Nicole Mockler

About me

Dr Nicole Mockler is Professor of Education within the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney, Australia.

She was awarded her PhD in Education by the University of Sydney in 2008, and also holds a Master of Arts in History/Gender Studies, a Master of Science in Applied Statistics and a Bachelor of Education with Honours in Ancient History.

Nicole’s research interests are in the areas of teachers’ work and professional learning; education policy and politics; and curriculum and pedagogy. Her recent books include Questioning the Language of improvement and reform in education: Reclaiming meaning (Routledge, 2018, with Susan Groundwater-Smith), and Constructing Teacher Identities: How the Print Media Define and Represent Teachers and their Work (Bloomsbury, 2022), which explores representations of teachers in the Australian print media from 1996 to 2020. Nicole was Editor in Chief of The Australian Educational Researcher from 2017 to 2022, and is a member of the Editorial/International Advisory Board of several other scholarly journals, including the British Educational Research Journal and Professional Development in Education. In 2022 she was the recipient of the Australian Council for Educational Leadership Dr Paul Brock Memorial Medal.

Selected Publications

Stacey, M. & Mockler, N. (Eds) (2024, forthcoming). Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method. Routledge.

Mills, M., Mockler, N., Stacey, M., & Taylor, B. (2023). ‘The Village and the World’: Research with, for and by Teachers in an Age of Data. Routledge.

Poulton, P. & Mockler, N. (2023). Early career primary teachers’ curriculum-making experiences: Enablers and constraints to knowledge-led forms of curriculum-making. The Curriculum Journal, Online first, pp.1-18.

Thompson, G., Creagh, S., Stacey, M., Hogan, A., & Mockler, N. (2023). Researching teachers’ time use: Complexity, challenges and a possible way forward. The Australian Educational Researcher, Online first, pp.1-24.

Stacey, M. & Mockler, N. (2023). Recruiting the ‘quality teacher’: Equity, faith and passion. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Online first, pp.1-13.

Creagh, S., Thompson, G., Mockler, N., Stacey, M., & Hogan, A. (2023). Workload, work intensification and time poverty for teachers and school leaders: a systematic research synthesis. Educational Review, Online first, pp.1-20.

Mockler, N., Thompson, G., & Hogan, A. (2023). ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’: utility, markets and the absent entrepreneur. British Journal of Sociology of Education, Online first, pp.1-18.

Chan, S.S.W, Thomas, M.A.M., & Mockler, N. (2023). Amplifying organisational discourses to the public: Media narratives of Teach For Australia, 2008–2020. British Educational Research Journal, 49(2), pp.231-247.

Mockler, N. (2022). Constructing Teacher Identities: How the Print Media Define and Construct Teachers and their Work. Bloomsbury.

Mockler, N. (2022). Teacher professional learning under audit:  Reconfiguring practice in an age of standards. Professional Development in Education, 48(1), pp.166-180.

Thompson, G., Mockler, N. & Hogan, A. (2022). Making work private: Autonomy, intensification and accountability. European Educational Research Journal, 21(1), pp.83-104.

Hogan, A., Thompson, G. & Mockler, N. (2022). Romancing the public school: attachment, publicness and privatisation. Comparative Education, 58(2), pp.164-186.

Hogan, A., Thompson, G., Mockler, N. & Johnson, R. (2022). Anxiety state: Fears for the erosion of comprehensive schooling in Northern England and Alberta. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 52(4), pp.618-635.

Wang, B., Ginns, P. & Mockler, N. (2022). Sequencing tracing with imagination. Education Psychology Review, 34, pp.421-449.

Mockler, N. & Redpath, E. (2022). Shoring up ‘Teacher Quality’: Media discourses of teacher education in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia. In I.Menter (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave.

Mockler, N. & Stacey, M. (2022). Teachers’ work amid global education reform: ‘The greatest challenge’? In R.Tierney, F.Rizvi & K.Ercikan (Eds), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th edition). Elsevier Science.

Stacey, M. & Mockler, N. (2022). Purposes of education: Individual freedom or ‘collective good’? In A.Wilkins (Ed.) Policy Foundations in Education. Bloomsbury Academic.

Mockler, N. (2022). From benign neglect to performative accountability: Changing policy and practice in continuing professional development for teachers. In I.Menter (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave.

