Kathy Sylva

Honorary Research Fellow and Professor Emeritus | Jesus College

About me


  •  B.A. in Psychology and Social Relations, Harvard University
  • M.A. in  Developmental Psychology, Harvard University
  • Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, Harvard University


Kathy Sylva’s research interests include:

  • Early childhood curriculum and assessment
  • The ‘effectiveness’ of education in the pre-school and primary phases
  • The contribution of parents to children’s learning
  • Children’s Centres and Family Hubs
  • Supporting parents in behaviour management and learning
  • Reading Recovery and other literacy interventions

Kathy has conducted large-scale studies on the effects of early education and care on children’s development and has led several RCTs to evaluate parenting interventions. She has been specialist adviser to Parliamentary Select Committees and currently advises Ofsted, the Early Intervention Foundation, and the Education Endowment Foundation.


Kathy is a Fellow of the British Academy, the Academy of Social Sciences, the British Psychological Society, and recipient of the British Educational Research Association’s Nisbett Award in 2014.  She received an OBE for services to children and families in 2008 and has honorary doctorates from the Open University, Oxford Brookes, and the University of Gothenburg.


  • PI on ‘Early Years Covid 19 Recovery – Mentors and Experts Programme’ in collaboration with Ecorys, funded by the Department for Education
  • CI on ‘Coaching Early Conversations, Interaction and Language’ With Ariel Lindorff (PI) Sutton Trust



Book chapters

Conference papers

Journal articles


Subjects Taught

  • MSc Education (Child Development and Education)

Doctoral Applications

Kathy does not take new doctoral students. She is happy to talk to DPhil and MSc students about their work, especially related to assessments of children or interventions in the Early Years

Funded Research Projects

Reading World: an evaluation
Karemaker, A. & Sylva, K/Oxford University Press
Fulfilling Lives: A better start.
Barlow, J., Sylva, K., Bick, D., and Lindsay, G/The Big Lottery
Early years Blueprints. Save the Children
Hobbs, T., Axford, N., and Sylva, K. / (£67,000)
Stop Start: survey of children’s centres
Sammons, P and Sylva, K / Sutton Trust
A Comparative Study of Early Childhood Education in Selected High Performing Countries
Kagan, S. L, Sylva, K and others. / U.S. National Centre for Education and the Economy / approximately 2,500,000 U.S. grant to Columbia Teachers College
Supporting parents to help children read: an RCT study Education Endowment
Sylva, K. and Roberts, F / (£1,133,000) / an RCT study Education Endowment
Evaluation of Children’s Centres in England (ECCE)
Sylva, K. Sammons, P., Evangelou, M., and Smith, T. / Department for Education / ( £1,327,040 oxford part of 3,000,000+ with partners)
Engaging parents in their young children’s learning.
Jelley, F. Sylva, K., Eisenstadt, N/( CI) Sutton Trust and Esmee Fairbairn
How disadvantage shapes students' educational outcomes up to age 18 and beyond: the role of pre-school, primary and secondary schools in promoting social mobility (CI)
Sammons, P. & Sylva, K/ Sutton Trust
Sound Foundations: what do we know about quality for under threes?
Mathers, S., Sylva, K., and Eisenstadt, N/Sutton Trust
Reading World: an evaluation
Karemaker, A. & Sylva, K/Oxford University Press
Fulfilling Lives: A better start.
Barlow, J., Sylva, K., Bick, D., and Lindsay, G/The Big Lottery