Our Department is committed to attracting and retaining the very best candidates irrespective of background or ability to pay. Therefore, we are seeking to award up to eight scholarships to support practising educators to pursue a post-graduate qualification at the University of Oxford.
Educational Citizenship Scholarships
What does the scholarship offer?
The maximum value of this award is up to £2,000 per annum for the agreed course as a contribution towards your course fees. The award is made for the full duration of the period of fee liability for the agreed course, subject to satisfactory academic progress being made.
What are the eligibility criteria?
Students who meet the following criteria will be eligible for consideration:
1. Have an offer of admission to the University of Oxford on one of the following courses to begin in Michaelmas Term 2025:
- MSc in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching
- MSc in Educational Assessment
- MSc in Learning and Teaching
- MSc in Teacher Education
2. Are currently a practising educator at a school or other educational setting in the United Kingdom and plan to remain so for the duration of the course. Preference will be given to those working in non-fee-paying schools and/or schools that are particularly challenging (e.g., located within an area of deprivation, high percentage of pupils eligible free school meals, challenged pupil intake, or other contextual factors).
In order to be considered for these scholarships, you must submit your application to the University for one of the above courses by 1 March 2025. Only those whose applications are successful will be invited to apply.
Selection will be based on academic merit and potential to make a positive difference in your educational context.
How do I apply?
Make your application for one of the above courses by 1 March 2025. Once application decisions have been made, those with an offer of a place on one of the eligible courses will be invited to apply for the scholarship, which will involve the completion of a scholarship application form. In the scholarship application, candidates will need to confirm that they meet the selection criteria. Decisions will be based on the scholarship application form as well as the application to the University.
For more information about how to apply to our courses, please visit the University admissions website at: https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/social-sciences/education.
Closing date
In order to be considered for these scholarships, you must submit your application to the University for your course by 1 March 2025.
Those who submit applications to the University after this date will not be considered. The awarding panel’s decision will be final.
More information
If you’d like to know more about the individual courses and making an application, please email the relevant contact below:
- MSc in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching: applied.linguistics@education.ox.ac.uk
- MSc in Educational Assessment: msc.edassess@education.ox.ac.uk
- MSc in Learning and Teaching: msc.learnandteach@education.ox.ac.uk
- MSc in Teacher Education: msc.teachereducation@educaiton.ox.ac.uk
Terms and Conditions
1. Satisfying the University’s conditions
This scholarship offer is conditional upon the student entering into an agreement with the University by signing the University student contract, which will be provided once the student has met all Department and College conditions.
2. Transferring between courses
The scholarship is tenable for one of the following courses only: MSc Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, MSc in Educational Assessment, MSc in Learning and Teaching, or MSc in Teacher Education. If the student transfers to another course, they may not be permitted to retain this award.
3. Deferral of entry
Deferral of the scholarship is not possible.
4. Additional offers of funding
The student must inform the Department of any other sources of funding, and the Department reserves the right to adjust the value of the scholarship to account for this circumstance.
5. Satisfactory academic progress
The student is expected to make satisfactory academic progress for the duration of their studies. If the student is not, in the Department of Education’s opinion, making satisfactory academic progress, the Department will coordinate a review to decide whether the scholarship should be continued. The scholarship may be withdrawn in these circumstances.
6. Suspension of study
You are only eligible for funding from this scholarship for academic terms where you are enrolled on your course of study. Unless an exemption is specifically agreed in writing with the Department of Education, your scholarship will not be paid for terms in which you have suspended your studies or withdrawn from your course of study. In exceptional circumstances, if you suspend retrospectively (i.e. after a term has finished) the Department of Education may agree to amend the payment schedule of your grant for living expenses, enabling you to retain funding already received in lieu of funding due later in your course of study.
7. Reporting and notification requirements
You may be asked to complete an annual scholarship report at the end of each academic year of your scholarship. The information in these reports will be shared (either in full or in summary form) with the donors/partners who are funding your scholarship. Reports to donors/partners may also include information on your academic progress from other University records. Any personal information you supply to the University in relation to the scholarship will be used in accordance with the University’s privacy notices available at https://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/councilsec/compliance/gdpr/privacynotices/.
From time to time (including after your studies), the Department of Education may also contact you to ask for information about your studies and scholarship at Oxford and your career post-Oxford, to include in student recruitment and fundraising material for scholarship support, thereby strengthening Oxford’s crucial work in raising additional funding for scholarships and recruiting the very best candidates. This information will only be used with your explicit consent.
8. Changes to circumstances
If your circumstances change or are likely to change in the future, you are asked to inform academic.programmes@education.ox.ac.uk. The scholarship will be withdrawn if you cease to be a student member of the University.