Building an Evidence Network for Community Health Worker Training

The Project

The use of mobile technologies has become a key means of training Community Healthcare Workers (CHWs) in LMICs.

This project has focused on supporting this training in the under developed areas of disability and mental health by establishing an evidence network of key stakeholders in CHW training and programme and policy design. Underpinning this has been an international, interdisciplinary collaborative research project that has produced an interactive evidence map to support decision-makers at practical and policy levels to use evidence on CHW training effectively.

The project is focused on all Lower and Middle Income Countries, but has developed specific, on the ground partnerships with South Africa, Kenya, India and Uganda.

External project team members include Laurenz Langer (University of Johannesburg); Chris Patton (Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford University); Shobhana Nagraj (Nuffield Department of Women’s Reproductive Health, Oxford University).

Project Details

Start date: February 2018
End date: August 2018
Theme: Pedagogy, Learning and Knowledge