Professor Maria Teresa Tatto is an internationally respected expert in comparative education whose research focuses on teacher education systems and, more generally, on studying how the intersection of research, policy, and practice can result in more equitable and widely accessible educational opportunities for disadvantaged populations. Her recent research addresses the impact of mathematics teacher preparation on teaching and learning and globalization and its effects on education, including teacher education.
Professor Tatto’s collaboration with colleagues in the University of Oxford Department of Education has been continuous, extensive, and highly productive, engaging in studies at the cutting edge of research in teacher education policy and practice. She has been an effective ambassador for the Department and has established a long-lasting collaboration in research and dissemination, teaching, and other activities since 2013. Professor Tatto’s association with the University of Oxford Department of Education has promoted the Department’s research worldwide. She brings to this association a high-profile research agenda in the U.S., Latin America, and internationally across several areas of education and an extensive research network in more than 50 countries. Her expertise as the Director of the Master in Education in Global Education at Arizona State University may help develop new initiatives in the Department as this all-online program prepares current teachers as global researchers.
Professor Tatto obtained her master’s and doctoral degrees from Harvard University Graduate School of Education and her undergraduate in Educational Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is a former president of the Comparative and International Education Society and a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association. She is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Oxford, Department of Education, and a Visiting Professor at University College London, Institute of Education, and the University of Bath, England.
Professor Tatto served as the Principal Investigator and Executive Director of the first large-scale cross-national study of the effectiveness of teacher education: Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), sponsored by the International Education Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), and the follow-up study: The First Five Years of Mathematics Teaching (FIRSTMATH). She was the co-Principal Investigator of Developing Subject Matter Knowledge in Mathematics Middle School Teachers: A Cross-National Study of Teacher Preparation (Pre-TEDS/ MT21). The U.S. National Science Foundation and the participating countries funded all these studies.
She is a frequent keynote speaker and presenter at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, the British Education Research Association, The Comparative and International Education Society, the European Educational Research Association, and the World Education Research Association, among others.
Professor Tatto serves as Editor-in-Chief for Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies and STEM Education, a journal of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics and Statistics Section), and as editor of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, a journal of the American Education Research Association. She serves on the advisory boards of the Comparative Education Review, the Curriculum Journal, a Journal of the British Education Research Association, and the European Journal of Teacher Education, among others. She reviews for multiple journals and plays an active role in professional conferences, including serving in key committees and as an organiser, chair, presenter, and discussant in academic panels.
She is a frequent reviewer for the National Science Foundation Grant Programs (e.g., IUSE, EHR, HER, DRL, REESE, CAREER). She regularly contributes to key initiatives such as the Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) Programme (Oxford Policy Management and Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford); the Visioning Panel for the 2025 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Mathematics Assessment Framework (National Assessment Governing Board, Washington, D.C.); and the Teacher Education Evaluation Panel (National Accreditation Commission, Santiago, Chile).
- Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (in progress). Comparative studies in teaching and teacher education section (3 chapters). The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching Yearbook. Emerald (in progress).
- Tatto, M.T. (2022). Comparative studies in teacher education (Section Editor for Seventeen Chapters), in Ian Menter (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Springer.
- Tatto, M.T., Rodriguez, M., Reckase, M., Smith, W, Bankov, K., & Pippin, J. (2020). The First Five Years of Teaching Mathematics (FIRSTMATH): Concepts, Methods and Strategies for Comparative International Research. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. DOI: 44047-3
- Tatto, M.T., and Menter I. (Eds.). (2019). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach: A Cross-National Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic. DOI:
- Tatto, M.T., Rodriguez, M., Smith, W., Reckase, M., & Bankov, K. (Eds.) (2018). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. DOI:
- Tatto, M.T., Burn, K., Menter, I., Mutton, T., & Thompson, I. (2018). Learning to Teach in England and the United States: The evolution of policy and practice. Abingdon, England: Routledge. ISBN: ISBN 978-1-138-93374-3
- Tatto. M.T. (ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M). Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries: Technical Report. Amsterdam: International Association for the Evaluation of Student Achievement.
