Trevor Mutton is an Associate Professor at the Department of Education.

Trevor teaches on the Modern Languages PGCE programme and also teaches and supervises on the part-time MSc in Learning and Teaching, the MSc Teacher Education and the MSc Medical Education, as well as supervising doctoral students whose research focuses on aspects of teacher education and teachers’ professional learning. He has worked at the Department of Education since 1997, having previously been Head of Modern Languages at one of the Department’s partnership schools. His principal research interests are in the fields of initial teacher education, teacher education policy and teachers’ continued professional learning.


  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Thompson, I. (2022). Practical Theorising in Teacher Education, Holding Theory and Practice Together. Taylor & Francis.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., Hagger, H., & Thirlwall, K. (2018). Teacher Education Partnerships Policy and Practice.

  • Tatto, M., Menter, I., Thompson, I., & Mutton, T. (2017). Teacher Education in England and the United States The Impact of Policy on Systems, Institutions, Schools and Classrooms. Routledge Research in Teacher Education.

  • Tatto, M., Burn, K., Menter, I., Mutton, T., & Thompson, I. (2017). Learning to Teach in England and the United States: The Evolution of Policy and Practice. Routledge.

  • Beauchamp, G., Clarke, L., Hulme, M., Jephcote, M., Kennedy, A., Magennis, G., Menter, I., Murray, J., Mutton, T., O’Doherty, T., & Peiser, G. (2015). Teacher Education in Times of Change. Bristol University Press.

  • Beauchamp, G., Clarke, L., Hulme, M., Jephcote, M., Kennedy, A., Magennis, G., Menter, I., Murray, J., Mutton, T., O’Doherty, T., & Peiser, G. (2015). Teacher Education in Times of Change. Bristol University Press.

  • Beauchamp, G., Clarke, L., Hulme, M., Jephcote, M., Kennedy, A., Magennis, G., Menter, I., Murray, J., Mutton, T., O’Doherty, T., & Peiser, G. (2015). Teacher education in times of change. JSTOR.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Hagger, H. (2015). Beginning Teachers’ Learning: Making experience count (I. Menter, Ed.).

  • Book chapters
  • Mutton, T. (2023). Initial Teacher Education: The Opportunities and Problems Inherent in Partnership Working. In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research (pp. 213-229). Springer Nature.

  • Tatto, M., Menter, I., Burn, K., Clark, C., Ikoma, S., LeTendre, G., Mayer, D., & Mutton, T. (2023). Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision-Making. In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research (pp. 1-50). Springer Nature.

  • Tatto, M., Menter, I., Burn, K., Clark, C., Ikoma, S., LeTendre, G., Mayer, D., & Mutton, T. (2023). Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision-Making. In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research: Volume 1,2 (pp. 1511-1559).

  • Mulholland, M., Thompson, I., & Todd, J. (2022). Theorising practices of inclusive pedagogy: a challenge for initial teacher education. In K. Burn, T. Mutton, & I. Thompson (Eds.), Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 113-126). Routledge.

  • Woore, R., Mutton, T., & Molway, L. (2022). ASSIGNMENTS AS TOOLS FOR PRACTICAL THEORISING: An exploration of affordances, limitations and possibilities. In Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 143-159).

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Thompson, I. (2022). THE ROLE OF PRACTICAL THEORISING IN TEACHER EDUCATION: Formulation, critique, defence and new challenges. In Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 11-31).

  • Tatto, M., Menter, I., Burn, K., Clark, C., Ikoma, S., Kauko, J., LeTendre, G., Mayer, D., Mutton, T., & Säntti, J. (2022). Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision Making. In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research (pp. 1-46). Springer Nature.

  • Mutton, T. (2022). Initial Teacher Education: The Opportunities and Problems Inherent in Partnership Working. In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research (pp. 1-17). Springer Nature.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Hagger, H. (2022). Can initial teacher education partnerships maintain their epistemological and pedagogical underpinnings in light of market-driven reforms? The case of England. In International Encyclopedia of Education: Fourth Edition (pp. 83-92).

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., Thompson, I., & Childs, A. (2021). The complex policy landscape of initial teacher education in England: what’s the problem represented to be?. In D. Mayer (Ed.), Teacher education policy and research: Global perspectives (pp. 57-71). Springer.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., Thompson, I., & Childs, A. (2021). The Complex Policy Landscape of Initial Teacher Education in England: What’s the Problem Represented to Be?. In Teacher Education Policy and Research (pp. 57-71). Springer Nature.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., Thompson, I., Ingram, J., McNicholl, J., & Firth, R. (2019). The impact of adopting a research orientation towards use of the Pupil Premium Grant in preparing beginning teachers in England to understand and work effectively with young people living in poverty. In Poverty Discourses in Teacher Education (pp. 61-77). Taylor & Francis.

