Lesley-Anne joined the Department of Education as Head of Administration and Finance in 2021 and has over 20 years’ experience in the HE sector as a professional executive manager providing strategic and educational senior leadership of professional services.
Lesley-Anne leads a growing team of professional services staff, covering a range of activities that underpin the Department’s strategic aims, and teaching and research mission.
In partnership with the Director, Lesley-Anne has responsibility for providing strategic leadership in relation to policy, planning, development, growth and sustainability.
Lesley-Anne is responsible for the strategic and operational delivery of the department’s administrative, human resources, facilities, research support and finance services and is a member of the Departmental Board, Planning and Resources Committee, Health and Safety Committee and Equity, Diversity and Belonging Committee.
The Professional Services community have a strong sense of team spirit and work in a vibrant, informal and friendly environment.