Neil Selwyn is a professor in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Melbourne – having previously worked in the Institute of Education, London and the Cardiff School of Social Sciences. He has spent the past 25 years researching the integration of digital technology into schools, universities and adult learning.


Neil is recognised as a leading international researcher in the area of digital education – with particular expertise in the ‘real-life’ constraints and problems faced when technology-based education is implemented. He is currently working on nationally-funded projects examining the roll-out of educational data and learning analytics, AI technologies, and the changing nature of teachers’ digital work.

Recent books
  • Pangrazio, L.  and  Selwyn, N.   (2023).   ‘Critical data literacies‘  MIT Press.
  • Andrejevic, M.  and  Selwyn, N.   (2022).   ‘Facial recognition’ Polity
  • Selwyn, N.  (2021)  ‘Education and technology: key issues and debates’  Bloomsbury [third edition]
  • Selwyn, N.  (2019).   ‘Should robots replace teachers?’ Polity
  • Selwyn, N.  (2019).   ‘What is digital sociology?’ Polity
  • Selwyn, N., Nemorin, S., Bulfin, S. and Johnson, N.  (2018)  ‘Everyday schooling in the digital age: High school, high tech?’  Routledge
  • Selwyn, N.  (2016)   ‘Is technology good for education?’Polity
  • Selwyn, N.  (2014)   ‘Digital technology and the contemporary university: degrees of digitization’  Routledge
  • Selwyn, N.  (2014)   ‘Distrusting educational technology: critical questions for changing times’ Routledge