- Ingvarson, L., Schwille, J., Tatto, M.T., Rowley, G., Peck, R. & Senk, S.L. (2013). An Analysis of Teacher Education Context, Structure, and Quality-Assurance Arrangements in TEDS-M Countries. Amsterdam: International Association for the Evaluation of Student Achievement.
- Tatto, M. T., Schwille, J., Senk, S. L., Ingvarson, L., Rowley, G., Peck, R., Bankov, K., Rodriguez, M. & Reckase, M. (2012). Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries. Findings from the IEA Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M). Amsterdam: International Association for the Evaluation of Student Achievement.
- Brese, F., & Tatto, M.T. (Eds.) (2012). User guide for the TEDS-M international database. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
- Tatto, M. T. (2012). Learning and doing policy analysis in education: Examining diverse approaches to increasing educational access. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Schmidt, W., Blömeke, S., & Tatto, M.T. (2011). Teacher education matters. A study of middle school mathematics teacher preparation in six countries. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
- Tatto, M.T., & Mincu, M. (Eds.) (2009). Reforming teaching and learning. Taipei City: Sense Publishers.
- Tatto, M. T., Schwille, J., Senk, S., Ingvarson, L., Peck, R., & Rowley, G. (2008). Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M): Conceptual framework. Teacher Education and Development International Study Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, and IEA.
- Tatto, M.T. (2007). Reforming teaching globally. Oxford, UK: Symposium Books. (Reprinted in 2009 Information Age Publishers). DOI:
- Tatto, M.T. (2004). La Educación magisterial: Su alcance en la era de la globalización. Mexico, D.F.: Editorial Santillana. [Teacher Education: Its potential in the globalization era].
- Tatto, M.T. (2001). Empirical measures of teacher quality: Comparative perspectives, Washington, DC: Board of International and Comparative Studies in Education. [E-book]. Available:
- Cummings, W.K., Tatto, M.T., & Hawkins, J. (Eds.) (2001). Values education for dynamic societies: Individualism or collectivism. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press.
- Cummings, W.K., Tatto, M.T., Williams, J., & Beykont, Z. (1993). Reaching peripheral groups: Community, language and teachers in the context of development. Buffalo, NY: SUNY Special Studies in Comparative Education.
- Tatto, M.T. (1987). An assessment of the LASPAU/AID training for development program in Latin America and Caribbean Universities: Its impact on institutional capacity and community involvement. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Cambridge, MA, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
- Tatto, M.T. (2021). Comparative Research on teachers and teacher education: Global perspectives to inform UNESCO’S SDG 4 Agenda. Oxford Review of Education, 47 (1), 25-44.
- Tatto, M.T. (2021). Developing teachers’ research capacity: The essential role of teacher education. Teaching Education, 32 (1), 27-46.
- Tatto, M.T. (2021). Professionalism in teaching and teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44 (1), 20-44. DOI:
- Tatto, M.T, Rodriguez, M., Reckase, M. (2020). Early Career Mathematics Teachers: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies for Comparative International Research. Teaching and Teacher Education, 96, 1-18.
- Tatto, M.T. (2019). Federalism and Education: Ongoing Challenges and Policy Strategies in Ten Countries (Book Review). Teachers College Record [].
- *Tatto, M.T. (2018). Constructing research impact on teacher education through international collaboration and capacity building. Research Intelligence, 135, 27-33.