Larsen, E. & Mockler, N. (2021). Australian teacher educators responding to policy discourses of quality. Educational Review, Online first, pp.1-21.

Le Fevre, L., Hogan, A., Thompson, G. & Mockler, N. (2021, Online First). Marketing Australian public schools: the double bind of the public school principal. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education.

Mills, M., Mockler, N., Stacey, M. & Thompson, B. (2021). Teachers’ orientations to educational research and data in England and Australia: implications for teacher professionalism. Teaching Education, 32(1), pp.77-98.

Mockler, N. & Stacey, M. (2021). Evidence of teaching practice in an age of accountability: When what can be counted isn’t all that counts. Oxford Review of Education, 47(2), pp170-188.

Mayer, D., Goodwin, A.L. & Mockler, N. (2021). Teacher Education Policy: Future Research, Teaching in Contexts of Super-Diversity and Early Career Teaching, in D.Mayer (Ed.), Teacher Education Policy and Research: Global Perspectives. Springer.

Mockler, N. (2020). Discourses of Teacher Quality in the Australian Print Media 2014-2017: A Corpus-assisted Analysis. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 41(6), pp.854-870.

Mockler, N. (2020). Ten years of print media coverage of NAPLAN: A corpus-assisted assessment. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 43(2), pp. 117-144. (Special Issue on Corpus Linguistics and Education in Australia.)

Mockler, N. (2020). Navigating professional identity as a teacher of history, in T. Allender, R. Parkes & A. Clarke (Eds). Historical Thinking for History Teachers: A New Approach to Engaging Students and Developing Historical Consciousness. Allen & Unwin.

Mockler, N., Hogan, A., Lingard, B., Rahimi, M. & Thompson, G. (2020). Explaining Publicness: A typology for understanding the provision of schooling in contemporary times, in A.Hogan & G.Thompson (Eds), Privatisation and Commercialisation in Public Education: How the Public Nature of Schooling is Changing. Routledge.

Mockler, N. (2019). ‘Shifting the Frame’: Representations of early career teachers in the Australian print media, in A.Sullivan, B.Johnson & M.Simons (Eds), Attracting and Keeping the Best Teachers – Problems and Possibilities. Springer.

Mockler, N. (2019) Da vigilância à formação? Uma abordagem criativa ao “Desempenho e Desenvolvimento” dos professores nas escolas australianas, in M.A. Flores (Ed.) O trabalho e a vida dos professores: Um olhar nacional e internacional. Chiado Books, pp. 309-341.

Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2019). Student voice work as an educative practice, in I.R.Berson, M.J.Berson & C.Gray (Eds), Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency. Information Age Publishing.

Mockler, N. (2019). Televising the Revolution? #RevolutionSchool and representations of education across traditional and social media, in S. Riddle, A. Baroutsis and P. Thomson (Eds), Education Research and the Media: Challenges and Possibilities. Routledge.

Mockler, N. (2019). Education and Media Discourses. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.

Mockler, N. & Groundwater-Smith, S. (2018). Questioning the Language of Improvement and Reform in Education: Reclaiming Meaning. Routledge.

Thomas, M.A.M. & Mockler, N. (2018). Alternative routes to teacher professional identity: Exploring the conflated sub-identities of Teach for America Corps Members. Education Policy Analysis Archive, 26(6), pp. 1-25.

Mockler, N. (2018). Curriculum integration in the twenty-first century: some reflections in the light of the Australian curriculum. Curriculum Perspectives, 38, pp.129-136.

Mockler, N. (2018). Early Career Teachers in Australia: A Critical Policy Historiography. Journal of Education Policy. 33(2), pp.262-278.

Beveridge, L., Mockler, N., Gore, J. (2018). An Australian View of the Academic Partner Role in Schools. Educational Action Research, 26(1), pp.25-41.

Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2018). Practitioner research in the company of others: Resistance in the face of normalising practice, in C.Edwards-Groves, P.Grootenboer and J. Wilkinson, Eds, Education in an Era of Schooling. Springer.

Mockler, N. (2018). Curriculum integration in the 21st century: In the light of the Australian curriculum, in A.Reid and D.Price (Eds), The Australian Curriculum: Promises, Problems and Possibilities. ACSA