  • Menter, I., Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2019). Learning to Teach in England: Reviewing Policy and Research Trends. In Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education: a Cross-National Study: Work carried out by an International Research Network of the World Education Research Association (pp. 60-80).

  • Molway, L., Mutton, T., Woore, R., & Porter, K. (2018). What are the possibilities and limitations of small-scale, mediated classroom interventions? Two cases from Modern Foreign Languages. In G. Stylianides & A. Childs (Eds.), Classroom-based Interventions Across Subject Areas: Research to Understand What Works in Education. Routledge.

  • Molway, L., Mutton, T., Woore, R., & Porter, K. (2018). What are the possibilities and limitations of small-scale, mediated classroom interventions?. In Classroom-based Interventions Across Subject Areas (pp. 24-47). Taylor & Francis.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Hagger, H. (2017). Towards a Principled Approach for School-Based Teacher Educators: Lessons from Research. In A Companion to Research in Teacher Education (pp. 105-120). Springer Nature.

  • Murray, J., & Mutton, T. (2016). Teacher education in England: change in abundance, continuities in question. In Teacher Education in Times of Change (pp. 57-74). Bristol University Press.

  • Mutton, T. (2016). Partnership in teacher education. In Teacher Education in Times of Change (pp. 201-216). Bristol University Press.

  • Beauchamp, G., Kennedy, A., Mutton, T., Clarke, L., Magennis, G., O’doherty, T., Hulme, M., Menter, I., Peiser, G., Jephcote, M., & Murray, J. (2015). Teacher education in times of change: Responding to challenges across the UK and Ireland. In Teacher Education in Times of Change: Responding to Challenges Across the UK and Ireland (pp. 1-291).

  • Mutton, T., & Woore, R. (2014). Designing Tasks to Promote Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom. In Designing Tasks in Secondary Education (pp. 129-151). Taylor & Francis.

  • Mutton, T., & Woore, R. (2014). Promoting Learning: Task design in the Foreign Language classroom. In I. Thompson (Ed.), Designing Tasks in Secondary Education: Enhancing subject understanding and student engagement. Routledge.

  • Mutton, T. (2014). Developing foreign language skills through formative assessment. In A Practical Guide to Teaching Foreign Languages in the Secondary School (pp. 27-41).

  • Mutton, T. (2004). Pastoral care, personal social and health education and citizenship. In V. Ellis (Ed.), Learning and Teaching in Secondary Schools (pp. 123-138). Learning Matters.

  • Orchard, J., & MUTTON, T. (n.d.). Is consensus possible? Critical reflections on teacher education in England. In R. de Oliveira Brito & A. Guilherme (Eds.), Teacher education around the world. UNESCO Chair of Youth, Education and Society and Brazilian Ministry of Education.

  • Journal articles
  • Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2024). Does initial teacher education (in England) have a future?. Journal of Education for Teaching.

  • Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2024). Does initial teacher education (in England) have a future?. Journal of Education for Teaching International Research and Pedagogy, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-19.

  • Brooks, C., McIntyre, J., & Mutton, T. (2023). Learning to think, perform and act with integrity: does teacher education have a signature pedagogy, and why does this matter?. London Review of Education, 21(1).

  • Brooks, C., McIntyre, J., & Mutton, T. (2023). Learning to think, perform and act with integrity: does teacher education have a signature pedagogy, and why does this matter?. London Review of Education, 21(1), 1.

  • Chan, J., Woore, R., Molway, L., & Mutton, T. (2022). Learning and teaching Chinese as a foreign language: A scoping review. Review of Education, 10(3).

  • Chan, J., Woore, R., Molway, L., & Mutton, T. (2022). Learning and teaching Chinese as a foreign language: a scoping review. Review of Education, 10(3).

  • Burn, K., Ingram, J., Molway, L., & Mutton, T. (2022). Beyond reactive responses to enduring growth: the transformation of principles and practices within initial teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 48, 441-458.

  • Thompson, N., & Mutton, T. (2022). ‘I worry about getting it wrong and looking like a silly billy’: does explicit classroom-based strategy intervention change pupils’ attitudes towards speaking in the modern foreign languages classroom?. Language Learning Journal, 51(3), 312-327.

  • Brooks, C., & Mutton, T. (2021). Teacher education policy making during the pandemic: shifting values underpinning change in England?. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.

  • Brooks, C., McIntyre, J., & Mutton, T. (2021). Teacher education policy making during the pandemic: shifting values underpinning change in England?. TEACHERS AND TEACHING, 1-18.

  • Mutton, T. (2020). Teacher education and Covid-19: responses and opportunities for new pedagogical initiatives. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(4), 439-441.

  • Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2020). Doing things differently: responding to the ‘policy problem’ of teacher education in Wales. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru Wales Journal of Education, 22(1), 85-112.

  • Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2020). Gwneud Pethau’n Wahanol: Ymateb i ’broblem polisi’ Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon yng Nghymru. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru Wales Journal of Education, 22(1), 85-113.