- *Hordern, J. & Tatto, M.T. (2018). Conceptions of teaching and educational knowledge requirements. Oxford Review of Education, 44 (6), 686-701. DOI:
- Richmond, G., & Tatto, M.T., (2016). Innovation in Educational Research. Journal of Teacher Education, 67, (5), 360-362. DOI:
- Tatto, M.T., Richmond, G. Carter, A. D., (2016). The Research We Need in Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 67, (4) 247-250. DOI:
- *Tatto, M.T., Savage, C., Liao, W., Marshall, S., Goldblatt, P., & Contreras, M. L. (2016). The Emergence of High-Stakes Accountability Policies in Teacher Preparation: An Examination of the U.S. Department of Education’s Proposed Regulations. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24 (25), 1-54. DOI:
- Tatto, M.T., Carter, A. D., Floden, E. R., Richmond, G. (2016). A Global Call for Scholarship on the Policy and Practice of Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 67 (1), 4-5. DOI:
- *Tatto, M.T. (2015). The role of research in the policy and practice of quality teacher education: An international review. Oxford Review of Education, 41 (2), 171-201. DOI:
- * Tatto, M.T. & Furlong, J. (2015). Research and teacher education: Papers from the BERA-RSA Inquiry. Oxford Review of Education, 41 (2), 145-153. DOI:
- Tatto, M.T. (2015). What is missing in the Early Childhood Education Policy Dialogue? The Child. Michigan State University: Green & Write Education Policy Research Insights. []
- *Tatto, M.T. (2013). The Role of Research in International Policy and Practice in Teacher Education (paper 2). The role of research in teacher education: Findings from the BERA-RSA Inquiry.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2013). Changing Trends in Teacher Education Policy and Practice: International perspectives and future challenges for educational research. Research Intelligence, 121, 16-17.
- *Senk, S.L., Tatto, M.T., Reckase, M., Rowley, G., Peck, R., & Bankov, K. (2012). Knowledge of future primary teachers for teaching mathematics: An international comparative perspective. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 44, 3, 307-324.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2011). Reimagining the education of teachers: The role of comparative and international research. Comparative Education Review, 55, 495-516.
- *Tatto, M.T., Senk, S., Ingvarson, L. & Rowley, G. (2011). The mathematics education of future primary and secondary teachers: Methods and findings from the Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics. Journal of Teacher Education, 62, 121-137.
- *Papanastasiou, E.C., & Tatto, M.T. (2011). Program theory, program documents, and state standards in evaluating teacher education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 36, 1-16.
- *Tatto, M.T., Lerman, S., & Novotná, J. (2010). The organization of the mathematics preparation and development of teachers: A report from the ICMI Study 15. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13, 313-324.
- *Blömeke, S., Paine, L., Houang, R., Hsieh, F., Schmidt, W., Tatto, M.T., Bankov, K., Cedillo, T., Cogan, L., Han, S., Santillán, M., & Schwille, J. (2008). Future teachers’ competence to plan a lesson: First results of a six-country study on the efficiency of teacher education. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40, 749-762.
- *Schmidt, W., Houang, R., Cogan, L., Blömeke, S., Tatto, M.T., Hsieh, F., Santillán, M., Bankov, K., Han, S., Cedillo, T., Schwille, J., & Paine, L. (2008). Opportunity to learn in the preparation of mathematics teachers: Its structure and how it varies across six countries. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40, 735-747.
- *Tatto, M. T. (2008). Teacher policy: A framework for comparative analysis. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, 38, 487-508.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2006/2007). Educational reform and the global regulation of teachers’ education, development and work (Guest Editor). International Journal of Educational Research, 45 (4-5).
- *Tatto, M.T. (2006/2007). Educational reform and the global regulation of teachers’ education, development and work. International Journal of Educational Research, 45, 231-241.
- *Tatto, M.T., Schmelkes, S., Guevara, M.R., & Tapia, M. (2006/2007). Implementing reform amidst resistance: The regulation of teacher education and work in Mexico. International Journal of Educational Research, 45, 267-278.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2003). Developing teachers and teaching practice: International research perspectives. Comparative Education Review, 47, 504-506.
- *Tatto, M.T., (2003). Examining Mexico and U.S. values education in a global context. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 24, 219-238.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2001). The value and feasibility of evaluation research on teacher preparation: Contrasting the experiences in Sri Lanka and Mexico. International Journal of Education and Development, 22, 637-657.
- *Tatto, M.T., Alvarez Arellano, L. Tapia Uribe, M., Loera Varela, A., & Rodriguez, M. (2001). Examining Mexico’s values education in a globally dynamic context. Journal of Moral Education, 30, 173-198.
- *Tatto, M.T., Rodriguez, A., Gonzalez-Lanz, D., Miller, C., Busscher, M., Trumble, D., Centeno, R., & Woo, A. (2001). The challenges and tensions in reconstructing teacher-parent relations in the context of school reform: A case study. Teachers and Teaching, 7, 315-333.
