studies of promising parent- and family focused support programmes. ISOTIS Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequality in Society, WP3, D3.3. Report for the European Commission.

  • Broekhuizen, M., EREKY-STEVENS, K., Wolf, K., & Moser, T. (n.d.). Technical report parent structured interview study. Procedures, instrument development, samples, and showcases. ISOTIS Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequality in Society, WP2, D2.1. Report for the European Commission.

  • SIRAJ, I., Kong, K., & EREKY-STEVENS, K. (n.d.). Building an Inclusive and Equitable Early Childhood Education for Refugee Children: Framework for Action (Final Report).