Jenny Ozga

Professor Emeritus | Green Templeton College

About me

Professor of Sociology of Education in the Department of Education from 2010-2015, and before that Director of the Centre for Educational Sociology (CES), University of Edinburgh, Jenny also worked at Strathcyde, Keele, UWE Bristol, and the Open University.

She is an Honorary Professorial Visiting Fellow in the School of Social and Political Sciences, the University of Edinburgh, and has an attachment to the University of Umea, Sweden. She is a Fellow of the British Academy and has been a visiting scholar at Helsinki University, Finland. She holds an honorary doctorate from Turku University, Finland and is a member of the ESF College of Expert Reviewers. She teaches on the EU funded summer school in European Education Studies (SUSEES). The MOOC may be accessed here


Jenny is currently investigating the relationship between knowledge and policy in recovery planning for education across the UK after Covid. Jenny’s recent funded research was a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship, on Governing Education: knowledge and policy in England and Scotland since 1986. The study investigates the changing relationship between knowledge and policy in governing education in the period 1986-2015 in England and Scotland.

Jenny also continues to research and publish on education policy with a focus on governance and governing, through investigation of the resources that are being mobilized by new governing forms and through new policy technologies. She works in collaboration with colleagues in the UK and Europe, located in a variety of disciplines-including political science and social policy.

Recent books
  • Ozga, J (2016) (ed) Sage Library of Educational Thought and Practice: Sociology of Education (four volumes)
  • Fenwick. T., Mangez, E., and Ozga.J. (Eds) (2014) Governing Knowledge: Comparison, Knowledge-Based Technologies and Expertise in the Regulation of Education, (World Yearbook of Education 2014) London, Routledge
  • 2011: Fabricating Quality in Europe: data and education governance (edited with Peter Dahler-Larsen, Christina Segerholm and Hannu Simola London, Routledge
  • 2007: Lingard, B and Ozga, J (eds) The Routledge Reader in Education Policy and Politics, London, Routledge.
  • 2006: Ozga, J. Seddon T and Popkewitz T.S. (eds) Research and Policy: steering the knowledge-based Economy (World Yearbook of Education 2006) London, Routledge
Recent articles


  • Ozga, J., Baird, J. A., Saville, L., Arnott, M., & Hell, N. (2023). Knowledge, expertise and policy in the examinations crisis in England. Oxford Review of Education, 49(6), 713–731.
  • Ozga, Jenny (2021) Problematising policy: the development of (critical) policy sociology, Critical Studies in Education, 62:3, 290-305, DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2019.1697718
  • Ozga, Jenny (2021) Who governs? Political leadership in transnational times, School Leadership & Management, 41:1-2, 6-21, DOI: 10.1080/13632434.2020.1789857
  • Ozga, Jenny (2020) The politics of accountability. Journal of Educational Change 21, 19–35
  • Ozga, Jenny, & Arnott, M. A. (2019). Governando para além do PISA: conhecimento, redes e narrativas. [Governing Beyond PISA: knowledge, networks and narratives] Roteiro,44(3), 1-22.
  • Ozga, J (2017) ‘Education policy should not be driven by performance data’ Nature: Human Behaviour Vol 1 Issue 1
  • Ozga, Jenny (2016) Trust in numbers? Digital Education Governance and the inspection process  European Educational Research Journal Vol. 15(1) 69–81
  • Margaret Arnott & Jenny Ozga (2016) Education and nationalism in Scotland: governing a ‘learning nation’, Oxford Review of Education, 42:3, 253-265, DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2016.1184865
  • Ozga J and Lawn, M (2014) Frameworks of Regulation: Evidence, Knowledge and Judgement in Inspection Introduction to Special issue of Sisyphus, Journal of Education Volume 2 Issue 1 pp 7-16 (available at
  • Ozga, J (2014) Knowledge, Inspection and the Work of Governing Special issue of Sisyphus, Journal of Education Volume 2 Issue 1 pp16-40 (available at
  • Ozga, J and Lawn, M (2014) Inspectorates and Politics-the trajectories of inspection in England and Scotland  Revue Francaise de Pedagogie 186 pp11-23
  • Ozga, J Baxter, J, Clarke, J. Grek, S and Lawn M (2013) ‘The Politics of Educational Change: Governing and School Inspection in England and Scotland’ Swiss Journal of Sociology 39(2) 205-224.
  • Ozga J (2013) ‘Accountability as a Policy Technology: accounting for education performance in Europe’ International Review of Administrative Science 79 (2) 292-309.
  • Grek, S Lawn, M Ozga, J and Segerholm, C (2013) ‘Governing by Inspection? European Inspectorates and the creation of a European Education Policy Space Comparative Education, 49 (4) 486-502
  • Grek S and Ozga J (2012) Governing through Learning: School Self-Evaluation as a Knowledge-based Regulatory Tool. Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiqes 2012/2 83-103
  • Ozga J (2012) ‘Governing knowledge: data, inspection and education policy in Europe’ Globalisation, Societies and Education
  • Ozga J (2011) Knowledge Stocks and Flows: Data and Education Governance in Knowledge Mobilization and Educational Research: politics, languages and responsibilities (Eds) Tara Fenwick and Lesley Farrell, London Routledge
  • Ozga J (2011) Governing Narratives: ‘local’ meanings and globalising education policy Education Inquiry 2 (2) June pp 305-318
  • Ozga J (2011) ‘Knowledge Transfer and Transformation: moving knowledge from research to policy’  PERSPECTIVA, Florianópolis, v. 29, n. 1, 49-67, jan./jun. 2011
  • Ozga J (2011) Researching the Powerful: Seeking Knowledge about Policy European Educational Research Journal Volume 10 Number 2 2011 pp 218-224
  • Arnott, M.A. & Ozga, J. (2010) ‘Nationalism, Governance and Policy Making: The SNP in Power’ Public Money and Management, vol.30 no.2 pp.91-97
  • Arnott, M. and Ozga J. (2010) Education and Nationalism: the discourse of education policy in Scotland Discourse 31(3 ) 335-350
  • Grek S and Ozga J (2010) Governing Education through Data: Scotland, England and the European Education Policy Space British Education Research Journal 36 (6) 937-952
  • Grek, S. and Ozga, J. (2010) ‘Re-inventing Public Education: the new role of knowledge in education policy-making’, Public Policy and Administration 25 (3) 271-288
  • Ozga, J. (2009) Governing Education through Data in England: From Regulation to Self-Evaluation, Special Issue of Journal of Education Policy, 24(2) 149-163
  • Grek, S.,Lawn M, Lingard, B Ozga, J. Rinne, R., Segerholm, C.and Simola, H. (2009) ‘National policy brokering and the construction of the European Education Space in England, Sweden, Finland and Scotland’  Comparative Education 45(1) 5-22
  • Ozga J (2008) Governing Knowledge: research steering and research quality, European  Educational Research Journal, 7(3), pp.261-272.
  • Byrne D and Ozga J (2008) Education Research and Policy Research Papers in Education, 23(4), pp.377-407
  • Ozga, J (2007) Knowledge and Policy: Research and Knowledge Transfer Critical Studies in Education 48 (1) pp63-78
Recent book chapters