- *Stuart, J., & Tatto, M.T. (2000). Designs for initial teacher preparation programs: An international view. International Journal of Educational Research, 33, 493-514.
- *Tatto, M.T. (1999). The socializing influence of normative cohesive teacher education on teachers’ beliefs about instructional choice. Teachers and Teaching, 5, 111-134.
- *Tatto, M.T. (1999). Improving teacher education in rural México: The challenges and tensions of constructivist reform. Teaching and Teacher Education, 15, 15-35.
- Tatto, M.T. (1999). Iniciativas para el cambio en la formación de maestros: El caso de México. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, 29 (3 & 4), 9-62.
- *Tatto, M.T. (1999). Para una mejor formación de maestros en el México rural: Retos y tensiones de la reforma constructivista. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 4, 101-136.
- *Tatto, M.T. (1999). Education reform and state power in México: The paradoxes of decentralization. Comparative Education Review, 43, 251-282.
- *Tatto, M.T. (1998). The influence of teacher education on teachers’ beliefs about purposes of education, roles and practice. Journal of Teacher Education, 49, 66-77.
- *Tatto, M.T. (1997). Reconstructing teacher education for disadvantaged communities. International Journal of Educational Development, 17, 405-415.
- *Tatto, M.T. (1996). Examining values and beliefs about teaching diverse students: Understanding the challenges for teacher education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 18, 155-180.
- *Tatto, M.T., & Kularatna, N.G. (1993). The interpersonal dimension of teacher education: Comparing distance education with two other programs in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Educational Research, 19, 755-778.
- *Tatto, M.T., Nielsen, H.D., Cummings, W.C., Kularatna, N.G., & Dharmadasa, D.H. (1993). Comparing the effectiveness and costs of different approaches for educating primary school teachers in Sri Lanka. Teaching and Teacher Education, 9, 41-64.
Selected Chapters
(* indicates peer review)
- Tatto, M.T., Menter, I., Burn, K., Clark, C. M., Ikoma, S., LeTendre, G., Mayer, D., and Mutton, T. (in progress). Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision Making. The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Springer.
- Tatto, M.T. (in progress). Comparative studies in teaching and teacher education as a cornerstone in the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching. Introduction to the section Comparative Studies on Teaching and Teacher Education of the ISATT Yearbook. The ISATT Yearbook. Emerald.
- Tatto, M.T., & Menter, I (in progress). The importance of comparative framing in the study of teaching and teacher education. The ISATT Yearbook. Emerald.
- Menter, I., & Tatto, M.T. (2023). Comparative teacher education research in turbulent times. International Encyclopedia of Education, 4th edition, Volume 5
- Evans, D. & Tatto, M.T. (2022, November). On accountability, teacher professional development, and the value and challenge of strengthening professional norms. In Y.-Y. Hwa (Ed.). Purpose, Pressures, and Possibilities: Conversations About Teacher Professional Norms in the Global South. Research on Improving Systems of Education. Oxford, UK.
- Tatto, M.T. (2022). An international perspective on practical theorizing. In Burn, K., Mutton, T. & Thompson, I. (Eds.). Practical Theorizing in Teacher Education (pp. 32-48). London: Routledge.
- Tatto, M.T. & Menter I. (2022). Institutional and Pedagogical Consequences of Neoliberal Globalization in Teacher Education (pp. 195-217). In Misiaszek, L.I., Robert F. Arnove, Carlos Alberto Torres (Eds.) Comparative Education: Emergent Trends in the Dialectic of the Global and the Local (5th Edition, Volume 2). Lanham, Maryland, USA: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Tatto, M.T. (2022). The Need for Comparative Studies in Teacher Education. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan. 59533-3_86-1
- *Tatto, M.T. (2021). Opportunities to Learn General Pedagogical Knowledge along the Teaching Career. In H. Ulferts (Ed.) Teaching as a Knowledge Profession: Studying Pedagogical Knowledge Across Education Systems (pp. 104-122). Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris,
- *Tatto, M.T. (2021). Teacher Education in the United States of America: An Overview of the Policies, Pathways, Issues and Relevant Research. In D. Mayer (Ed.) Teacher Education Policy and Research (pp. 177-194). Springer. DOI:
- Tatto, M. T. (2021). The role of interdisciplinarity, multiple methodologies, and context. In D. Mayer & Menter, I. (Eds.) Becoming a teacher education researcher (pp.24-34). St. Albans, U.K: Critical Publishing. ISBN: 9781913453299
- *Tatto, M.T. (2020). What Do We Mean When We Speak of Research Evidence in Education? In Beckett, L. (Ed.) Research-Informed Teacher Learning, (pp. 139-154). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-367-13313-9.