  • Woore, R., Mutton, T., & Molway, L. (2020). ‘It’s definitely part of who I am in the role’. Developing teachers’ research engagement through a subject-specific Master’s programme. Teacher Development, 24(1), 88-107.

  • Molway, L., & Mutton, T. (2019). Changing mindsets in the modern foreign languages classroom: An intervention combining intelligence theories and reading strategies. Language Learning Journal.

  • Burn, K., & Mutton, T. (2018). Constructing the curriculum of (initial) teacher education: when should new teachers be encouraged to ask critical questions?. Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, 4.

  • Thompson, I., Willemse, M., Mutton, T., Burn, K., & de Bruïne, E. (2018). Teacher Education and Family-School Partnerships in different contexts: A cross country analysis of national teacher education frameworks across a range of European countries. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(3), 258-277.

  • Willemse, T., Thompson, I., Vanderlinde, R., & Mutton, T. (2018). Family-school partnerships: a challenge for Teacher Education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(3), 252-257.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Thompson, I. (2018). Preparation for family-school partnerships within initial teacher education programmes in England. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(3), 278-295.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., Thompson, I., Ingram, J., McNicholl, J., & Firth, R. (2016). The impact of adopting a research orientation towards use of the Pupil Premium Grant in preparing beginning teachers in England to understand and work effectively with young people living in poverty. Journal of Education for Teaching, 42(4), 434-450.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Menter, I. (2016). Deconstructing the Carter Review: competing conceptions of quality in England’s ‘school-led’ system of initial teacher education. Journal of Education Policy, 32(1), 14-33.

  • Burn, K., & Mutton, T. (2015). A review of ‘research-informed clinical practice’ in Initial Teacher Education. Oxford Review of Education, 41(2), 217-233.

  • Burn, K., & Mutton, T. (2015). A review of ‘research-informed clinical practice’ in Initial Teacher Education. Oxford Review of Education, 41(2), 217-233.

  • Hagger, H., Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2011). Surprising but not shocking: The reality of the first year of teaching. Cambridge Journal of Education, 41(4), 387-405.

  • Mutton, T., Hagger, H., & Burn, K. (2011). Learning to plan, planning to learn: the developing expertise of beginning teachers. Teachers and Teaching, 17(4), 399-416.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Hagger, H. (2010). Strengthening and sustaining professional learning in the second year of teaching. Oxford Review of Education, 36(6), 639-659.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Hagger, H. (2010). Making sense of learning to teach: learners in context. Research Papers in Education, 25(1), 73-91.

  • Malmberg, L.-E., Hagger, H., Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Colls, H. (2010). Observed Classroom Quality During Teacher Education and Two Years of Professional Practice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(4), 916-932.

  • Macaro, E., & Mutton, T. (2009). Developing reading achievement in primary learners of French: inferencing strategies versus exposure to ‘graded readers’. Language Learning Journal, 37(2), 165-182.

  • Butcher, J., & Mutton, T. (2008). ‘Towards professional multilingualism?’ Reconceptualising the school coordinator role in initial teacher training. The Curriculum Journal, 19(3), 215-226.

  • Hagger, H., Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Brindley, S. (2008). Practice makes perfect? Learning to learn as a teacher. Oxford Review of Education, 34(2), 159-178.

  • Mutton, T., & Butcher, J. (2008). ‘We will take them from anywhere’: schools working within multiple initial teacher training partnerships. Journal of Education for Teaching International Research and Pedagogy, 34(1), 45-62.

  • Mutton, T., & Butcher, J. (2007). More than managing? The role of the Initial Teacher Training coordinator in schools in England. Teacher Development, 11(3), 245-261.

  • Edwards, A., & Mutton, T. (2007). Looking forward: rethinking professional learning through partnership arrangements in Initial Teacher Education. Oxford Review of Education, 33(4), 503-519.

  • Mutton, T., Mills, G., & McNicholl, J. (2006). Mentor skills in a new context: working with trainee teachers to develop the use of information and communications technology in their subject teaching. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 15(3), 337-352.

  • Burn, K., Hagger, H., Mutton, T., & Everton, T. (2003). The complex development of student-teachers’ thinking. Teachers and Teaching, 9(4), 309-331.

  • Macaro, E., & Mutton, T. (2002). Developing language teachers through a co-researcher model. Language Learning Journal, 25(1), 27-39.

  • Burn, K., Hagger, H., Mutton, T., & Everton, T. (2000). Beyond Concerns with Self: The sophisticated thinking of beginning student teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching International Research and Pedagogy, 26(3), 259-278.

  • Mutton, T., Brooks, C., & McIntyre, J. (n.d.). Teacher Education Policy Making during the Pandemic: shifting values underpinning change in England?. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.

  • Reports
  • Burn, K., & Mutton, T. (2013). Review of research-informed clinical practice in teacher education. In BERA-RSA Inquiry. BERA/RSA.