Priya Tah is a Research Officer at the Rees Centre, University of Oxford.
She previously completed work on the Reading Together Programme RCT, looking at a reading intervention for children in care, and was also part of the Timpson Programme research team, evaluating the impact of the Alex Timpson Attachment and Trauma and Programme in Schools. Priya is currently PI across three projects: Experiences of Black and Asian Kinship carers in London and the Midlands; Independent Evaluation of the Mockingbird Programme; and Pathways into Higher Education of young people with a social worker. Priya is also working with Adoption Plus to analyse the STEP assessment tool (a web-based tool aimed at improving the provision of adoption support in the UK). With the exception of TASO, which falls under the Post-16 theme, the majority of Priya’s current research relates to the themes of ‘Permanence’ and ‘Mental Health and Well-being.’
Priya’s research interests lie in improving outcomes for children and young people, focusing on children in need (including children in care), mental health and well-being. She has extensive research experience working with vulnerable children and young people. Before joining the Rees Centre in 2019 she worked at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick for 10 years. Her research explored the outcomes of children and young people with long-term physical illnesses and diagnosed mental health conditions.