- *Novotna, J., Moraova, H., & Tatto, M. T. (2020). Mathematics Teacher Education Organization, Curriculum, and In S. Lerman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. DOI:
- Tatto, M.T. (2019). The Influence of Teacher Education on Teacher Beliefs. In Jo, Lampert (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN-13: 9780190670221
- *Hordern, J. & Tatto, M.T. (2019). Using comparative analysis to further illuminate the English case (pp. 130-145) in N. Sorensen (ed.) Diversity in Teacher Education: perspectives on a school-led system. London: Institute of Education, University College London. ISBN: 978-1-7827-7252-1
- *Tatto, M.T. & Menter, I. (2019). Understanding Teacher Education Policy and Practice Cross- Nationally (pp. 3 – 8). In M.T. Tatto and I. Menter (Eds.). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach: A Cross-National Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- *Tatto, M.T. & Menter, I. (2019). The Significance of Teacher Education (pp. 9 – 20). In M.T. Tatto and I. Menter (Eds.). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach: A Cross-National Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic. DOI:
- *Tatto, M.T. & Parra-Gaete, I. (2019). Learning to Teach in Mexico: Reviewing policy and research trends (pp. 173 – 192). In M.T. Tatto and I. Menter (Eds.). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach: A Cross-National Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic. DOI:
- *Tatto, M.T. & Clark, C.M. (2019). Institutional Transformations, Knowledge and Research Traditions in the USA (pp. 233 – 256). In M.T. Tatto and I. Menter (Eds.). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach: A Cross-National Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic. DOI:
- *Tatto, M.T. (2019). Professional Knowledge and Theories of Teaching and Learning (pp. 257 – 267). In M.T. Tatto and I. Menter (Eds.). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach: A Cross- National Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- *Menter, I. & Tatto, M.T. (2019). What Future for Teacher Education? (pp. 280 – 292). In M.T. Tatto and I. Menter (Eds.). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach: A Cross-National Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic. DOI:
- *Tatto, M.T. (2018). Exploring the mathematical education of teachers using TEDS-M data (pp. 1-14). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- *Tatto, M.T. & Smith, W. (2018). Exploring different dimensions of teacher education programs in the TEDS-M study (pp. 17-30). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- *Peralta, Y., & Tatto, M.T. (2018). Preparing high-quality mathematics primary teachers: exploring program strategies and standards in the United States, Russia, Poland, and Chinese Taipei (pp. 31- 67). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- *Tatto, M.T. & Bankov, K. (2018). The intended, implemented and achieved curriculum of mathematics teacher education in the United States (pp. 69-133). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- *Rodriguez, M. C., Tatto, M.T., Palma, J. & Nickodem, K. (2018). A comparative international study of differences in beliefs between future teachers and their educators (pp. 165-192). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 92144-0-6
- *Tatto, M.T. & Smith, W. (2018). Future teachers in the TEDS-M study (pp. 195-204). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 92144-0-7
- *Tatto, M.T. (2018). The mathematical education of primary teachers (pp. 205-256). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 92144-0-8
- *Tatto, M.T. (2018). The mathematical education of secondary teachers (pp. 409-450). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 92144-0-14
- *Tatto, M.T. & Smith, W. (2018). Methodological challenges in the TEDS-M study (pp. 479-487). In M.T. Tatto, M. Rodriguez, W. Smith, M. Reckase, & K. Bankov (Eds.). Exploring the Mathematics Education of Teachers using TEDS-M Data. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- Tatto, M.T. (2017). The Role of Comparative and International Research in Developing Capacity to Study and Improve Teacher Education. In M. A. Peters; B. Cowie & I. Menter (Eds.), A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer.
