Mindsets and Diversity: understanding and addressing attainment gaps amongst Oxford undergraduates in highly mathematical subjects
The Project
This project aims to explore undergraduate students’ academic self-concept, perceptions of mathematics, statistics and physics, and mindset, in order to examine the influence these factors have on university examination performance and decisions to continue study after the first 3 years for different groups of students.
We are examining the interrelationships between gender, ethnicity, and background characteristics, measures of self-concept and mindset, and examination performance in order to identify potential groups of undergraduate students who are underperforming relative to their peers. We are then using these findings to develop and evaluate interventions aimed at these particular groups.
This study involves the Mathematical Institute, Computer Science Department, Statistics Department and Physics Department.
Key aims of the project
- Understand attitudinal factors affecting underperformance of some groups of Oxford undergraduates in highly mathematical subjects
- Understand attitudinal factors affecting progression to further study amongst Oxford undergraduates in highly mathematical subjects
- Develop and pilot interventions to address attainment gaps and continuation gaps, based on the findings
External project members include, Dr Vicky Neale (PI) and Professor Ursula Martin (CI).
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Project Details
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ProjectEffectiveness Trial for the Evaluation of the Mathematical Reasoning Programme for Year 2 Pupils Using an Online Professional Development Training ModelStart date: February 2024End date: March 2026
ProjectUK secondary school students’ motivations for learning Chinese as a Foreign LanguageStart date: June 2023End date: July 2024
ProjectOnline Professional Development for Delivering the Mathematical Reasoning Programme in Year 2Start date: November 2022End date: October 2023
ProjectImproving Working Memory Plus Arithmetic (IWM+A)Start date: November 2020End date: July 2022
ProjectSupporting secondary mathematics teachers to enhance their students’ proof competenciesStart date: January 2020End date: February 2021
ProjectPedagogic and organisational mediation of experience in schoolsStart date: January 2018End date: May 2019
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