Georgia Hyde-Dryden

About me

Georgia is a Research Fellow in the Rees Centre. Her primary research interests are the role of education in supporting and providing opportunities for care-experienced children and young people.  Her research has also focused on transitions from care, including young people making the transition from care into adulthood and those returning home from care. Georgia’s doctoral research explored care leavers’ experiences of higher education in England and she has also led the Rees Centre’s work to support care-experienced students at Oxford.

Georgia has a legal background, and has worked as a researcher in both academic settings and the voluntary sector.


Journal articles

Harrington, L., McElearney, A. and Hyde-Dryden, G. (2021) Adapting the Pregnancy in Mind (PiM) support service to virtual delivery. Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 8 (3).

Margolis, R., Jackson-Hollis, V., Hyde-Dryden, G., Robson-Brown, E., Smith, E. and McConnell, N (2020) Families facing multiple adversities: impact and interventions. Paediatrics and Child Health 30(11), 390-394.

Ward, H., Brown, R., Blackmore, J., Hyde-Dryden, G. and Thomas, C. (2019) Identifying parents who show capacity to make and sustain positive changes when infants are at risk of significant harm. Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, 54, 45-61.

McDermid, S., Hyde-Dryden, G. and Ward, H. (2015) Looking for long-term outcomes: What early interventions are needed for children and young people at risk of maltreatment in England? Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 15 (2), 36-49.

Hyde-Dryden, G. (2015) Overcoming self-reliance and lack of expectation among care leavers in higher education in England: the role of inter-agency working. Swiss Journal of Social Work, 16, 75-93, (Special issue).

Munro, E., Pinkerton, J., Mendes, P., Hyde Dryden, G., Herczog, M. and Benbenishty, R. (2011) The contribution of the UNC for the rights of the child to understanding and promoting the interests of young people making the transition from care to adulthood. Children and Youth Services Review 33 (12), 2417-2423.



Feinstein. L., Hyde-Dryden, G., Baginsky, M. and Hood, R. (2023) Overcoming Behavioural and Cultural Barriers to Multi-agency Information Sharing in Children’s Social Care: A rapid review to inform the Newham-led project for the DfE Data and Digital Fund. Oxford: Rees Centre.

Hyde-Dryden, G., Brown, A., Trivedi, H., Tah, P., Sebba, J. and Harrison, N. (2022) Attachment and trauma awareness training: analysis of staff interviews and pupil focus groups in 26 case study schools. Oxford: Rees Centre.

McElearney, A., Murphy, C., Fullerton, D., Hyde-Dryden, G., Cosette, A. and Morris, S. (2021) School staff, parents and carers’ views and experience of the Keeping Safe whole-school education programme: Lessons from the process evaluation for teaching children to recognise abusive behaviours and tell. London: NSPCC.

McElearney, A., Hyde-Dryden, G., Walters, H., Palmer, L., Coulter, K. and Adamson, G. (2021) Process evaluation of Virtual Pregnancy in Mind during the Covid-19 pandemic. London: NSPCC.

McElearney, A., Hyde-Dryden, G., Palmer, L. and Walters, H. (2021) Reflections and learning from our local service response to families during Covid-19. London: NSPCC.

McElearney, A., Palmer, L., Walters, H., and Hyde-Dryden, G. (2020) Learning from adapting the Baby Steps programme in response to COVID-19. London: NSPCC.

Hyde-Dryden, G. and Ward, H. (2017) Towards a Family Justice Observatory – A Scoping Study: Main Findings Report of the International Scoping Exercise. Available at:

Lushey, C., Hyde-Dryden, G., Holmes, L. and Blackmore, J. (2017) No Wrong Door evaluation report. London: Department for Education.

Holmes, L, Thomas, C, Hyde-Dryden, G, Williams, A (2017) Firstline evaluation report. London: Department for Education

Brown, R., Ward, H., Blackmore, J., Thomas, C. and Hyde-Dryden, G. (2016) Children identified in infancy as likely to suffer, significant harm: a prospective longitudinal study: age eight follow-up, London: Department for Education.

Hyde-Dryden, G., Gibb, J., Lea, J., Buckley, E., Holmes, L., Wallace, E., Lushey, C. and Lawson, D. (2015) Improving practice in respect of children who return home from care: Research report. London: Department for Education.

Hyde-Dryden G., Holmes L., Lawson D. and Blackmore J. (2015) Taking Care Practice Framework for Reunification evaluation report. Loughborough: Centre for Child and Family Research, Loughborough University.

Ward, H., Brown, R. and Hyde Dryden, G. (2014) Assessing Parental Capacity to Change when Children are on the Edge of Care: An Overview of Research Evidence, Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre Report, London: Department for Education.



Funded Research Projects

Evaluation Of The Pupil Premium Plus Post-16 Programme
Evaluation Of The Expanded Duties Of Virtual Schools
Alex Timpson Attachment And Trauma Awareness In Schools Programme