  • Ozga, J. (2023) The Globalisation of Expertise? Epistemic Governance, Quantification and the Consultocracy in Mattei, P., Dumay, X., Mangez, E. and Behrend,J. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Globalization and Education. Oxford University Press
  • Ozga, Jenny (2020) Elites and Expertise: The Changing Material Production of Knowledge for Policy in Fan, Guorui and Popkewitz, Thomas (Eds.) Handbook of Education Policy Studies volume 1 Values, Governance, Globalization, and Methodology (
  • Ozga, J (2019) ‘Governing and Knowledge: Theorising the Relationship’ in Langer, R and Brusemeister, T Handbuch Educational Governance Theorien Springer
  • Ozga J (2017) ‘Education and Nationalism in Scotland: nationalism as a governing resource’ in Kantasalmi, K and Holm, G (eds) The State, Schooling and Identity Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan/Springer
  • Ozga, Jenny (2015) Working Knowledge: Data, Expertise and Inspection in the Governing of Education in Kotthoff H-G and Klerides, E (eds) Governing Educational Spaces Knowledge, Teaching, and Learning in Transition Rotterdam, Sense Publishers  pp 15-35
  • Ozga J and Dubois-Shaik F (2015) ‘Referencing Europe:usages  of Europe in National Identity Projects’ in Carter, C and Lawn, M (eds) Governing Europe’s Spaces: European Union Re-imagined Manchester, Manchester University Press
  • Ozga J and Segerholm C (2015) Neo-Liberal Agendas in Education in Grek, S and Lindgren, J (eds) Governing by Inspection Routledge pp27-38
  • Ozga J, Lawn M (2015) The History and Development of Inspectorates in England, Sweden and Scotland in Grek, S and Lindgren, J (eds) Governing by Inspection Routledge pp58-74
  • Lawn M and Ozga J (2012) Making Good Progress? Governing by Inspection: a post-comparative approach. Helsinki, Finnish Education Research Association.
  • Arnott M and Ozga J  (2012) ‘Education, Nationalism and Social Justice in Scott, G. & Mooney, G. (eds) Social Justice and Social Policy: the Politics of Social Policy in Scotland, Bristol, Policy Press
  • Ozga J (2012) ‘Trans-national Technologies and National Contexts: a Comparative Analysis of Education Policy in Scotland and England’ in Kauko, J Rinne R & Kynkäänniemi H (eds) Restructuring the Truth of Schooling – Essays on Discursive Practices in Sociology and the Politics of Education Helsinki, Finnish Educational Research Association
  • Arnott m and Ozga J (2010) ‘Education Policy & the SNP Government’ in Scott, G. & Mooney, G. (eds) (2010) Politics of Social Policy in Scotland, Policy Press