- *Tatto, M.T. & Hordern, J. (2017). The configuration of teacher education as a professional field of practice: a comparative study of mathematics education (255-274). In J. Furlong & G. Whitty (eds.), Knowledge and the Study of Education: an international exploration. Oxford, England: Oxford Comparative Education Series, Symposium Books.
- *Tatto, M.T. & Pippin, J. (2017). The Quest for Quality and the Rise of Accountability Systems in Teacher Education. In J.D. Clandinin, & J. Husu (Eds.), International Handbook of Research in Teacher Education. Los Angeles, California: SAGE.
- *Tatto, M.T., Rodriguez, M., & Lu, Y. (2015). The Influence of Teacher Education on Mathematics Teaching Knowledge: Local Implementation of Global Ideals, in G. LeTendre & A. Wiseman (Eds.), Promoting and sustaining a quality teaching workforce. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
- *Krainer, K., Hsieh, F.-J., Peck, R., & Tatto, M. T. (2015). The TEDS-M: Important issues, results and questions. In S. J. Cho (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Intellectual and attitudinal challenges (p. 99-121). Springer Open. doi 10.1007/978-3- 319-12688-3
- *Tatto, M.T. (2014). Teacher Education Development Study-Mathematics (TEDS-M). In S. Lerman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, Dordrecht: Springer.
- *Tatto, M.T., Rodriguez, M.C., Reckase, M., Rowley, G., Lu, Y. (2013). Scale Development and Reporting: Opportunities to Learn, Beliefs and Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. In Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), Technical Report. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
- *Brese, F., Becker, A., Tatto, M.T., Cartens, R., Berzina-Pitcher, I. (2013). Survey Operations Procedures. In Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), Technical Report. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
- *Dumais, J., Meinck, S., Tatto, M.T., Schwille, J., Ingvarson, L. (2013). Sampling Design. In Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), Technical Report. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
- *Tatto, M.T., Rodriguez, M.C., Ingvarson, L. Rowley, G., Maeda, Y., Byun, S. (2013). Development of the TEDS-M Survey Questionnaires. In Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), Technical Report. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
- *Bankov, K., Senk, Sharon L., Peck, R., Tatto, M.T., Rodriguez, M.C., Maeda, Y. (2013) Developing TEDS-M Mathematics Assessment Frameworks, Instruments and Scoring Guides. In Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), Technical Report. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
- *Schwille, J., Ingvarson, L., Tatto, M.T. (2013). TEDS-M Policy Context Study. In Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), Technical Report. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2013). Overview of the Teacher Education in Mathematics Study. In Tatto, M.T. (Ed.) (2013). The Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), Technical Report. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2013). The Role of Research in International Policy and Practice in Teacher Education (paper 2). The role of research in teacher education: Findings from the BERA-RSA Inquiry.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2013). Changing Trends in Teacher Education Policy and Practice: International perspectives and future challenges for educational research. Research Intelligence, 121, 16-17.
- Tatto, M.T., Krajcik, J., & Pippin, J. (2013). Variations in Teacher Preparation Evaluation Systems: International Perspectives. NSF Project on Evaluation of Teacher Education Programs: Toward a Framework for Innovation. Washington, DC: National Academy of Education.
- *Schwille, J., Ingvarson, L., Tatto, M.T., Holdgreve-Resendez, R. Kim, W., & Byun, S. (2013). Organization of Teacher Education and Its Contexts Across the TEDS-M Countries (page 23). In Ingvarson, L., Schwille, J., Tatto, M.T., Senk, S.L., Bankov, K., Rodriguez, M., Reckase, M., Rowley, G., & Peck, R. (2013). An Analysis of Teacher Education Context, Structure, and Quality- Assurance Arrangements in TEDS-M Countries. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. 978-90-79549-21-4
- *Krainer, K., Hsieh, F., Peck, R., and Tatto, M.T. (2013). The TEDS-M plenary panel at ICME-12: Important issues, results, and questions. In S. J., Cho (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Seoul, Korea: IPC.
- *Tatto, M.T. (2013). Teacher Education Development Study-Mathematics (TEDS-M). In S. Lerman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, Dordrecht: Springer.
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